The document proposes establishing a Supreme Design Council of the Russian Federation to better manage and coordinate design, branding, and visual identity across Russian government organizations and territories. It argues that Russia currently lacks consistent branding and that including professional designers could help reform perceptions and internal processes. The proposed Council would oversee design projects, choose agencies, and implement branding guidelines nationwide to strengthen Russia's image.
122. Background
Strong vertical power system in
Low level of initiatives on the places
(mayors, governors, ministers)
Generally low knowledge among state
workers in any design related topics
123. Result
Weak, non-consistent, soviet, old,
unreliable image of everything, that is
connected to the government
Internal reforms are not seen by the
citizens immediately, thus nobody
sees a difference (disloyalty)
Russia is perceived as a low value
source of raw-materials
124. Ways of improvement
Include professional designers and
creative people in the processes of
state organizations image creation
Increase the role of design, by giving
power on government level
Create an Organization, that will be
responsible for government brands
125. A government organization, that will be
responsible for image of the government
organizations and corporations and aimed
at making the life of different social groups
of people better, using design as a tool.
127. Tasks
Manage design communication of
government corporations and
organizations (corporate style for
transport companies)
Manage industrial design projects that
include state workers (Police uniform)
Manage the process of branding
Russian territories (Togliatti)
128. Operations
Art-directors + marketing consultants
would become the core of the processes
The SDC will create briefs, choose the
right agency to do the work and than
implement it in the real life
The control group, would be responsible
for maintaining the use of created
guidelines and so on all over the country
129. Structure
The Head Quarters would be located in
Saint-Petersburg (as a cultural capital
of Russia)
130. Aims
Re-create strong image of a huge
country piece by piece
Add value to the companies, that are
to be sold shortly
Establish better image of state
services (police, 鍖re dept. etc.)