The student wrote a fantasy story called "The Witches War" which included magical characters like a wizard. They enjoyed creating the setting of castles on another planet. During the planning phase, the student struggled with details about a character named Melisa.
For the drafting phase, the student liked writing stories independently and was proud that their story included dialogue and details. During writing workshops, they learned to add more details to sentences.
In the digital phase, the student created a storyboard for their movie that had images in the correct order. They enjoyed adding sound effects and dialogue. While making the movie, the student learned new iMovie skills like trimming audio.
Sometimes collaborating was helpful when others could
Este documento describe las caracterÃsticas fundamentales de la amistad. Define la amistad como una relación basada en la confianza mutua y el apoyo incondicional, especialmente durante los momentos difÃciles. Un buen amigo no juzga los defectos del otro, sino que lo acepta tal como es y lo ayuda a crecer. La amistad requiere sinceridad, comprensión y respeto entre las partes para construir una relación sana y duradera.
La explicación funcional ha tenido una larga historia en filosofÃa de la ciencia. Aunque hay antecedentes en el pensamiento clásico, el funcionalismo entró en el discurso filosófico en el siglo XIX y ha tenido una presencia creciente desde entonces. Se suele adoptar el patrón de explicación funcional a pesar de las crÃticas, y la función normalmente se refiere al papel de los elementos de un sistema para mantener su estado. Un momento clave fue en la segunda mitad del siglo XX cuando Nagel formalizó las tesis de
This document is an entry form for the 28th Annual Colorado River Classic bowling tournament hosted by the Southeast District Elks Bowling Club. It provides information on the date and location of the tournament in Las Vegas, as well as instructions for submitting a team entry, including squad times, player names and averages, fees, and a certification that must be signed by the team captain.
The document describes Islamic burial practices as related by the Prophet Muhammad. It states that when Muhammad's daughter died, he instructed women to wash her body three to five times with water and Sidr leaves, then apply camphor. After finishing, they were told to shroud the body in Muhammad's waist-sheet and notify him.
O documento lista pagamentos de restos a pagar referentes a dezembro de 2011, incluindo folhas de pagamento de secretarias municipais, compras de materiais e alimentos, e pagamentos de auxÃlio moradia.
Oriental Weavers - Initiation of Coverage - February 2016Mohamed Marei
- Prime Investment Research initiates coverage of Oriental Weavers, a Egyptian textiles company, with a "Buy" rating and fair value of EGP 12.66/share implying 111% upside potential.
- Oriental Weavers benefits from lower oil prices which enhance its cost structure, but faces pressure from retailers to further lower prices after cuts in 2015.
- The report forecasts that declining oil markets will outweigh drops in exports, and that Oriental Weavers will benefit from domestic prospects while maneuvering globally. Downside risks include weaker recovery in Europe and higher polypropylene costs.
HTML5 Almacenamiento - Montiu octubre 2013 - Universidad Móstoles (ES)Santiago Montiu Torguet
Charla sobre APIS JS de HTML5 profundizando en la API de Almacenamiento, eventos de conexión, almacenamiento offline, y demás ayudas para finalmente realizar una SPA Single Page Aplication
Universidad de Móstoles
Refael Bitton @ All Things DATA 2016 - Firebase AnalyticsShuki Mann
The document discusses Firebase Analytics, a tool for capturing user data across an app stack. It automatically captures events like app opens and purchases. Developers can choose from predefined events or customize their own. The data is then accessible in Firebase's dashboard for analyzing metrics like active users, revenue, and retention. Firebase Analytics seamlessly integrates with other Firebase tools to build audiences and send tailored notifications. It aims to help developers better understand users and improve the app experience at each stage of the user journey.
El documento describe el descubrimiento e historia de la penicilina. Alexander Fleming descubrió la penicilina en 1928 en un hospital de Londres. La penicilina revolucionó la medicina moderna al permitir tratar enfermedades previamente incurables. Se utilizó de forma masiva durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial para tratar infecciones. La penicilina sirve para tratar infecciones bacterianas mediante la muerte o inhibición del crecimiento de bacterias.
Wir tragen die Verantwortung, dass die Prämien unserer Kunden für alle fair sind. So sind wir verpflichtet, mittels Revisionen die Buchführung der Betriebe, die bei der Suva versichert sind, zu prüfen. Unsere Revisoren sind froh, dass eine Vielzahl von Revisionen direkt bei Ihnen als Treuhänder stattfinden.
Jeff Sauer @ All Things DATA 2016 - Automating Google AnalyticsShuki Mann
This document discusses automating Google Analytics and evolving web analytics from simple data collection to generating insights. It outlines three stages: 1) data collection, 2) forming knowledge from the data, and 3) accelerated insights through automation. Some key points include using tools like Klipfolio, Zapier, and Quill Engage to integrate data sources, automate workflows and reports, and gain insights more quickly. The goal is to focus on knowledge and context over raw data and outsource simple automated tasks to save time for higher value work.
The presentation related to the internship at ICCBS and describe the on going project of the ICCBS, which can become the life line of the same organization.
This document outlines various Microsoft certification programs including MCSA, MCSD, MCSE, and MTA. It provides information on certification tracks for SQL Server 2012, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Store app development using C# and HTML5, web applications, application lifecycle management, and IT infrastructure fundamentals. It promotes the MTA certification as an entry-level option for fundamentals training in IT infrastructure, database, software development, and application lifecycle management.
Visual Studio 2008 improves developer productivity, collaboration across the lifecycle, and employs the latest technologies. It allows for better team collaboration with real-time visibility and integrated quality tools. Visual Studio 2008 also aims to decrease complexity and deliver a predictable, visible, and controlled development process through features like full lifecycle management and real-time project reporting.
This document is the preface to a book about internetworking technologies from an engineering perspective. It was written by Rahul Banerjee and discusses the motivation for creating an online book and reference to help students learn about this topic. The preface provides background on the intended audience, topics to be covered in the book, and acknowledgements. It aims to provide a comprehensive introductory resource for networking concepts, architectures, applications and development projects.
The document provides instructions for creating a simple "Hello World" application using Struts in Eclipse. It describes creating the necessary files - a form bean class (HelloWorldForm), an action class (HelloWorldAction), configuration files (struts-config.xml and web.xml), and JSP pages (index.jsp and helloWorld.jsp). The application demonstrates a basic MVC workflow in Struts - the action handles the request, sets a message on the form, and forwards to a JSP to display the message.
- .NET remoting allows objects to be placed remotely across a network where they can communicate with local objects.
- Remote objects are activated in different ways as client-activated objects which have a finite lease time or server-activated objects which can accept single or multiple calls.
- The document provides details on remote objects, channels for message passing, and activation methods and gives examples of creating a remotable class.
This document provides an overview of WML (Wireless Markup Language):
1) WML is an XML language used to specify content and user interfaces for mobile devices like PDAs and phones.
2) A WML document contains multiple "cards" that make up a "deck". Cards are like pages and decks are like websites.
3) Developing WAP applications requires a WAP-enabled web server, WAP gateway simulator, and WAP phone simulator. Configuring servers for WML and related file types is also described.
Oriental Weavers - Initiation of Coverage - February 2016Mohamed Marei
- Prime Investment Research initiates coverage of Oriental Weavers, a Egyptian textiles company, with a "Buy" rating and fair value of EGP 12.66/share implying 111% upside potential.
- Oriental Weavers benefits from lower oil prices which enhance its cost structure, but faces pressure from retailers to further lower prices after cuts in 2015.
- The report forecasts that declining oil markets will outweigh drops in exports, and that Oriental Weavers will benefit from domestic prospects while maneuvering globally. Downside risks include weaker recovery in Europe and higher polypropylene costs.
HTML5 Almacenamiento - Montiu octubre 2013 - Universidad Móstoles (ES)Santiago Montiu Torguet
Charla sobre APIS JS de HTML5 profundizando en la API de Almacenamiento, eventos de conexión, almacenamiento offline, y demás ayudas para finalmente realizar una SPA Single Page Aplication
Universidad de Móstoles
Refael Bitton @ All Things DATA 2016 - Firebase AnalyticsShuki Mann
The document discusses Firebase Analytics, a tool for capturing user data across an app stack. It automatically captures events like app opens and purchases. Developers can choose from predefined events or customize their own. The data is then accessible in Firebase's dashboard for analyzing metrics like active users, revenue, and retention. Firebase Analytics seamlessly integrates with other Firebase tools to build audiences and send tailored notifications. It aims to help developers better understand users and improve the app experience at each stage of the user journey.
El documento describe el descubrimiento e historia de la penicilina. Alexander Fleming descubrió la penicilina en 1928 en un hospital de Londres. La penicilina revolucionó la medicina moderna al permitir tratar enfermedades previamente incurables. Se utilizó de forma masiva durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial para tratar infecciones. La penicilina sirve para tratar infecciones bacterianas mediante la muerte o inhibición del crecimiento de bacterias.
Wir tragen die Verantwortung, dass die Prämien unserer Kunden für alle fair sind. So sind wir verpflichtet, mittels Revisionen die Buchführung der Betriebe, die bei der Suva versichert sind, zu prüfen. Unsere Revisoren sind froh, dass eine Vielzahl von Revisionen direkt bei Ihnen als Treuhänder stattfinden.
Jeff Sauer @ All Things DATA 2016 - Automating Google AnalyticsShuki Mann
This document discusses automating Google Analytics and evolving web analytics from simple data collection to generating insights. It outlines three stages: 1) data collection, 2) forming knowledge from the data, and 3) accelerated insights through automation. Some key points include using tools like Klipfolio, Zapier, and Quill Engage to integrate data sources, automate workflows and reports, and gain insights more quickly. The goal is to focus on knowledge and context over raw data and outsource simple automated tasks to save time for higher value work.
The presentation related to the internship at ICCBS and describe the on going project of the ICCBS, which can become the life line of the same organization.
This document outlines various Microsoft certification programs including MCSA, MCSD, MCSE, and MTA. It provides information on certification tracks for SQL Server 2012, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Store app development using C# and HTML5, web applications, application lifecycle management, and IT infrastructure fundamentals. It promotes the MTA certification as an entry-level option for fundamentals training in IT infrastructure, database, software development, and application lifecycle management.
Visual Studio 2008 improves developer productivity, collaboration across the lifecycle, and employs the latest technologies. It allows for better team collaboration with real-time visibility and integrated quality tools. Visual Studio 2008 also aims to decrease complexity and deliver a predictable, visible, and controlled development process through features like full lifecycle management and real-time project reporting.
This document is the preface to a book about internetworking technologies from an engineering perspective. It was written by Rahul Banerjee and discusses the motivation for creating an online book and reference to help students learn about this topic. The preface provides background on the intended audience, topics to be covered in the book, and acknowledgements. It aims to provide a comprehensive introductory resource for networking concepts, architectures, applications and development projects.
The document provides instructions for creating a simple "Hello World" application using Struts in Eclipse. It describes creating the necessary files - a form bean class (HelloWorldForm), an action class (HelloWorldAction), configuration files (struts-config.xml and web.xml), and JSP pages (index.jsp and helloWorld.jsp). The application demonstrates a basic MVC workflow in Struts - the action handles the request, sets a message on the form, and forwards to a JSP to display the message.
- .NET remoting allows objects to be placed remotely across a network where they can communicate with local objects.
- Remote objects are activated in different ways as client-activated objects which have a finite lease time or server-activated objects which can accept single or multiple calls.
- The document provides details on remote objects, channels for message passing, and activation methods and gives examples of creating a remotable class.
This document provides an overview of WML (Wireless Markup Language):
1) WML is an XML language used to specify content and user interfaces for mobile devices like PDAs and phones.
2) A WML document contains multiple "cards" that make up a "deck". Cards are like pages and decks are like websites.
3) Developing WAP applications requires a WAP-enabled web server, WAP gateway simulator, and WAP phone simulator. Configuring servers for WML and related file types is also described.