- There are many types of library classification systems that organize knowledge and information, including the Dewey Decimal Classification system which is widely used.
- The DDC system classifies materials by subject using Arabic numbers and has four volumes covering different classification ranges.
- Biography is classified in the 900s, with collective biographies subclassified based on limitations like subject, time period, geographic area, or gender. Individual biographies take the subject number and add .092.
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DDC classification
According to Dr.Ranganathan library classification is the translation of name of the
subject of book into preferred artificial language of ordinal number, which
represents some, featured of book other than their thought content.
There are many types of classification like colon classification (cc), library of
congress classification (LCC), universal decimal classification (UDC), Dewy Decimal
Classification (DDC).classification is classify knowledge as well as information.
Classification helps to coding, organized and maintaining the library material.
Dewy Decimal Classification (DDC) is widely used classification in world. The
system was conceived by Melvil Dewey in 1873 and first published in 1876.
Published by OCLC. Arabic numbers used in DDC .This cover present and future
topic. Classify material more efficiently. This classifies content of material not
physical format. It has four volumes.1st
volume for tables that content table 1 to
table .2nd
volume for 000 to 599 and 3rd
volume 600 to 999 and 4th
is index.
Biography is Greek word Bio=life and Graphic=writing. Biography is of two type
individual and collective biography. Biography is Memory, history of some ones
life written by someone else or written by him that is autobiography. Shows how
person affected the people life through their behavior. In DDC for biography
class number is 920. And subdivision is there. In biography we use table 1 for
collected or individual biography etc. and table 2 to table 6 according to
Individual biography includes single person biography. About their life,
lessons, how he affect the people life. The subject which is related to him.
Rule: - we take subject first and then 092 from table for individual
e.g.:-A life of J.R.D.Tata = 338.0092
4. The book is individual biography of J.R.D.Tata and the subject is business so
number of business from volume 2 is 338. So in that we add .092 from table
1 because table is applicable is for everything.
Collective biography includes collection of biography more than one person.
Sometime it may be from same subject, area, gender, time or may be from
different time, gender, area, subject or combinations of these.
A) Work limited subject in which all group of people / all personalities
Rule: - if work is limited on only one subject but two or more people include
in this then first subject number and for collective biography 0922 from
table 1 .
E.g.:- Great teachers=371.100922
The book is about teacher. Education is subject.
Because subject is same so thats why main entry under subject class
number that is education in that 371.1 for teachers. Standard subdivision
is 1008-1009 thats why 0092 we used for collective biography from table
work limited to time not limited to area or subject
Rule: - if work is limited to time not limited to area and subject then entry
under main class biography that is 920 and add era number.
E.g.:-Great personalities of the 19th
century= 920.009034
This book is including all persons from different country and different.
Entry under biography. 00901-00905 is for historical period .so base number
920.0090 un that add the number following 090 in notation 0901-0905 from
table 1 i.e. for 19th
century 09034 . But following number 090 means exclude
the 090 thats why we take only 34.
5. B) work limited to specific area (geography)
Rule: - if work limited to specific area then entry under biography class and if
subject is given then make entry under subject. Then add area class number from
table 2 as per the instruction.
E.g. .i) Musician of India=780.92254
The Book is about Indian musician.
780 for music then from table 1 (.0922) for collective biography. Now see the
standard subdivision of subject that is .1-.9 so zero will be cancel.Astric mark
was there thats why we saw the summary .in summary they mention add
subject base number from notation 3-9 from table 2,from table 2 we got the
India number i.e.54 .
ii) 6 great English men=920.042
This is biography about six English men. English men means they belong to
country England.
Here subject is not mentioned thats why entry under 920.0. Now as per
instruction notation 3-9from table 2 for country number. 42 England code.
D) Work limited to gender
Rule: - if work is limited to gender then for women the 920.72 and for men it is
E.g. i) Great women of modern India = 920.72
ii) Hand in hand =920.71
Hand in hand is about the ten black men who change America.
These both entries under biography class number, in that in subdivision of
biography this number is mentioned for women and men.
Work not limited to area, subject, time, gender.
6. Rule: - if work is not limited to anything then make entry under general
collection of biography that is 920.02.
E.g. Hall of fame=920.02
Contain seven men and one woman short stories about their lives from
different places and different time.
So main entry under biography and in that .02 for general collection of
Material is in different languages so classified into perfect language we
need some classification. Languages class is 400. Include 14 main
languages and their related languages. For government policies on
languages are 306.449 and for literature are 800. 401-409 is international
languages and special topic of languages. 410 are linguistic languages. And
420-490 is for specific languages. And here we use table 4 for languages
and language families and table 6. Different numbers for descriptive and
prescriptive from table 4.
Descriptive means grammar, dictionaries, etymology, historical and
geographical variation, phonology, phonetics. And prescriptive means
which allow us to practice or teach us, and for learning.
If astric mark is there then and then only we add table 4.
Rule:-For etymology first take subject number then add number 2for
etymology from table 4
E.g.:- Discussion of etymology of English =422
This book is about English etymology.
English class number is 420. Then they mention add to base number 42.
Then 2 for etymology of standard form of language from table 4.
7. Rule: - for grammar first take subject number and add number for
grammar number 5 from table 4.
E.g.:-grammar of Japanese=495.65
For Japanese 495.6 and for grammar number 5 from table 4.
Rule: - for prescriptive material take first subject number then as per
instruction add number 8 from table 4.
E.g.:-learn English in 1 month.=428.2
This book is learning perspective.
For English class number is 420. They mention add to base number 42.
Then for learning 82. Because this is prescriptive book thats why
choose number 8 for learning.
Rule: - first take subject number then take number for phonology 1from
table 4.
E.g.=Hindi phonology =491.43
For Hindi number is 491.43 astric mark was there. For phonology
number 15 from table 4.
Dictionaries are of three types.
1) solo language = language number + dictionary number
2) polyglot=413
3) bilingual
a) entry words only in one language
b) Entry word is in both languages.
c) Entry words both in under foreign language.
1) for solo language
8. Rule: - first take language number then add dictionary number from table
E.g.:-dictionary of Tamil= 494.8113
494.811 is Tamil number then add number 3 for dictionary from table
b) Bilingual
i) Entry word in one language
Rule: - first take in which language first words are appear first than add language
number and add dictionary number. Then add number for second language
E.g. English-Hindi dictionary.=423.9143
Word entry under English. Thats why first English number 420 but they mention
take base number 42 and then for dictionary 3 from table 4 then for Hindi
language adds number from table 6 as per instruction.
ii) Entry word for both languages/ both foreign languages
Rule: - entry word for both languages like half is Hindi to English and half part is
English to Hindi then find which language is difficult for that region and take other
language and if both languages are difficult for that region then take last language.
E.g. Hindi-English-Hindi=491.43321
491.43 is Hindi class number then add table4 there they mention add base 3
notation 3-9 and then from table 6.so we took first base number 3 and then add
English number from table 6 is 21.
Serial publication includes magazines, journals, newspaper. The frequency of
publication is may be different but we dont classify under frequency of serial.
Here we use table 1 for serial publication.
10. A) For journal :-
Rule: - first take subject number then add 05 from table 1 for serial publication.
E.g.-=economic times. =330.05
Subject is economic so 330 are base number and 05 from table 1 for serial
Rule: - if general periodicals is there then add language 050 base number for
English 052 and for other Indian languages 059+language number from table 6.
B) for newspaper:-
Rule: - first take 079 for newspaper from table 1 and then add area notation
from table 2.
Times of India=079.54
079 for newspaper and 54 for India from table 2.
C) For annual report.
Rule: - first take subject number then o6 from table 1 for organization
E.g. State bank of India=332.12206054
332.1223 are number for state bank then add 06 for organization
management. Then as per instruction 054 from table 2.