Data Classification for CyberSecurity System DesignRekaNext Capital
There is a lack of understanding of the need to have Data Classification before we design any Cyber Security Systems. Too many times, I have come across where engineers over secured the system and makes the system bloated and expensive to maintain.
Root cause of Magnetic Humming due to TransformerRekaNext Capital
In Audio Design in cassettes, magnetic head picks up magnetic stray fields and cause irritating humming background noise. The 3rd harmonic of 50 Hz gets amplified when the speaker resonance coincides.
This R&D report validates the root cause. The solution was to have a physcial distance, while the current produced units had a wire loop to create a 150Hz pickup coil to phase cancellation manually tuned at PCB.
The document reports on bridge vibration monitoring tests carried out by SysEng Pte Ltd. A monitoring system was installed on the Henderson Foot Bridge but the data was corrupted. Further tests were conducted with 4 people simulating different loading conditions on the bridge such as jumping, walking, jogging, and groups crossing. Acceleration and displacement were measured in the X and Z axes. Analysis showed the Z axis was most sensitive, with peak acceleration around 1.6 Hz under all test conditions.
Assessment of the dynamic characteristics of the Helix Bridge at Marina Bay, ...RekaNext Capital
Modal testing was carried out to determine
the dynamic properties of the bridge. SysEng
(Singapore) Pte Ltd was commissioned
to undertake the modal testing. Professor James Brownjohn from Full Scale Dynamics Ltd was engaged by SysEng as a technical adviser for the modal testing.
Vibration tests were conducted on a slab in a building to measure Z-axis vibrations under different conditions. Tests measured ambient vibrations and vibrations with 1 or 5 people walking or running. Vibration levels were compared to ISO standards for human comfort over 8 hours. Test results from two locations on the slab showed vibrations were below the reduced ISO comfort limits when extrapolated to 8 hours. Therefore, the slab meets sensitivity standards for residential and office environments.
Vibration tests were conducted on a test slab to measure ambient vibration levels and vibration levels under different conditions, including people walking and running on the slab. Vibration levels were measured using an accelerometer and compared to ISO standards for human comfort. Test results found vibration levels were below the ISO limits for an 8 hour exposure at frequencies up to 100Hz, with the main resonant frequency of the slab being 13Hz. Therefore, the slab was found to meet ISO standards for human comfort.
1. Vibrating wire strain gages and load cells sometimes report different readings when monitoring the load on structural elements like struts during construction.
2. Vibrating wire strain gages measure localized strain, while load cells measure total load applied, which can lead to differences, especially at low load levels where sensitivity is critical.
3. Other factors like welding and electromagnetic interference during construction can also cause errors in vibrating wire strain gage readings but not affect load cells. Under ideal single loading conditions without bracing, readings may correlate better.
The document discusses a machine-to-machine (M2M) monitoring system called the eMonitoring system (eMs) that was developed to continuously monitor construction sites in a cost-effective way. The eMs connects sensors to detect structural movements and sends the data via GPRS to a central server. If sensor readings exceed preset thresholds, SMS alerts are automatically sent within 60 seconds. This allows potential site failures to be identified early and avoided. The eMs was successfully used to monitor strut forces during a tunnel construction project in Singapore.
Learned how to convert R&D results into a working Prototype. The PhD program was supported by a U.K. SME Industrial Scholarship from Wolf Safety Lamp Co, Sheffield to develop a Portable High Speed Turbo Generator from 55 Watts to 250 Watts within the same packaging. Starting from magnetic materials of Alnico until Rare Earth Samarium Cobalt with different Rotor Design configurations at TRL3. This project was to develop a full scale TRL5 prototype suitable for the product development launch of the Turbolite Model. The design required the development of an Efficient Electric Power Generator Model, a 2 Dimensional Magnetic Field Finite Element Method (FEM) Model from Maxwell' s Equation with Numerical Methods using Fortran IV and Development of over speed protection electronic techniques. The project was successful launched into a full scale product model by the company. In their website, it is mentioned that that product help the company to grow into an international business.
Proof of Concept project for Singapore PUB Water Reclaimation Plant to track staff for both out-door and in-door. Uses ZigBee and Triangluarization to determine position. Works fairly well, but battery consumption is not good
The document discusses sensors used for autonomous vehicles, including lidar. It notes that typical autonomous vehicles use multiple sensors, including 6 lidar sensors for 360 degree detection. Lidar is used for localization, 3D mapping, object detection and tracking. The document discusses testing sensor performance both individually and within the full autonomous vehicle system to measure latency and determine how to reduce braking reaction times to allow for higher traveling speeds. Further testing is proposed under different environmental conditions like rain to evaluate sensor and computer vision module performances.
This document discusses using computer vision and cameras for measurement applications. It begins by introducing the speaker and their background. It then discusses some of the challenges with computer vision accuracy, particularly when using cameras as contactless sensors outdoors. It provides examples of using video analytics to extract metadata like people counts and speed measurements. The document emphasizes that measurement accuracy depends on many factors like sensor calibration, installation, and environmental conditions.
Dr. Tan Guan Hong has extensive experience in industrial automation, IoT, and data analytics from roles at various organizations. He is currently a vice president at the Singapore Industrial Automation Association and a consultant/advisor for several technology companies. His presentation discusses using megatrends to transform businesses by leveraging IoT and data analytics. He outlines several global trends including the growth of IoT devices, aging populations, and the rise of generations with different characteristics. Dr. Tan also discusses challenges for businesses from these trends and opportunities to innovate new business models.
The document discusses using megatrends to transform businesses by leveraging IoT and data analytics. It provides background on the speaker, Dr. Tan Guan Hong, who has experience in government, research, and private industry related to industrial automation, IoT, and data analytics. The document then covers several global and local trends that are opportunities for business transformation, including the growth of IoT devices, aging populations, ecommerce, and more. It argues that businesses must innovate and transform to leverage these trends or risk becoming obsolete. The document provides examples of innovative business models related to IoT and discusses challenges businesses may face in transforming.
Building and Construction Authority GeoSS Seminar 2010RekaNext Capital
This document provides information on an upcoming seminar on instrumentation for design and construction of earth retaining/stabilizing structures (ERSS). The seminar will cover topics like best practices for instrumentation works, advances and challenges in geotechnical instrumentation. It will feature presentations from industry experts on managing instrumentation for major projects, experiences from tunnel projects, real-time monitoring, challenges in monitoring systems, selecting instrumentation and trigger levels, and regulatory aspects of instrumentation works. The seminar details including date, time, venue, fees and accreditation are provided. Short biographies of the speakers are also included.
This document discusses real-time water quality monitoring and alert systems. It describes a system used to monitor water quality in reservoirs at different depths over time using sensors on a profiler station. It also describes monitoring total suspended solids in drainage areas to detect excessive discharges. The document advocates for an operational expense model where a service provider manages the monitoring systems to ensure sustainable long-term monitoring and reduce costs and risks for stakeholders.
This document summarizes environmental monitoring projects and plans in Singapore from 2008-2009. It outlines existing projects using sensors from S::CAN Messtechnik GmbH including monitoring at Rochor Station and Bedok Reservoir. Upcoming plans include trials of NEWater monitoring using S::CAN sensors, expanding mobile auto-sampler and TSS platform deployment, and exploring sewage plant and mobile lab monitoring. It also discusses exploring new water sensors under development with A-star.
1. The document describes an automated vision system that uses image processing to inspect biometric passports and ensure logos and IDs do not exceed boundaries.
2. It also discusses using a vision system with cameras to monitor conditions at an outdoor site, such as detecting foreign objects, dealing with changing lighting, and transmitting images via GPRS for off-site analysis.
3. Another application discussed is using image processing to monitor levels of flotsam in a river in real-time, accounting for challenges like weather conditions, and determining rubbish amounts on site after calibration.
This document discusses the development of an automated real-time tunnel monitoring system. Key points include:
1) The system continuously monitors prisms in tunnels every 8 hours, 7 days a week to detect movements and distortions that exceed allowable limits.
2) Real-time data is transmitted but challenges include avoiding interference with radio channels and limited site access.
3) An accurate automated surveying instrument is used to measure prism movements within +/- 1.0mm over ranges of 20-100m.
4) The system has been implemented successfully on several tunnel monitoring projects for the LTA and PUB.
The document describes a computer vision system using LiDAR to count the number of people on motorcycles passing through a border checkpoint. The system aims to achieve over 99% accuracy through a multi-step process involving LiDAR data acquisition, normalization, interpolation to handle missing data, 3D modeling and reconstruction, feature extraction to identify human heads, and data storage in a SQL database for highly repeatable and accurate counts of single or dual riders. The system leverages various techniques including parametric modeling, cubic spline interpolation, least squares fitting, and searches over 30,600 data points per scan to extract the essential 1 or 2 person information for border security.
This is a simplified presentation about AI limitations as rarely the AI limitation is explain to people who do not have a technical background. This explains why sometimes the Analytics guys keep saying " I need more Data to Train the Model"
This document provides a summary of Dr Tan Guan Hong's experiences and lessons learned over his career. Some key points include:
- Dr Tan started his career in electronics as a hobby and went on to obtain engineering and PhD degrees, working for companies like Philips.
- He discusses challenges he faced as a young manager tasked with improving factory quality and how he overcame resistance to change.
- Other lessons include the importance of continuous learning, understanding customers and markets, effective communication in organizations, and developing talent within teams.
- Later in his career, Dr Tan started his own business applying IoT technologies to problems like smart pest monitoring and management.
- A reflection is provided on the challenges of aging populations
This document outlines Toyota's model product creation process. It discusses both past and future aspects of Toyota's approach to developing new models. The document is confidential and copyright protected.
1. Vibrating wire strain gages and load cells sometimes report different readings when monitoring the load on structural elements like struts during construction.
2. Vibrating wire strain gages measure localized strain, while load cells measure total load applied, which can lead to differences, especially at low load levels where sensitivity is critical.
3. Other factors like welding and electromagnetic interference during construction can also cause errors in vibrating wire strain gage readings but not affect load cells. Under ideal single loading conditions without bracing, readings may correlate better.
The document discusses a machine-to-machine (M2M) monitoring system called the eMonitoring system (eMs) that was developed to continuously monitor construction sites in a cost-effective way. The eMs connects sensors to detect structural movements and sends the data via GPRS to a central server. If sensor readings exceed preset thresholds, SMS alerts are automatically sent within 60 seconds. This allows potential site failures to be identified early and avoided. The eMs was successfully used to monitor strut forces during a tunnel construction project in Singapore.
Learned how to convert R&D results into a working Prototype. The PhD program was supported by a U.K. SME Industrial Scholarship from Wolf Safety Lamp Co, Sheffield to develop a Portable High Speed Turbo Generator from 55 Watts to 250 Watts within the same packaging. Starting from magnetic materials of Alnico until Rare Earth Samarium Cobalt with different Rotor Design configurations at TRL3. This project was to develop a full scale TRL5 prototype suitable for the product development launch of the Turbolite Model. The design required the development of an Efficient Electric Power Generator Model, a 2 Dimensional Magnetic Field Finite Element Method (FEM) Model from Maxwell' s Equation with Numerical Methods using Fortran IV and Development of over speed protection electronic techniques. The project was successful launched into a full scale product model by the company. In their website, it is mentioned that that product help the company to grow into an international business.
Proof of Concept project for Singapore PUB Water Reclaimation Plant to track staff for both out-door and in-door. Uses ZigBee and Triangluarization to determine position. Works fairly well, but battery consumption is not good
The document discusses sensors used for autonomous vehicles, including lidar. It notes that typical autonomous vehicles use multiple sensors, including 6 lidar sensors for 360 degree detection. Lidar is used for localization, 3D mapping, object detection and tracking. The document discusses testing sensor performance both individually and within the full autonomous vehicle system to measure latency and determine how to reduce braking reaction times to allow for higher traveling speeds. Further testing is proposed under different environmental conditions like rain to evaluate sensor and computer vision module performances.
This document discusses using computer vision and cameras for measurement applications. It begins by introducing the speaker and their background. It then discusses some of the challenges with computer vision accuracy, particularly when using cameras as contactless sensors outdoors. It provides examples of using video analytics to extract metadata like people counts and speed measurements. The document emphasizes that measurement accuracy depends on many factors like sensor calibration, installation, and environmental conditions.
Dr. Tan Guan Hong has extensive experience in industrial automation, IoT, and data analytics from roles at various organizations. He is currently a vice president at the Singapore Industrial Automation Association and a consultant/advisor for several technology companies. His presentation discusses using megatrends to transform businesses by leveraging IoT and data analytics. He outlines several global trends including the growth of IoT devices, aging populations, and the rise of generations with different characteristics. Dr. Tan also discusses challenges for businesses from these trends and opportunities to innovate new business models.
The document discusses using megatrends to transform businesses by leveraging IoT and data analytics. It provides background on the speaker, Dr. Tan Guan Hong, who has experience in government, research, and private industry related to industrial automation, IoT, and data analytics. The document then covers several global and local trends that are opportunities for business transformation, including the growth of IoT devices, aging populations, ecommerce, and more. It argues that businesses must innovate and transform to leverage these trends or risk becoming obsolete. The document provides examples of innovative business models related to IoT and discusses challenges businesses may face in transforming.
Building and Construction Authority GeoSS Seminar 2010RekaNext Capital
This document provides information on an upcoming seminar on instrumentation for design and construction of earth retaining/stabilizing structures (ERSS). The seminar will cover topics like best practices for instrumentation works, advances and challenges in geotechnical instrumentation. It will feature presentations from industry experts on managing instrumentation for major projects, experiences from tunnel projects, real-time monitoring, challenges in monitoring systems, selecting instrumentation and trigger levels, and regulatory aspects of instrumentation works. The seminar details including date, time, venue, fees and accreditation are provided. Short biographies of the speakers are also included.
This document discusses real-time water quality monitoring and alert systems. It describes a system used to monitor water quality in reservoirs at different depths over time using sensors on a profiler station. It also describes monitoring total suspended solids in drainage areas to detect excessive discharges. The document advocates for an operational expense model where a service provider manages the monitoring systems to ensure sustainable long-term monitoring and reduce costs and risks for stakeholders.
This document summarizes environmental monitoring projects and plans in Singapore from 2008-2009. It outlines existing projects using sensors from S::CAN Messtechnik GmbH including monitoring at Rochor Station and Bedok Reservoir. Upcoming plans include trials of NEWater monitoring using S::CAN sensors, expanding mobile auto-sampler and TSS platform deployment, and exploring sewage plant and mobile lab monitoring. It also discusses exploring new water sensors under development with A-star.
1. The document describes an automated vision system that uses image processing to inspect biometric passports and ensure logos and IDs do not exceed boundaries.
2. It also discusses using a vision system with cameras to monitor conditions at an outdoor site, such as detecting foreign objects, dealing with changing lighting, and transmitting images via GPRS for off-site analysis.
3. Another application discussed is using image processing to monitor levels of flotsam in a river in real-time, accounting for challenges like weather conditions, and determining rubbish amounts on site after calibration.
This document discusses the development of an automated real-time tunnel monitoring system. Key points include:
1) The system continuously monitors prisms in tunnels every 8 hours, 7 days a week to detect movements and distortions that exceed allowable limits.
2) Real-time data is transmitted but challenges include avoiding interference with radio channels and limited site access.
3) An accurate automated surveying instrument is used to measure prism movements within +/- 1.0mm over ranges of 20-100m.
4) The system has been implemented successfully on several tunnel monitoring projects for the LTA and PUB.
The document describes a computer vision system using LiDAR to count the number of people on motorcycles passing through a border checkpoint. The system aims to achieve over 99% accuracy through a multi-step process involving LiDAR data acquisition, normalization, interpolation to handle missing data, 3D modeling and reconstruction, feature extraction to identify human heads, and data storage in a SQL database for highly repeatable and accurate counts of single or dual riders. The system leverages various techniques including parametric modeling, cubic spline interpolation, least squares fitting, and searches over 30,600 data points per scan to extract the essential 1 or 2 person information for border security.
This is a simplified presentation about AI limitations as rarely the AI limitation is explain to people who do not have a technical background. This explains why sometimes the Analytics guys keep saying " I need more Data to Train the Model"
This document provides a summary of Dr Tan Guan Hong's experiences and lessons learned over his career. Some key points include:
- Dr Tan started his career in electronics as a hobby and went on to obtain engineering and PhD degrees, working for companies like Philips.
- He discusses challenges he faced as a young manager tasked with improving factory quality and how he overcame resistance to change.
- Other lessons include the importance of continuous learning, understanding customers and markets, effective communication in organizations, and developing talent within teams.
- Later in his career, Dr Tan started his own business applying IoT technologies to problems like smart pest monitoring and management.
- A reflection is provided on the challenges of aging populations
This document outlines Toyota's model product creation process. It discusses both past and future aspects of Toyota's approach to developing new models. The document is confidential and copyright protected.
Transform your space into a sanctuary with SPL Interiors – where comfort meet...SPL Interiors
A bedroom is more than just a place to sleep; it's where you find comfort and a sense of peace. It's the room that feels like a hug after a busy day. The bed, soft and inviting, is where you can sink into relaxation, with pillows that cradle your head and blankets that make you feel cozy and safe. It's a place where you can let go of the world and just be.
You might have a dresser or a closet, a place to tuck away clothes and personal items, but it’s also where you keep the little things that make you feel at home—like a favorite book on the nightstand or a candle that smells like calm. Soft lighting adds warmth, and windows let in just enough natural light during the day to keep things bright but not too harsh.
Decor adds that personal touch—whether it’s a plant in the corner, art on the walls, or a rug that feels nice underfoot. It’s where you can get away from everything, to recharge or reflect, and to make the space feel completely yours. A bedroom is the ultimate safe haven, designed for comfort, rest, and a sense of belonging.
Golf is a game of precision, patience, and sometimes, pure frustration. Every golfer knows the feeling of standing over a crucial putt, heart pounding, hoping not to miss. If you’ve ever felt the weight of a make-or-break moment on the green, the "If I Miss This Putt I'll Kill Myself" Hat is the perfect accessory for you.
What is 3D Visualization? A Simple Guide for BeginnersZealous Services
Explore how 3D visualization transforms ideas into reality — from architectural designs to product concepts. This guide dives into its wide-ranging applications, essential tools, and step-by-step processes, making it easy for both beginners and professionals to master. Whether you’re creating immersive environments, crafting product prototypes, or enhancing customer experiences, 3D visualization bridges the gap between imagination and execution. Perfect for designers, marketers, and innovators alike — discover how this powerful technology brings your concepts to life with stunning precision and creativity. Let’s step into the future of design!
Here’s the PowerPoint presentation for your financial empowerment app, including visuals and demo screenshots. Download and review it, and let me know if you need any changes! 🚀📊
The Business Administration Presentation provides a comprehensive exploration of the core concepts, functions, and importance of business administration in modern organizations. It highlights the key principles of managing business operations, strategic decision-making, and organizational leadership, offering a clear understanding of how businesses operate and thrive in competitive markets.