This document introduces Diff-Droid, a tool for dynamic instrumentation of Android applications. Diff-Droid uses Frida to hook both native and Java methods with editable scripts and a web UI. It allows instant changes to hooks without needing to restart applications. The document demonstrates Diff-Droid and explains how it works based on Frida, communicating over ADB with a Redis message queue. It also provides examples of writing hooks for Dalvik and native code and lists future plans and resources.
Using Xposed Modules
Using adbi
Other tools using Library Injection Techniques , LD_PRELOAD
Xposed Framework being the most famous with larger user / developer base
5. How its done currently ?
Xposed Framework
Xposed modules are indented to make long lasting changes to devices
Install Xposed Installer , which installs the xposed bridge
Replaces app_process with a modified version which loads the bridge which enables the hooking func
Write app using java ( android studio ) using the deps and install it on the device
To activate the module , reboot
If you need to change something , reboot
Based on Frida
Supports Hooking Native and Java Methods
Web UI , with editable scripts to hook Android Methods
Re-usable Modules which can be combined as well
Instant changes in hooking scripts
No Restarts at allJ
Frida-server injects a native library into the process using the ptrace api . This is the only support
injection mechanism for now .
Loads the hook code and replaces / logs the fuction/arguments accordingly
Send method is used to send data from JVM to python side
Java.perfrom is used to hook Dalvik Code
Interceptor.attach is used to hook Native Code
Most exceptions are handled gracefully with a detailed stacktrace
16. CONT ..
Zero Modification to the device
Just push frida-server binary to the device and exec ( requires root )
Communicates to the system component over adb
Updates from the instrumentation script is pushed to the web using Server side push for real-time
Using redis-server as message que
Future of Frida is the Community !
We have an active irc @ freenode #frida
Frida Mailing List
Happy to have community contributions in terms of Code /
Documentation / Apps based on Frida