Doc-Quick is a service that matches patients and doctors to fill appointment openings from cancellations and no-shows. It aims to save doctors over $150,000 per year in lost time and revenue due to the high cancellation and no-show rates that average 18% and 9% respectively. For $49 per month, Doc-Quick provides unlimited patient referrals as an efficient alternative to services that charge up to $100 per referral. The service also benefits imaging centers, patients who need quicker access to care, and the overall healthcare system by reducing unnecessary emergency room visits. Doc-Quick's launch plan is focused initially on the South Florida market with goals to partner with 18,000 doctors and attract 580,000 patient users
2. Why do Doctors need Doc-
The average cancel rate for a doctor is 18%, and the average no-show
rate is 9% *
Approximately 540 Hours a Year of Unrecoverable time for each doctor
Over $150,000 per Doctor per Year
3. Its an efficient means of
acquiring new patients
Patient Referral Services charge up to $100 per Referral*
Doc-Quick is $49 per month, for unlimited referrals.
4. For Imaging and Procedure
Cancelled same day procedures costs
Multiple Staff time involved
Loss of Machine Revenue
Expensive same day chemicals thrown away
5. Its good for the Health Care
Between 13.7 and 27.1 percent of all emergency department visits
could be treated at an alternative site.
Due to long wait times for appointments, limited after-hours care at
physicians offices, and other access barriers, Americans seek a
significant amount of non-emergent care at emergency departments.
Doctors Office
6. Why do Patients Love Doc-
I only have so
availability on
my calendar.
I want to
know what is
wrong with
me, today!
Two weeks for an
MRI? Really?
Oh, my. I may
not live long
enough for that
7. For Medical Professionals
Inexpensive way to fill holes in their calendar
Both for cancel/no show and for finding new patients
Convenient Web Portal
Find the right patients that fit your profile
Greater coverage for expensive medical procedures
Keep expensive machines in use, even with cancellations
Keeps medical costs down
Higher utilization means less waist in the system
Improves patient satisfaction
Reduces long wait times
8. For Patients
Convenient App available on iOS, Android, Windows Phone,
Blackberry, and Web.
Any time, any where, on any device
Patient notification when request is in the hands of the appropriate
medical professional
Proven technology keeps the Patient in the loop at all times
No middle man
Medical Professionals call Patient directly
Time, Time, Time
Filling no show and cancelled appointments enables same day appointments
9. Launch Plan
Start in South Florida market
~540 lost hours per doctor per year
$21.5mm annual opportunity in just South Florida
Two year goals
18,000 Doctors
580,000 Patient Downloads
$1mm in Marketing spend
Profitable by End of Year 2