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Deliberate Practice
What you practice becomes permanent,
even if you are practicing a skill incorrectly
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
Basic Steps
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
1. Big goal
2. Short
3. Chunk
4. Do it
5. Evaluate
1. Hold in mind your bigger
 I want to stay close to my
spouse/partner even when we
 I want to be a safe person for my
partner to talk to
 I want to more easily repair our
connection when we have conflict
 I want to become better at
expressing and showing my love
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
2. Create a goal for your
practice session
 I want to practice moving my movie
(internal mental chatter) aside when I
am listening.
 I want to practice focusing on one topic
when I do dialogue instead of 5
 I want to practice expressing
understanding better in the dialogue.
 I want to practice verbally expressing
my love.
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
3. Chunk it down to a
specific practice step
 Before I mirror, I will check to see if
Im defending, judging or
disagreeing in my own head. If I
am, I will tell myself only one story
can be heard/seen at a time, then
imagine setting my story aside (like
a book on a shelf, etc.). I will then
look into my partners eyes with
love and curiosity and mirror.
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
 Instead of just saying
I love you, I will tell
my partner one of the
reasons I love
him/her 3 times a
week. I will vary it by
focusing one time on
a quality, another
time on a behavior,
and another time on
a physical or sexual
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
4. Implement the step(s)
5. After the practice,
evaluate how well you did . .
What I think I did well:
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
5b. After the practice,
evaluate where you can
improve . . .
Where I think I need to do better:
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
6. Strategize / plan for next
Plan of focus for next
practice to become better
at the skill
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
Example A:
What I did well:
I slowed down my mirroring which made it feel less reactive &
What I need to improve:
My movie was still playing and made it hard for me to listen &
Plan/Strategy for next practice:
1. I am going to visualize my safe place or place of beauty
before we start so I can calm myself inside.
2. When I notice my movie playing, Im going to imagine using a
remote to change channels to my partners life story.
1. 2.
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
Example B:
What I did well:
I stayed on one topic for the entire
What I need to improve:
I blamed & shamed by telling him he is
NEVER there for me which
communicates that he is a total failure.
Plan/Strategy for next practice:
1. Make sure I am clear that when a
behavior like that happens, the
MEANING I give it is that he is not
there for me in that situation, even
though that may not be his intent.
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
Audio or video record your
practice session to evaluate
your OWN performance
What helps some couples
deliberately practice
BUT . . . .
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
Agreement 1:
Keep it confidential
If you use video or audio
feedback for yourself,
make sure you make and
keep 3 agreements to keep
it safe
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
Agreement 2:
Agree to delete it
together within a certain
(Example: 3 days to give you time to
Keep it safe -- delete
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
Agreement 3:
Use it only to
evaluate your OWN
Keep it safe . . .
Put yourSELF under the
NEVER, EVER use it to criticize
your partner!
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
You can also use it to try to
better understand your
IF you understand your
spouse or partner better after
reviewing it, tell him/her your
new understanding and ask,
Did I get you?
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
The KEY is to be Intentional
about Practice:
Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW  Winter Park, FL  dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
 Set a goal for the practice
 Evaluate how well YOU did and
where YOU might need to improve
 Create a new specific goal for what
you want to improve for your next
 Repeat the process!

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Deliberate practice web

  • 1. Deliberate Practice What you practice becomes permanent, even if you are practicing a skill incorrectly Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
  • 2. Basic Steps of Deliberate Practice Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013 1. Big goal 2. Short goal 3. Chunk down 4. Do it 5. Evaluate 6.Strategize
  • 3. 1. Hold in mind your bigger goal I want to stay close to my spouse/partner even when we disagree I want to be a safe person for my partner to talk to I want to more easily repair our connection when we have conflict I want to become better at expressing and showing my love EXAMPLES: Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
  • 4. 2. Create a goal for your practice session I want to practice moving my movie (internal mental chatter) aside when I am listening. I want to practice focusing on one topic when I do dialogue instead of 5 frustrations. I want to practice expressing understanding better in the dialogue. I want to practice verbally expressing my love. EXAMPLES: Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
  • 5. 3. Chunk it down to a specific practice step Before I mirror, I will check to see if Im defending, judging or disagreeing in my own head. If I am, I will tell myself only one story can be heard/seen at a time, then imagine setting my story aside (like a book on a shelf, etc.). I will then look into my partners eyes with love and curiosity and mirror. EXAMPLE A: Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
  • 6. Instead of just saying I love you, I will tell my partner one of the reasons I love him/her 3 times a week. I will vary it by focusing one time on a quality, another time on a behavior, and another time on a physical or sexual aspect. EXAMPLE B: Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
  • 7. Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013 4. Implement the step(s)
  • 8. 5. After the practice, evaluate how well you did . . . What I think I did well: Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
  • 9. 5b. After the practice, evaluate where you can improve . . . Where I think I need to do better: Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
  • 10. 6. Strategize / plan for next time Plan of focus for next practice to become better at the skill Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
  • 11. Example A: What I did well: I slowed down my mirroring which made it feel less reactive & softer. What I need to improve: My movie was still playing and made it hard for me to listen & understand. Plan/Strategy for next practice: 1. I am going to visualize my safe place or place of beauty before we start so I can calm myself inside. 2. When I notice my movie playing, Im going to imagine using a remote to change channels to my partners life story. 1. 2. Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
  • 12. Example B: What I did well: I stayed on one topic for the entire dialogue. What I need to improve: I blamed & shamed by telling him he is NEVER there for me which communicates that he is a total failure. Plan/Strategy for next practice: 1. Make sure I am clear that when a behavior like that happens, the MEANING I give it is that he is not there for me in that situation, even though that may not be his intent. Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
  • 13. Audio or video record your practice session to evaluate your OWN performance What helps some couples deliberately practice dialogue: BUT . . . . Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
  • 14. Agreement 1: Keep it confidential If you use video or audio feedback for yourself, make sure you make and keep 3 agreements to keep it safe Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
  • 15. Agreement 2: Agree to delete it together within a certain time (Example: 3 days to give you time to review) Keep it safe -- delete together Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
  • 16. Agreement 3: Use it only to evaluate your OWN performance Keep it safe . . . Put yourSELF under the microscope NEVER, EVER use it to criticize your partner! Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013
  • 17. Fears/concerns You can also use it to try to better understand your partners: Hurts IF you understand your spouse or partner better after reviewing it, tell him/her your new understanding and ask, Did I get you? Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013 Needs/desires/longing
  • 18. The KEY is to be Intentional about Practice: Dawn Lipthrott, LCSW Winter Park, FL dawn@relationshipjourney.com 息2013 Set a goal for the practice Evaluate how well YOU did and where YOU might need to improve Create a new specific goal for what you want to improve for your next practice Repeat the process!