This document appears to contain numerical data such as measurements, percentages, and codes that are likely related to construction materials, projects, or building plans. Specifically, it includes numbers that could represent measurements in meters, percentages possibly related to material properties, codes that may identify materials, and other values that are potentially dimensions, prices, or dates. The high level meaning or purpose of this document cannot be determined from the numerical data alone without additional context or explanation.
ICT adalah sistem yang digunakan untuk mengolah dan mencari data, yang sangat berguna dalam pembelajaran karena memungkinkan penggunaan gambar, suara, dan objek nyata untuk menjelaskan pelajaran. Penerapan ICT dalam pembelajaran memungkinkan siswa dan guru bertukar informasi secara online dan menemukan sumber belajar tambahan melalui internet. ICT juga memfasilitasi perdagangan dan transaksi keuangan secara online serta memperluas w
LITE 2016 – The Need for a Multi-language Approach [John Bendel]getadministrate
A multi-language approach to training and education is needed as the world becomes more globalized. The document discusses an expert who graduated from Cambridge fluent in 6 languages and has worked on psychometric assessment, e-learning programs, and interactive assessments for major companies in various industries. They have also taught at universities in both the UK and Spain. The expert's company provides translation services, analyzing documents and providing cost estimates so clients can focus on their core business while ensuring a lack of cultural bias or need for localization in the translated materials.
Erin Elizabeth Meehan has over 15 years of experience in denim and fabric development for major brands like True Religion, J Brand, and Gap Inc. She has partnered with designers to create new washes, fits, and fabrics and has managed all aspects of production from concept to execution. Meehan has developed collections for collaborations with celebrities and musicians. She holds a Bachelor's degree from Hunter College and is proficient in key industry software.
ICT adalah sistem yang digunakan untuk mengolah dan mencari data, yang sangat berguna dalam pembelajaran karena memungkinkan penggunaan gambar, suara, dan objek nyata untuk menjelaskan pelajaran. Penerapan ICT dalam pembelajaran memungkinkan siswa dan guru bertukar informasi secara online dan menemukan sumber belajar tambahan melalui internet. ICT juga memfasilitasi perdagangan dan transaksi keuangan secara online serta memperluas w
LITE 2016 – The Need for a Multi-language Approach [John Bendel]getadministrate
A multi-language approach to training and education is needed as the world becomes more globalized. The document discusses an expert who graduated from Cambridge fluent in 6 languages and has worked on psychometric assessment, e-learning programs, and interactive assessments for major companies in various industries. They have also taught at universities in both the UK and Spain. The expert's company provides translation services, analyzing documents and providing cost estimates so clients can focus on their core business while ensuring a lack of cultural bias or need for localization in the translated materials.
Erin Elizabeth Meehan has over 15 years of experience in denim and fabric development for major brands like True Religion, J Brand, and Gap Inc. She has partnered with designers to create new washes, fits, and fabrics and has managed all aspects of production from concept to execution. Meehan has developed collections for collaborations with celebrities and musicians. She holds a Bachelor's degree from Hunter College and is proficient in key industry software.