Registro & contabilização ppp marcelo spilkiMarcelo Spilki
O documento discute o registro e contabilização de Parcerias Público-Privadas (PPPs) no Brasil e internacionalmente. Apresenta os conceitos de PPP no Brasil e no exterior e as normas brasileiras e internacionais aplicadas ao setor público sobre o tema. Discute a polêmica sobre contabilizar os contratos de PPP no ou fora do balanço e analisa a experiência internacional baseada na alocação de riscos.
This document contains a collection of short sayings and mantras about life, relationships, success, and spirituality. It encourages the reader to forward the message to others within 96 hours in order to improve their life and receive pleasant surprises. The mantras discuss topics like respect, responsibility, dealing with mistakes and disagreements, and approaching love with abandon.
The document discusses sandboxed solutions in SharePoint 2010. It begins with an agenda that includes existing challenges, sandboxed solutions, demos of creating and deploying sandboxed solutions, monitoring and validating solutions. It then covers why sandboxed solutions are used, when they should be used, restrictions, and provides references for additional information.
El documento habla sobre el uso de computadoras en programas de primera infancia. Recomienda tener alrededor de una computadora por cada seis u ocho niños para conducir actividades en computadora de manera exitosa. Señala que un monitor de color es esencial y que se necesitan al menos diez programas educativos de calidad.
Este documento descreve os serviços de uma agência de cocriação que utiliza workshops colaborativos para gerar soluções inovadoras para empresas de diversos setores. A agência já realizou mais de 450 workshops com a participação de mais de 100 empresas de 30 setores diferentes, aplicando ferramentas de design thinking para definir desafios, gerar ideias e validar soluções centradas no ser humano.
This document discusses effective strategies for teaching literacy to pre-K-3 students. It emphasizes the importance of creating a print-rich environment and differentiating instruction based on student needs and developmental stages. The educator must understand literacy frameworks, conduct assessments, and select appropriate texts. Lessons should link reading and writing, build vocabulary, and scaffold learning to develop emergent and beginning literacy skills. Different strategies like read-alouds, modeling, and engaging digital texts can support literacy development when tailored to individual students.
This document discusses validation of prior learning (VPL) and proposes a roadmap for further developing VPL systems. It recognizes the Council Recommendation on validation of non-formal and informal learning and the need to focus on competencies required for work, citizenship, and individual development. The roadmap covers national VPL systems, stakeholder roles, information and support, quality assurance, and using the EU framework. Indicators are provided to benchmark VPL systems and influence policy. Questions are posed to help stakeholders make use of the roadmap for reflection, development, and improving VPL outcomes.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.
El documento habla sobre el uso de computadoras en programas de primera infancia. Recomienda tener alrededor de una computadora por cada seis u ocho niños para conducir actividades en computadora de manera exitosa. Señala que un monitor de color es esencial y que se necesitan al menos diez programas educativos de calidad.
Este documento descreve os serviços de uma agência de cocriação que utiliza workshops colaborativos para gerar soluções inovadoras para empresas de diversos setores. A agência já realizou mais de 450 workshops com a participação de mais de 100 empresas de 30 setores diferentes, aplicando ferramentas de design thinking para definir desafios, gerar ideias e validar soluções centradas no ser humano.
This document discusses effective strategies for teaching literacy to pre-K-3 students. It emphasizes the importance of creating a print-rich environment and differentiating instruction based on student needs and developmental stages. The educator must understand literacy frameworks, conduct assessments, and select appropriate texts. Lessons should link reading and writing, build vocabulary, and scaffold learning to develop emergent and beginning literacy skills. Different strategies like read-alouds, modeling, and engaging digital texts can support literacy development when tailored to individual students.
This document discusses validation of prior learning (VPL) and proposes a roadmap for further developing VPL systems. It recognizes the Council Recommendation on validation of non-formal and informal learning and the need to focus on competencies required for work, citizenship, and individual development. The roadmap covers national VPL systems, stakeholder roles, information and support, quality assurance, and using the EU framework. Indicators are provided to benchmark VPL systems and influence policy. Questions are posed to help stakeholders make use of the roadmap for reflection, development, and improving VPL outcomes.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.