Stas Solutions Architect, an adept and evangelist of Microsoft's technological stack. Certified Microsoft Professional Developer since 2007.
Nowadays DevOps is one of the topmost buzzwords in IT, but at the same time, it is the most misunderstandable term. Just ask ten people about what DevOps is and you will get eleven different meanings.
Join our less technical but more business meeting and we will try to find out why it's so important to understand what DevOps actually is.
#9: Principles
Standardization is the mother of automation which is a cornerstone of the DevOps culture that facilitates collaboration.
The current state of the evolution of the IT industry allows to automate all the processes within the lifecycle of the product and transform man hours in machine minutes. Automating tasks such as testing, configuration and deployment frees people up to focus on other valuable activities and reduces the chance of human error.
#12: Key Business Values
Five Rs is an outstanding shorthand to characterize a success of utilizing the DevOps practices within the life cycle of the solution.
Cycle time is short as possible it is possible to go from concept to working delivered software that gets deployed into production as fast as it is physically possible.
Processes can cope with errors during execution and cope with erroneous input.
Every part of developed, delivered and deployed solution is of high quality. All processes are working automatically, smoothly with minimal errors.
The highquality, software development, delivery and deployment processes are repeatable and objectively verifiable. It is possible to re-execute any part of this process repeatedly whenever necessary.
Return on Investment
The process of development, delivery and deployment occurs with minimal waste. The ratio of business value to software effort is as high as possible.