1. Indirect Speech (Reported Speech)
犖犖迦牽犢犖犖ム元犢犖 犖犖犖犖萎犖∇犖犖橿顕 犖犖項 犢犖犢犖 Indirect Speech 犖∇原犖 犖犖ム険犖 4 犖犢犖 犖犖園 犖犖朽
1. 犢犖犖ム元犢犖∇犢犖犖ム Reporting Verb (犖犖犖巌権犖迦犖犖犖犖萎犖∇犖犖橿顕) 犢犖ム鍵犖犖園硯犢犖犖劇犖犖÷犖犖萎犖∇ (犢犖犖劇犖犢犖犢
犢犖犖犖劇犖犖犖犖÷顕犖, 犢犖ム鍵 ... 犖犖迦権犢犖)
犢犖犖ム元犢犖∇ say say that
says - says that
said - said that
say to - tell
says to tells
said to - told
2. 犢犖犖ム元犢犖∇犢犖犖ム Reported Verb (犖犖犖巌権犖迦犖迦検) 犖犖犖劇賢 Tense
犖犢犖迦犖犖巌権犖迦犖橿顕 犢犖犢犖 Present 犖犖犖巌権犖迦犖迦検犢犖÷犖犢犖犖犢犖犖ム元犢犖∇ Tense 犢犖犢犖犢犖迦犖犖巌権犖迦犖迦検犢犖犢犖
Past 犖犖犖巌権犖迦犖迦検犖犢犖犖犢犖犢犖 Past 犖犢犖о権 犖犖犖犖朽犖朽犖犖犖巌権犖迦犖迦検犢犖犢犖 Past 犖犖∇弦犢犢犖ム犖 犖犢犖犖犢犖犖ム元犢犖∇犢犖犢犖
Past Perfect
3. 犢犖犖ム元犢犖∇犢犖犖ム Personal Pronoun
4. 犢犖犖ム元犢犖∇犢犖犖ム Nearness (犢犖犖ム) 犢犖犢犖 Distance (犢犖犖) 犢犖犖ム元犢犖∇ 犖о険犖 犢犖о献犖 犖犖犖迦犖犖朽
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
this that
these those
now then, at that time
here there
ago before
tonight that night
today that day
last night the night before
yesterday the day before, the previous day
last month the month before
last week the week before
next week the following week
tomorrow the following day, the next day
Example :
1. He says , "I can swim." He says that he can swim
2. He says to me, "I love you." He tells me that he loves me.
3. He said , "I love you." He said that he love me.
4. She said to me, "I picked a rose yesterday." She told me that she had
picked a rose the bay before.
5. Bill said, "I am reading now." Bill said that he was reading then.
II Indirect Speech - Question
Indirect Speech - Question 犖÷元 2 犢犖犖
1. Indirect Question 犖犖朽犖犖犖萎犖∇犖犖橿顕犖犖迦検犖犖謹犖犖犢犖犖犢犖о権 Question Words
2. 2. Indirect Question 犖犖朽犖犖犖萎犖∇犖犖橿顕犖犖迦検犖犖謹犖犖犢犖犖犢犖о権 Helping Verb
Ex 1. He said to me , "Who is she ?" He asked me who she was.
2. Jane says to me , "Can you remember me ?" Jane asks me if
(whether) I can remember her.
犖犖犖犖犖犖犖迦牽犢犖犖ム元犢犖 犖 Indirect Question
1. 犖犖犖犢犖犖犖劇犖犖犖犖÷顕犖∇犖橿顕犖犖項 (Quotation mark) 犖犖犖
2. reporting verb 犖犢犖犖犢犖犢犖 ask , asks 犖犖犖劇賢 asked 犢犖ム犖о犖迦検犖犢犖о権犖犖橿顕犢犖犖劇犖犖 犖犢犖 犖犖橿顕 犖犖迦検
犢犖犖巌検 犖犖謹犖 犖犢犖 犖犢犖 犖 Question Word 犖犢犢 犖犢犢 犖犖劇犖 犖÷犖犢犢 犖ム権 犢犖犢犖 犢犖 犖犖橿顕 犖犖迦検犢犖犖巌検 犖犖謹犖 犖犢犖 犖犢犖 犖
Helping V. 犢犖犢犢 犖犢 if 犖犖犖劇賢 whether 犢犖犖劇犖 犖
3. 犖犖迦牽犖ム験犖迦犖園犖犖橿顕犢犖犢犖犖∇弦犢犢犖犖犖項犖犖犖萎犖∇犖犖犖犢犖ム犖 犖犖園犢犖犖犖劇犖犖犖犖÷顕犖 ? 犖犖犖犢犖犢 full stop 犢犖犖
4. 犖÷元犖犖迦牽犢犖犖ム元犢犖∇犢犖犖ム犖犖犖犖犖犖迦検犢犖犢犢犖犖÷顕犖萎肩犖 犢犖ム鍵犢犖犖ム元犢犖∇犢犖犖ム Tense 犖犢犖迦犖犖巌権犖迦犖橿顕犢犖犢犖
III Indirect Speech - Commands or Requests
犖犖迦牽犢犖犖ム元犢犖∇犖犖犖萎犖∇ 犖犖橿顕犖犖園犖 犖犖犖犢犖犖 犢犖犢犢犖犢犖 Indirect Speech 犢犖犢EXCLAMATIONS
1. 犢犖犖ム元犢犖∇ said , said to 犢犖犢犖犖犖橿顕犖犢犖犢犖犖犖朽
Reporting an exclamation is
command - 犖犖園犖犖犖∇犖迦犢犖犖朽権犖犖犖迦 told - 犖犖犖 犖犖園犖犖犖犖犖÷犖迦犖園犖 犢 犢犖
usually best achieved by a
asked - 犖犖犖犢犖犖 ordered - 犖犖園犖犖犢犖犖犖犢犖迦犢犖犖朽権犖犖犖迦
circumlocution reflecting the
begged - 犖о鹸犖犖о賢犖 犖犢犖犖犖о賢犖 warned - 犢犖犖劇賢犖 spirit of the original
requested - 犖犖犖犢犖犖 advised - 犢犖犖萎犖橿顕 exclamation. Exclamations are
proposed - 犢犖犖犖犢犖犖 forbade 犖犢犖迦検 (V.2 犖犖犖 forbid)
not often reported in spoken
2. 犖犖犖犢犖犖犖劇犖犖犖犖÷顕犖∇犖橿顕犖犖項犖犖犖 English, so too much time
shouldn't be waited in hunting
3. 犢犖犢 to + V1 犢犖÷厳犢犖犖犖犖萎犖∇犖犖園犖犖犖園犖犢犖犢犖犖橿顕 not to + V1 犢犖÷厳犢犖犖犖犖萎犖∇犖犖園犖犖犢犖迦検犖犖橿顕
for the best expression. The
4. 犢犖犖ム元犢犖∇犖犖犖犖犖犖迦検犖犖迦検犖犖о顕犖÷犖犖÷顕犖萎肩犖 other forms of REPORTED
Ex. 1. A teacher said to me , "Open the door." SPEECH for more important.
A teacher told me to open the door.
2. Father said to me , "Don't make a loud noise."
Father told me not to make a loud noise.
3. He said to her , "please, don't be have like that."
He begged her not to be have like that.