TechDay: Kick Start Your Experience with Android Wear - Mario VivianiCodemotion
The document provides an overview of how to build Android Wear applications. It discusses setting up an Android Wear project in Android Studio, establishing a connection between the mobile and wear modules using GoogleApiClient, and sending and receiving data and messages between the two modules via the Data Layer API and MessageAPI. It also presents an example application structure with a foreground activity on the mobile module and a WearableListenerService on the wear module to handle data and event handling.
This one sentence document repeats the name "Lorenzo Fabaro" eight times. It appears to be stating an individual's name, but does not provide any other details, context, or meaning behind the repetition of the name.
Per Expressive Arts si intende l'uso intermodale di tutte le forme di espressione artistica,
quali il disegno, la pittura, l'uso della creta, il collage, il movimento, la voce e il suono, la
scrittura creativa ecc. utilizzate in una modalit consequenziale semplice e giocosa, come
mezzo alternativo ed integrativo di introspezione e come veicolo di espressione delle
emozioni e strumento di trasformazione personale. Muovendoci da una forma d'arte ad
unaltra, lasciamo andare strati di inibizione che hanno coperto nel tempo la nostra
originalit, scoprendo la nostra unicit e il nostro sentire pi湛 profondo. Ad ogni sessione
seguiranno una condivisione ed un'integrazione cognitiva secondo le modalit dell' A.C.P.
Prevision(17): codici culturali, neuromarketing e marketing religiosoValentina Durante
Presentazione realizzata per CISE Emilia Romagna, febbraio 2011
Nel 2007 negli USA sono stati spesi pi湛 di 7,3 miliardi di dollari per ricerche di mercato, sia quantitative che qualitative. A questi vanno poi aggiunti altri 117 miliardi di dollari per la comunicazione vera e propria. Eppure, nonostante questo spiegamento di forze, 8 prodotti su 10 falliscono entro tre mesi dal lancio (nel pauperista-suo-malgrado Giappone, addirittura 9,7 su 10).
chiaro che qualcosa non quadra nel faticoso iter di conoscenza delle dinamiche che regolano il processo dacquisto.
La 17ma edizione del Pre-Vision, dal titolo Minds, 竪 dedicata alla scoperta di ci嘆 che il consumatore non dice (e che le aziende non sanno) ossia allanalisi di quei fattori che influenzano implicitamente e inconsapevolmente il comportamento di fronte a scaffali (e siti web) straripanti di merce e il modo di relazionarsi a prodotti e marchi. Parleremo quindi di neuromarketing (funziona il product placement? Che ruolo gioca il logo nella memorabilit di un prodotto?), di codici culturali e del rapporto tra marketing e religione (perch辿 liPhone della Apple 竪 stato ribattezzato Jesus Phone?). Inoltre, analizzando linfluenza che la fede esercita sulle scelte di consumo, apriremo una finestra sui consumatori islamici, specie residenti in Occidente - dal promettente business dei prodotti certificati halal (food e cosmesi) al fenomeno dello hijab chic.
Analisi della piattaforma di Google Art Project, con particolare attenzione al Google Street Art Project eseguita in occasione del corso di Strumenti ed Applicazioni del Web del prof. Polillo.
Universit degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca
Corso di Laurea Magistrale di Teoria e Tecnologia della comunicazione
This short document promotes creating art instead of bombs. It contains the phrases "Art Loves Life. Life Loves Art." and encourages making art rather than bombs. The document includes copyright information for Lor3nzo as the creator.
Angela Barison - H-ART
Come sfruttare al massimo i canali social per rilanciare in modo ottimale i contenuti editoriali aumentando traffico e performance
Simply Publisher, 3 aprile 2014 Firenze
The document discusses the changing landscape of education and the classroom of the future. It notes that there is more access to information than ever before through technology, which is both an opportunity and disruption for schools. It argues that schools need to rethink how they approach literacy, community, the role of teachers, and experimentation in order to better prepare students. Flexible thinking and lifelong learning are emphasized over standardized tests and rigid structures.
In questa prima lezione del seminario "presentazioni efficaci" esamino le ragioni pi湛 comuni che portano alla "morte da Powerpoint", ed esamino la fase di preparazione e progettazione che deve precedere il lavoro "su powerpoint".
Creative Workshop: Author's Talk at SxSWiDavid Sherwin
This is an author's talk about "Creative Workshop: 80 Challenges to Sharpen Your Design Skills," delivered at South by Southwest Interactive festival on Friday, March 11th, 2011.
This document provides information on various mediums of performing arts and vocal music. It discusses that performing arts involve creative activities presented before an audience, and become combined arts when heard and seen simultaneously. The performing arts include music, dance, theater, and literature. It then focuses on vocal music, describing it as the oldest and most cultural form of music. It discusses vocal chord vibrations and resonators that increase volume. It provides details on correct posture, breathing, voice placement, diction, and interpretation for singing. It also covers voice classifications and types of vocal music.
Georges-Pierre Seurat was a French Neo-Impressionist painter in the late 19th century who developed the technique of pointillism. Pointillism involved applying small dots or points of pure color close together so that from a distance they visually blend in the eye of the observer. Seurat was inspired by scientific theories on color and contrast, and used this technique to carefully organize color on his canvases. He would labor for up to a year on preparatory studies before beginning a final painting using the pointillist method.
The proof is in: There's no scientific basis that learning styles or Meyers-Briggs personality types exist. So much of what educators have based adult learning design on is flawed, so what kind of new educational paradigm is needed?
The answer lies in the findings of neuroscientists who show that not only can engagement enhance adult learning, it can aid retention and application. But that depends on how you craft your education design and engagement strategy. This presentation shows you how to use the latest scientific findings on how the brain works and apply it to your educational programs.
For more education about meeting/education design, visit: Find an event near you at
Per Expressive Arts si intende l'uso intermodale di tutte le forme di espressione artistica,
quali il disegno, la pittura, l'uso della creta, il collage, il movimento, la voce e il suono, la
scrittura creativa ecc. utilizzate in una modalit consequenziale semplice e giocosa, come
mezzo alternativo ed integrativo di introspezione e come veicolo di espressione delle
emozioni e strumento di trasformazione personale. Muovendoci da una forma d'arte ad
unaltra, lasciamo andare strati di inibizione che hanno coperto nel tempo la nostra
originalit, scoprendo la nostra unicit e il nostro sentire pi湛 profondo. Ad ogni sessione
seguiranno una condivisione ed un'integrazione cognitiva secondo le modalit dell' A.C.P.
Prevision(17): codici culturali, neuromarketing e marketing religiosoValentina Durante
Presentazione realizzata per CISE Emilia Romagna, febbraio 2011
Nel 2007 negli USA sono stati spesi pi湛 di 7,3 miliardi di dollari per ricerche di mercato, sia quantitative che qualitative. A questi vanno poi aggiunti altri 117 miliardi di dollari per la comunicazione vera e propria. Eppure, nonostante questo spiegamento di forze, 8 prodotti su 10 falliscono entro tre mesi dal lancio (nel pauperista-suo-malgrado Giappone, addirittura 9,7 su 10).
chiaro che qualcosa non quadra nel faticoso iter di conoscenza delle dinamiche che regolano il processo dacquisto.
La 17ma edizione del Pre-Vision, dal titolo Minds, 竪 dedicata alla scoperta di ci嘆 che il consumatore non dice (e che le aziende non sanno) ossia allanalisi di quei fattori che influenzano implicitamente e inconsapevolmente il comportamento di fronte a scaffali (e siti web) straripanti di merce e il modo di relazionarsi a prodotti e marchi. Parleremo quindi di neuromarketing (funziona il product placement? Che ruolo gioca il logo nella memorabilit di un prodotto?), di codici culturali e del rapporto tra marketing e religione (perch辿 liPhone della Apple 竪 stato ribattezzato Jesus Phone?). Inoltre, analizzando linfluenza che la fede esercita sulle scelte di consumo, apriremo una finestra sui consumatori islamici, specie residenti in Occidente - dal promettente business dei prodotti certificati halal (food e cosmesi) al fenomeno dello hijab chic.
Analisi della piattaforma di Google Art Project, con particolare attenzione al Google Street Art Project eseguita in occasione del corso di Strumenti ed Applicazioni del Web del prof. Polillo.
Universit degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca
Corso di Laurea Magistrale di Teoria e Tecnologia della comunicazione
This short document promotes creating art instead of bombs. It contains the phrases "Art Loves Life. Life Loves Art." and encourages making art rather than bombs. The document includes copyright information for Lor3nzo as the creator.
Angela Barison - H-ART
Come sfruttare al massimo i canali social per rilanciare in modo ottimale i contenuti editoriali aumentando traffico e performance
Simply Publisher, 3 aprile 2014 Firenze
The document discusses the changing landscape of education and the classroom of the future. It notes that there is more access to information than ever before through technology, which is both an opportunity and disruption for schools. It argues that schools need to rethink how they approach literacy, community, the role of teachers, and experimentation in order to better prepare students. Flexible thinking and lifelong learning are emphasized over standardized tests and rigid structures.
In questa prima lezione del seminario "presentazioni efficaci" esamino le ragioni pi湛 comuni che portano alla "morte da Powerpoint", ed esamino la fase di preparazione e progettazione che deve precedere il lavoro "su powerpoint".
Creative Workshop: Author's Talk at SxSWiDavid Sherwin
This is an author's talk about "Creative Workshop: 80 Challenges to Sharpen Your Design Skills," delivered at South by Southwest Interactive festival on Friday, March 11th, 2011.
This document provides information on various mediums of performing arts and vocal music. It discusses that performing arts involve creative activities presented before an audience, and become combined arts when heard and seen simultaneously. The performing arts include music, dance, theater, and literature. It then focuses on vocal music, describing it as the oldest and most cultural form of music. It discusses vocal chord vibrations and resonators that increase volume. It provides details on correct posture, breathing, voice placement, diction, and interpretation for singing. It also covers voice classifications and types of vocal music.
Georges-Pierre Seurat was a French Neo-Impressionist painter in the late 19th century who developed the technique of pointillism. Pointillism involved applying small dots or points of pure color close together so that from a distance they visually blend in the eye of the observer. Seurat was inspired by scientific theories on color and contrast, and used this technique to carefully organize color on his canvases. He would labor for up to a year on preparatory studies before beginning a final painting using the pointillist method.
The proof is in: There's no scientific basis that learning styles or Meyers-Briggs personality types exist. So much of what educators have based adult learning design on is flawed, so what kind of new educational paradigm is needed?
The answer lies in the findings of neuroscientists who show that not only can engagement enhance adult learning, it can aid retention and application. But that depends on how you craft your education design and engagement strategy. This presentation shows you how to use the latest scientific findings on how the brain works and apply it to your educational programs.
For more education about meeting/education design, visit: Find an event near you at
What is 3D Visualization? A Simple Guide for BeginnersZealous Services
Explore how 3D visualization transforms ideas into reality from architectural designs to product concepts. This guide dives into its wide-ranging applications, essential tools, and step-by-step processes, making it easy for both beginners and professionals to master. Whether youre creating immersive environments, crafting product prototypes, or enhancing customer experiences, 3D visualization bridges the gap between imagination and execution. Perfect for designers, marketers, and innovators alike discover how this powerful technology brings your concepts to life with stunning precision and creativity. Lets step into the future of design!
Blog Link:
Our 3D Works:
Volodymyr Zelensky Thank You America Shirtrobintex21
Volodymyr Zelensky Thank You America Shirt
Volodymyr Zelensky Thank You America Shirt,Volodymyr Zelensky Thank You America T Shirts,Volodymyr Zelensky Thank You America SweatShirts yours today. tag and share who loves it.
Design I.Y. HOUSING at Lonavala by S+PS Architects, Sublime Ordinariness H...JnaneshPreethan
I.Y. Housing located Near Railway Crossing, Nangargaon, Lonavla, Maharashtra
Is located next to a railway track, so to decrease the sound coming from the trains they have designed a green buffer
The sublime ordinariness project is located about 60 km to the north east of Mumbai. Built around already existing g+2
residential buildings needing no such spaces
Nature Inspired Innovation : Designing The Future Using Lessons From The Pastjejchudley
In an era dominated by technological revolution, design thinking's impact on economic and cultural success is undeniable.
However, its focus on 'designing for the user' often neglects the broader real-world implications of the complex systems within which the things we design are used.
In this talk, we will advocate for embracing evolutionary and ecological theories as a toolkit for understanding and designing for our dynamic and interconnected world.
By exploring questions about innovation speed, efficiency, and societal impacts through this lens, attendees will gain insights into enhancing UX design, fostering creative problem-solving, and developing impactful, innovative solutions.
From this presentation you will learn:
- How a better understanding of natural biological systems will help to improve their design practice
- The importance of considering the context of how and where your designs will be used
- How to think about your work in different ways that will enable them to take different approaches to problem solving
- How to adopt systems thinking approaches to help you design more impactful, innovative and effective design solutions.
Jalen Hurts Love Hurts Hoodie Jalen Hurts Love Hurts HoodieTeeFusion
Are you a dedicated Philadelphia Eagles fan or a passionate supporter of Jalen Hurts? If so, the Jalen Hurts "Love Hurts" Hoodie is a must-have for your collection! This exclusive hoodie, originally worn by the Eagles' star quarterback, quickly sold out at major retailers. But dont worryweve got you covered!
If I Miss This Putt I'll Kill Myself ShirtTeeFusion
Golf is a game of precision, patience, andlet's be honestfrustration. If you've ever stood over a crucial putt with your heart pounding, you know the stakes feel higher than they should. Thats why the "If I Miss This Putt I'll Kill Myself" Shirt is the perfect way to add some humor to the game. This hilarious golf t-shirt is designed for golfers who take their putting game seriouslybut not too seriously. Whether you're playing for fun, competing in a tournament, or just hanging out at the clubhouse, this shirt will have everyone laughing.