1. The document discusses cycling research being conducted in England, including projects examining cycling trends, comparing England to Denmark, and understanding cycling through qualitative research methods.
2. The research is using household interviews, go-alongs, and ethnography to understand cycling via household decision-making in case study areas in Leeds, Leicester, Worcester, and Lancaster.
3. Early interpretations from the qualitative research are analyzing how emerging discourses around sustainable transportation differ across the case study areas and populations with different housing, car ownership, and demographic characteristics.
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Dave | Bikeability Workshop December 2010
1. Understanding cycling in England Dave Horton Lancaster Environment Centre Lancaster University, UK
2. Structure of my talk Preliminary observations of cycling in England and Denmark Current cycling research in England Overview of my project Focus on the qualitative dimensions of my project Some early interpretations BUT, please feel able to interrupt at any time!
3. Cycling in England: basic figures and trends Until the 1950s cycling was a major, mainstream mode of transport Steady decline since the 1950s Current figures 2% of all trips; 1% of total distance travelled Signs of progress?
6. New research into cycling 3 major projects, all funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council: iCONNECT (2008 2013) Visions 2030 (2008 2011) Understanding Walking and Cycling (2008-2011) Also: Cycling Cultures (ESRC funded, 2010-11) Centre for Mobilities Research (CeMoRe), Lancaster Cycling and Society Research Group
28. General interpretation: comparing the cases oblivious to emerging discourses of sustainable transport practising emerging discourses of sustainable transport problematic bike storage straightforward bike storage on-street car parking off-street secure car parking aspiring car ownership/use reflexive car ownership/use flats/terraces detached/semi-detached home rental home ownership non-white white deprivation affluence Leicester/Leeds Worcester/Lancaster
29. Cycling conditions and the production of cycling identities Committed identities Contingent identities Non-cycling identities
More contingent cycling. The third category is too-scared-to-contemplate. I have no photos of such people cycling, of course. Because they dont yet exist. Thats our job, in the UK. To produce the conditions which will produce new cyclists.