This curriculum vitae summarizes the personal and educational background of Gian Gustav Gunawan. It includes his full name, date and place of birth, education history, skills including programming languages and software, work experience including an internship and freelance web design, and academic projects. The CV is intended to provide relevant details about his qualifications and experience for employment opportunities and applications.
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1. Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data
Full Name : Gian Gustav Gunawan
Place / Date of Birth : Bandung / 22 November 1991
Sex : Male
Religion : Islam
Marital Status : Single
Address : Jln Raya Banjaran RT.04 RW.06 No.95 Kecamatan Pameungpeuk
Permanent Address : Jln Raya Banjaran RT.04 RW.06 No.95 Kecamatan Pameungpeuk
Email Address :
Phone : 083821648723
Formal Education
Period Institution
2009 - Sekarang Politeknik Telkom, D3 Manajemen Informatika
2006 - 2009 SMA Negeri 7 Bandung
2003 - 2006 SMP Negeri 1 Banjaran
1997 - 2003 SD Negeri 1 Banjaran
2. Language Literature
Indonesian Active, Passive
English Passive
Computer Literate and Spesific Abilities
Hardware PC, Laptop, Notebook
Operating System Windows XP/Vista/7
Programming Dev C++
Web Programming (HTML, CSS, JQuery)
Framework: OsCommerce, CodeIgniter
Image Editor Adobe Photoshop CS, CS2, CS3
Corel Draw 12,13
Database Oracle 10g
Web Design Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, Adobe DreamWeaver
Microsoft Office Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint,
Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project
Seminar, Training and Course
Events Place Year
Training ESQ Bandung 2009
Seminar motivation for education Bandung 2010
Inspiring for Succes
Cloud Computing Bandung 2011
Training PHP 5 Bandung 2011
Organizational Experiences
Organization Position Period
1. OSIS SMPN 1 Banjaran Wakil Ketua 2004 2006
2. Karang Taruna Sie.Acara 2006
3. HIPMI Politeknik Telkom Anggota 2009 Sekarang
Events Experiences
3. No. Events Position Year
1. Perpisahan SMPN 1 Banjaran Ketua
Laboratory and Work Experiences
Magang di Telkom DIVA Rajawali Bandung
Freelance Webdesign
Research and Final Task Experiences
No. Project Year
1 Sistem Informasi Gudang (Oracle) Final Task Sistem Operasi 2009
Sistem Informasi Toko Musik Nada (Web) Final Task Web 2010
3 Database Sistem Informasi Toko Musik Final Task DBMS
Bandung, 6 November 2011
Gian Gustav Gunawan