Digital storytelling uses multimedia tools like graphics, audio, and video to tell a story. It is a powerful and student-centered way to showcase creativity, though the objective is for students to learn language skills rather than create fancy projects. Teachers should provide a rubric to guide students on elements like storyboards, pictures, titles, characters, sentences, humor, background music, pronunciation, and intonation. Sample projects include describing a clothing garage sale or doing a weather report about China.
7. Things to remember:The objective is to learn Chinese language by using digital storytelling, not to create a fancy project by few or very limited language skill
8. RubricProject Storyboard: 20'Pictures and colors: 10'Title page and credits: 10'Characters or concepts: 10'Sentences and grammar: 10'Humor and depth: 10'Background music: 10'Pronunciation and intonation 10'
9. Sample projectsClothing Garage Sale Project(name, size, color, original price, sale price, how old)Weather Report Project(China's location, city, four seasons, etc.)