Reliability refers to the consistency of a test in measuring the intended construct. A test-retest method is used to determine reliability by administering the same test twice to students and computing a rank correlation coefficient, such as the Spearman Rho, based on comparing the rank orders of student scores between the two test administrations. The example shows student scores from an initial (FA) and subsequent (SA) administration of a test, with their ranks and the differences between ranks used to calculate the standard deviation.
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2. RELIABILITY refers to the
consistency of a test in measuring
whatever it measures. It is the
degree to which a test will yield
similar or comparable results for
the same students when
administered at different times.
This is usually measured through
the computation of a reliability
Test reliability is determined from
the repetition of the same test.
Thus, a test is administered
twice. Scores obtained by the
students in both test
administration are rank ordered
and a rank correlation coefficient
is obtained with the use of
Spearman Rho.