This document provides a 4,700 word analysis of whether the European Union suffers from a democratic deficiency. It begins by defining democratic deficiency as a lack of transparency in policymaking and an inability for citizens to reject policies. It then examines the European Parliament, Council of the European Union, Commission, European Council, and European Court of Justice based on four criteria: direct democratic election, accountability, adherence to the subsidiarity principle, and alternative accountability mechanisms. While some institutions are not directly elected, the document finds they are still accountable through elections and ability to censure poor performance. Overall, it argues the EU does not have a greater democratic deficit than nation states and policies unpopular with citizens are often supported by their own national governments.
Italy Election President of the Republic 2013telosaes
The document summarizes the 2013 election for President of Italy. It describes the multi-round electoral process and profiles three potential scenarios: 1) a broad agreement between major parties on a consensus candidate; 2) the majority coalition electing its own candidate after failing to reach agreement; and 3) compromise on an outsider candidate after many rounds of deadlock. Ultimately, the divided parliament re-elected incumbent Giorgio Napolitano in the sixth round after other options failed. Napolitano became the first Italian president to be re-elected for a second term.
This document discusses several rulings by the European Court of Human Rights regarding national minority associations in Greece and Bulgaria.
1. The Court convicted Greece twice for violating Article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights by refusing to register national minority youth associations in Western Thrace. The Court found that merely using the terms "Turkish" or "minority" in the associations' names was not enough to establish a threat to public order.
2. The Court has emphasized that the existence of minorities is a historical fact that democracies should protect and support. While states have discretion over how they recognize minorities, the Court does not accept restrictions on minority associations unless they advocate violence or rejection of democracy.
This document discusses small political parties in the UK. It begins by defining the traditional two-party system and provides examples of several small parties. It then poses questions about whether small parties can make a difference and influence policy. The document notes that small parties typically have an easier time winning local council seats than national parliamentary seats. However, it also explains that small parties may be able to exert more influence when no one party controls a majority in Parliament. The document analyzes the impact of small parties in the 1990s when the Conservative government relied on their support. It also discusses factors that may contribute to declining political party membership across the UK in recent decades.
This document is a student's final year research project on demoicratic legitimacy and the Ordinary Legislative Procedure in the European Union. It begins with an introduction that defines key concepts like "demos" and discusses the democratic deficit criticism of the EU. It then has three chapters: the first discusses limitations of democratic theory in practice; the second introduces the concept of demoicracy as a framework for evaluating EU legitimacy; and the third applies demoicracy to analyze the legitimacy of the Ordinary Legislative Procedure. The document concludes by recognizing criticisms of demoicracy and challenges to its resonance.
AS Government & Politics - UK Political Partieskirstyodair
The document provides information about political parties in the UK, including definitions of political parties and different types of parties. It discusses mainstream political parties like the Conservatives, Labour, and Liberal Democrats as well as single-issue parties. It also compares political parties to pressure groups. Additionally, it examines the structure and ideology of the Labour Party in the UK in detail. The document uses examples, definitions, and comparisons to concisely summarize key concepts about political parties in the UK system of government.
AS Government & Politics - Additional Member Systemkirstyodair
The document discusses the Additional Member System (AMS), a hybrid electoral system used in Scotland. It combines First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) and Proportional Representation (PR). Under AMS, some seats are allocated via FPTP and others via PR. For PR seats, parties present lists of candidates and seats are allocated based on each party's overall vote share using the D'Hondt formula. The document analyzes how AMS provides both proportional representation and local representation, but can also create two-tiers of constituencies and weaken representatives' connections to their areas.
European Integration Index 2013 for Eastern Partnership CountriesGhenadie Sontu
This document provides an overview of developments in Eastern Partnership countries in 2012-2013. It summarizes the results of national elections that tested young democracies and notes some countries made progress with reforms while others experienced backsliding. It also discusses how the EU's transformative power depends on domestic political will, and how the EU is applying a "more for more" approach to incentivize reforms through its funding and agreements. The conclusion of association agreements including DCFTAs at the 2013 Vilnius summit would mark an important step on these countries' European integration path.
Day 2 - The Representative-Constituency Linkage (U.S. Congress)Lee Hannah
The document discusses several Supreme Court rulings and their implications for Congress, including the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and comprehensive immigration reform. It also examines the relationship between representatives and their constituents, discussing Edmund Burke's perspective that representatives should use their own judgment rather than always obeying constituents' opinions. The document summarizes a key study by Miller and Stokes that used surveys and roll call votes to examine constituent influence on representatives across different policy issues, finding the strongest influence on civil rights issues and the weakest on foreign policy issues.
The UK has a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch. The Queen is head of state over England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, and other Commonwealth realms. The UK government is directly accountable to Parliament, made up of the House of Commons. Scotland also has devolved powers to its own Scottish Parliament for issues like education and healthcare. Scotland will hold a referendum on September 18, 2014 to decide whether Scotland should become an independent country separate from the UK.
Poland has a democratic system of government with separation of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The legislature consists of the lower Sejm chamber with 460 members elected for 4-year terms, and the upper Senate chamber with 100 members also elected for 4-year terms. The president serves as head of state for 5-year terms and has veto power over legislation. The prime minister is the head of government and leads the Council of Ministers. National elections for president and parliament are held every 4-5 years and are universal, direct, secret, equal and either proportional or majority-based. The ruling parties are Civic Platform and the Peasants Party in coalition since 2011.
The political parties that once helped establish democracies are now facing crises and decline due to larger global forces. In countries like the US, UK, Germany, and France, established parties are losing support to new populist or far-left parties. Beyond local trends, factors like globalization, inequality, and liberal values promoted globally are challenging nation states and damaging mainstream parties by shifting activism to NGOs and policies to international institutions. As issues parties were founded on no longer define today's world, membership is declining and it is unclear if parties can continue playing their role at the center of democracy.
AS Government & Politics - Voting Systemskirstyodair
This document discusses different electoral systems, including First-Past-The-Post (FPTP), Alternative Vote (AV), and Supplementary Vote. It provides examples of how each system would work using sample vote counts. FPTP is described as having advantages of simplicity and strong government, but also exaggerating results and marginalizing some votes. AV and Supplementary Vote aim to elect candidates supported by over 50% by redistributing lower-preference votes. However, AV is still not fully proportional and some question if fringe candidates could influence outcomes.
The document discusses different election systems used around the world, focusing on those used in Canada. It describes the First Past the Post system used in Canada, which involves dividing the country into electoral districts and having each district elect a Member of Parliament. It notes some advantages like simplicity but also disadvantages like not proportionally representing the popular vote. It then discusses some alternative systems like run-off voting and proportional representation, providing examples of how they could lead to different electoral outcomes than the current First Past the Post system in Canada.
1a kno how on direct democracy & referendumpjvicary
Direct democracy involves citizens directly making policy decisions through referendums and initiatives. Representative democracy involves citizens electing representatives to make policies.
Referendums allow citizens to vote directly on policy issues but they have disadvantages like oversimplifying complex issues and risking the majority discriminating against minorities. They also undermine parliamentary sovereignty. However, they can increase legitimacy on important issues and engage more citizens. Whether referendums are democratic or not depends on how they are implemented.
Why Minority Governments are Favorable to Minimal-WinningMira McKee
A paper I wrote for my Governments and Politics of Western Europe class at UT, arguing that minority governments are more favorable to minimal-winning coalition governments.
The paper attempts to analyze the results of the European Social Survey
Round 6 (2012, 2013), focusing on the section related to how democracy is understood in Poland and in the Czech Republic. The most interesting issue encompassed
the differences in how democracy is defined in the two countries and the outcomes
these differences produce in terms of the perceived legitimacy of the system, as well
as demographic factors that correlate with differences in the understanding of democracy in both surveyed groups. Statistical analyses carried out in the paper indicated
the presence of different definitions of democracy formulated in Poland and in the
Czech Republic (the Czechs gave stronger emphasis to the liberal aspect of democracy, whereas Poles stressed its social aspects more). Nevertheless, the relationship
between the definition of democracy and the perceived level of legitimacy of the democratic system (for dispersed and specific legitimacy alike) were found to be relatively
weak, as was the case of the relationship between the understanding of democracy,
system legitimacy and socio-demographic factors. The only factor found to be significant for the perceived level of legitimacy of the democratic system concerned the
level of satisfaction with ones own material situation.
The document summarizes the key political institutions in Hungary's political system. It describes the roles and processes of the government, parliament, president, constitutional court, and ombudsmen. The government is led by a prime minister who is nominated by the party that wins the most votes. The prime minister selects ministers and runs the country. The parliament makes laws, controls the government, and can replace the prime minister with a vote of no confidence. The president has a largely ceremonial role. The constitutional court and ombudsmen protect citizens' rights and ensure laws comply with the constitution.
Using a proprietary computer program, simulations of voting in the Council
after Great Britains withdrawal from the EU were carried out. In the case of some of
them, a methodological innovation consisting in departing from the assumption that
the emergence of each possible coalition is equally probable was used. The analysis
conducted indicates that after Brexit the ability of the Council members to form small
minimally blocking coalitions will change significantly. At the same time, the assessment of the ability of states to block decisions in the Council and made on the basis
of the Preventive Power Index, differs fundamentally from the results of the analysis
focusing on building small minimally blocking coalitions.
This research is funded by the National Science Centre, Poland, under project no.
UMO-2016/23/D/HS5/00408 (SONATA 12 grant) entitled The Impact of Brexit and
Unconditional Introduction of the Double Majority Voting System on DecisionMaking in the Council of the European Union.
The crisis of democracy in the western balkans, authoritarianism and eu stabi...gordana comic
This document summarizes the decline of democracy in the Western Balkans over the past decade according to various indices. It finds that countries in the region have become hybrid regimes or flawed democracies, with weak, compromised democratic institutions that autocratic leaders have exploited to consolidate power. While the EU integration process was meant to foster democracy in the region, the EU has tolerated this dynamic by prioritizing stability and viewing regional leaders as partners. However, the status quo poses risks such as further democratic backsliding, more geopolitical tensions, and declining EU support among citizens. A more decisive engagement from the EU is needed to address the democratic crisis.
The Banning of Extremist Political Parties as a Measures of Neo-Militant Demo...Maciej Skrzypek
The paper aims to determine which political parties in post-communist countries were considered hostile to
the system and evaluate the systems' capacity to eliminate their enemies with political party banning. The
analysis overs Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and
Hungary. The study covers the period from their democratization to 2020.
The document summarizes and critiques the Puno ConCom constitution proposal. It argues that the proposal is objectionable due to the current populist context in the Philippines and some concerning content changes. Specifically, it argues that the proposal would further concentrate power in the presidency and weaken checks on executive authority. Additionally, it questions whether federalism is actually the best means to address poverty and inequality in the country based on empirical studies. The document raises doubts about the transition process and risks of political dynasties gaining more regional control under the proposed federal system.
What works in online campaigning at EU level?Jon Worth
The document discusses the decline of traditional political party systems in Europe and the rise of new forms of political engagement. It notes that no existing EU institution fully matches the classic definition of a party system outlined by Schumpeter. Specifically, EU institutions lack clear political programmes linked to elections, informed voter choice between alternatives, governing parties implementing their programmes, and accountability at the next election. The document suggests citizens are self-organizing and applying pressure through new networked and hybrid forms of engagement outside traditional hierarchical parties and media.
Carrots or Sticks: The Choice and Impact of EU Democratic Sanctions and AidPaulina Pospieszna
Both the provision of democracy aid and the imposition of sanctions are tools to promote
democracy. Yet, it is unclear under which conditions states choose to set positive or negative
incentives. In order to answer which tooldemocracy aid or democratic sanctionsis more
effective, one has to analyse the actual form of the provision of aid. Sanctions and democracy aid
can also be employed at the same time. The goal of this study is to determine their joint effect on
democratization in recipient countries. We argue that sending civil society aid or democracy aid
channeled through NGOs and the civil society when sanctions are in place, enhances the
effectiveness of sanctions as a democracy promotion tool because the civil society can be
empowered to introduce democratic changes in its countryso additionally to the top-down
pressure created by sanctions, there is bottom-up pressure exerted by the civil society. Our results
suggest that democratic sanctions are more likely to be successful if democracy aid bypasses the
government in a target state. Conversely, other forms of aid provision tend to decrease the
effectiveness of sanctions. In order to precisely explain the joint impact of positive and negative
incentives on democratization, we employ a new comprehensive dataset on economic sanctions
for the period between 1989 and 2015 which integrates and updates the Threats and Imposition of
Economic Sanctions and the GIGA sanctions data sets, merged with disaggregated OECD aid data
and V-Dem as well as PolityIV democracy scores.
This document summarizes a dissertation that examines the European Parliament's use of its internet television channel, EuroparlTV, to address its communicative deficit with citizens. Through a case study of the EuroparlTV sub-channel "Discover Parliament", the dissertation finds that the Parliament is reluctant to discuss its own role in the democratic deficit or provide solutions to resolve it. The dissertation recommends that the Parliament more openly recognize the democratic deficit and empower citizens to help resolve it.
This document discusses whether the European Union exhibits characteristics of a federal system and the extent to which the Lisbon Treaty moved the EU in a more federal direction. It analyzes several features of federal systems and compares them to the EU, such as a single currency (euro), common defense, written constitution, and supremacy of EU law. While the EU shares some federal characteristics like a single market and currency for some members, it lacks a full federal system with centralized taxation, military, and constitution. The document concludes the EU has moved in a more federal direction with reforms like the Lisbon Treaty but member states still retain significant sovereignty and control over most policy areas.
The Eurozone Crisis and the Democratic DeficitMiqui Mel
This document summarizes a conference on the democratic deficit and Eurozone crisis. It includes summaries of papers presented at the conference on topics related to the democratic legitimacy of EU institutions and policy responses to the crisis. One paper argues that greater political union is needed to legitimately and effectively address the crisis, while others fear this could compound economic and political problems given differences between member states. The introduction provides context on the conference and debates issues of democracy, solidarity and diversity in the EU framework.
This document summarizes a student paper analyzing how case law from the European Court of Justice has shaped the European Union's approach to international law as either monist or dualist. The paper uses Robert Louis Stevenson's novel "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" as an analogy, comparing monism to Dr. Jekyll's obedience and dualism to Mr. Hyde's disregard for rules. It finds that while the EU promotes monism internally through the direct effect of its laws, it acts more dualistically toward international law, sometimes overriding international or national law to maintain European legal supremacy.
Day 2 - The Representative-Constituency Linkage (U.S. Congress)Lee Hannah
The document discusses several Supreme Court rulings and their implications for Congress, including the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and comprehensive immigration reform. It also examines the relationship between representatives and their constituents, discussing Edmund Burke's perspective that representatives should use their own judgment rather than always obeying constituents' opinions. The document summarizes a key study by Miller and Stokes that used surveys and roll call votes to examine constituent influence on representatives across different policy issues, finding the strongest influence on civil rights issues and the weakest on foreign policy issues.
The UK has a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch. The Queen is head of state over England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, and other Commonwealth realms. The UK government is directly accountable to Parliament, made up of the House of Commons. Scotland also has devolved powers to its own Scottish Parliament for issues like education and healthcare. Scotland will hold a referendum on September 18, 2014 to decide whether Scotland should become an independent country separate from the UK.
Poland has a democratic system of government with separation of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The legislature consists of the lower Sejm chamber with 460 members elected for 4-year terms, and the upper Senate chamber with 100 members also elected for 4-year terms. The president serves as head of state for 5-year terms and has veto power over legislation. The prime minister is the head of government and leads the Council of Ministers. National elections for president and parliament are held every 4-5 years and are universal, direct, secret, equal and either proportional or majority-based. The ruling parties are Civic Platform and the Peasants Party in coalition since 2011.
The political parties that once helped establish democracies are now facing crises and decline due to larger global forces. In countries like the US, UK, Germany, and France, established parties are losing support to new populist or far-left parties. Beyond local trends, factors like globalization, inequality, and liberal values promoted globally are challenging nation states and damaging mainstream parties by shifting activism to NGOs and policies to international institutions. As issues parties were founded on no longer define today's world, membership is declining and it is unclear if parties can continue playing their role at the center of democracy.
AS Government & Politics - Voting Systemskirstyodair
This document discusses different electoral systems, including First-Past-The-Post (FPTP), Alternative Vote (AV), and Supplementary Vote. It provides examples of how each system would work using sample vote counts. FPTP is described as having advantages of simplicity and strong government, but also exaggerating results and marginalizing some votes. AV and Supplementary Vote aim to elect candidates supported by over 50% by redistributing lower-preference votes. However, AV is still not fully proportional and some question if fringe candidates could influence outcomes.
The document discusses different election systems used around the world, focusing on those used in Canada. It describes the First Past the Post system used in Canada, which involves dividing the country into electoral districts and having each district elect a Member of Parliament. It notes some advantages like simplicity but also disadvantages like not proportionally representing the popular vote. It then discusses some alternative systems like run-off voting and proportional representation, providing examples of how they could lead to different electoral outcomes than the current First Past the Post system in Canada.
1a kno how on direct democracy & referendumpjvicary
Direct democracy involves citizens directly making policy decisions through referendums and initiatives. Representative democracy involves citizens electing representatives to make policies.
Referendums allow citizens to vote directly on policy issues but they have disadvantages like oversimplifying complex issues and risking the majority discriminating against minorities. They also undermine parliamentary sovereignty. However, they can increase legitimacy on important issues and engage more citizens. Whether referendums are democratic or not depends on how they are implemented.
Why Minority Governments are Favorable to Minimal-WinningMira McKee
A paper I wrote for my Governments and Politics of Western Europe class at UT, arguing that minority governments are more favorable to minimal-winning coalition governments.
The paper attempts to analyze the results of the European Social Survey
Round 6 (2012, 2013), focusing on the section related to how democracy is understood in Poland and in the Czech Republic. The most interesting issue encompassed
the differences in how democracy is defined in the two countries and the outcomes
these differences produce in terms of the perceived legitimacy of the system, as well
as demographic factors that correlate with differences in the understanding of democracy in both surveyed groups. Statistical analyses carried out in the paper indicated
the presence of different definitions of democracy formulated in Poland and in the
Czech Republic (the Czechs gave stronger emphasis to the liberal aspect of democracy, whereas Poles stressed its social aspects more). Nevertheless, the relationship
between the definition of democracy and the perceived level of legitimacy of the democratic system (for dispersed and specific legitimacy alike) were found to be relatively
weak, as was the case of the relationship between the understanding of democracy,
system legitimacy and socio-demographic factors. The only factor found to be significant for the perceived level of legitimacy of the democratic system concerned the
level of satisfaction with ones own material situation.
The document summarizes the key political institutions in Hungary's political system. It describes the roles and processes of the government, parliament, president, constitutional court, and ombudsmen. The government is led by a prime minister who is nominated by the party that wins the most votes. The prime minister selects ministers and runs the country. The parliament makes laws, controls the government, and can replace the prime minister with a vote of no confidence. The president has a largely ceremonial role. The constitutional court and ombudsmen protect citizens' rights and ensure laws comply with the constitution.
Using a proprietary computer program, simulations of voting in the Council
after Great Britains withdrawal from the EU were carried out. In the case of some of
them, a methodological innovation consisting in departing from the assumption that
the emergence of each possible coalition is equally probable was used. The analysis
conducted indicates that after Brexit the ability of the Council members to form small
minimally blocking coalitions will change significantly. At the same time, the assessment of the ability of states to block decisions in the Council and made on the basis
of the Preventive Power Index, differs fundamentally from the results of the analysis
focusing on building small minimally blocking coalitions.
This research is funded by the National Science Centre, Poland, under project no.
UMO-2016/23/D/HS5/00408 (SONATA 12 grant) entitled The Impact of Brexit and
Unconditional Introduction of the Double Majority Voting System on DecisionMaking in the Council of the European Union.
The crisis of democracy in the western balkans, authoritarianism and eu stabi...gordana comic
This document summarizes the decline of democracy in the Western Balkans over the past decade according to various indices. It finds that countries in the region have become hybrid regimes or flawed democracies, with weak, compromised democratic institutions that autocratic leaders have exploited to consolidate power. While the EU integration process was meant to foster democracy in the region, the EU has tolerated this dynamic by prioritizing stability and viewing regional leaders as partners. However, the status quo poses risks such as further democratic backsliding, more geopolitical tensions, and declining EU support among citizens. A more decisive engagement from the EU is needed to address the democratic crisis.
The Banning of Extremist Political Parties as a Measures of Neo-Militant Demo...Maciej Skrzypek
The paper aims to determine which political parties in post-communist countries were considered hostile to
the system and evaluate the systems' capacity to eliminate their enemies with political party banning. The
analysis overs Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and
Hungary. The study covers the period from their democratization to 2020.
The document summarizes and critiques the Puno ConCom constitution proposal. It argues that the proposal is objectionable due to the current populist context in the Philippines and some concerning content changes. Specifically, it argues that the proposal would further concentrate power in the presidency and weaken checks on executive authority. Additionally, it questions whether federalism is actually the best means to address poverty and inequality in the country based on empirical studies. The document raises doubts about the transition process and risks of political dynasties gaining more regional control under the proposed federal system.
What works in online campaigning at EU level?Jon Worth
The document discusses the decline of traditional political party systems in Europe and the rise of new forms of political engagement. It notes that no existing EU institution fully matches the classic definition of a party system outlined by Schumpeter. Specifically, EU institutions lack clear political programmes linked to elections, informed voter choice between alternatives, governing parties implementing their programmes, and accountability at the next election. The document suggests citizens are self-organizing and applying pressure through new networked and hybrid forms of engagement outside traditional hierarchical parties and media.
Carrots or Sticks: The Choice and Impact of EU Democratic Sanctions and AidPaulina Pospieszna
Both the provision of democracy aid and the imposition of sanctions are tools to promote
democracy. Yet, it is unclear under which conditions states choose to set positive or negative
incentives. In order to answer which tooldemocracy aid or democratic sanctionsis more
effective, one has to analyse the actual form of the provision of aid. Sanctions and democracy aid
can also be employed at the same time. The goal of this study is to determine their joint effect on
democratization in recipient countries. We argue that sending civil society aid or democracy aid
channeled through NGOs and the civil society when sanctions are in place, enhances the
effectiveness of sanctions as a democracy promotion tool because the civil society can be
empowered to introduce democratic changes in its countryso additionally to the top-down
pressure created by sanctions, there is bottom-up pressure exerted by the civil society. Our results
suggest that democratic sanctions are more likely to be successful if democracy aid bypasses the
government in a target state. Conversely, other forms of aid provision tend to decrease the
effectiveness of sanctions. In order to precisely explain the joint impact of positive and negative
incentives on democratization, we employ a new comprehensive dataset on economic sanctions
for the period between 1989 and 2015 which integrates and updates the Threats and Imposition of
Economic Sanctions and the GIGA sanctions data sets, merged with disaggregated OECD aid data
and V-Dem as well as PolityIV democracy scores.
This document summarizes a dissertation that examines the European Parliament's use of its internet television channel, EuroparlTV, to address its communicative deficit with citizens. Through a case study of the EuroparlTV sub-channel "Discover Parliament", the dissertation finds that the Parliament is reluctant to discuss its own role in the democratic deficit or provide solutions to resolve it. The dissertation recommends that the Parliament more openly recognize the democratic deficit and empower citizens to help resolve it.
This document discusses whether the European Union exhibits characteristics of a federal system and the extent to which the Lisbon Treaty moved the EU in a more federal direction. It analyzes several features of federal systems and compares them to the EU, such as a single currency (euro), common defense, written constitution, and supremacy of EU law. While the EU shares some federal characteristics like a single market and currency for some members, it lacks a full federal system with centralized taxation, military, and constitution. The document concludes the EU has moved in a more federal direction with reforms like the Lisbon Treaty but member states still retain significant sovereignty and control over most policy areas.
The Eurozone Crisis and the Democratic DeficitMiqui Mel
This document summarizes a conference on the democratic deficit and Eurozone crisis. It includes summaries of papers presented at the conference on topics related to the democratic legitimacy of EU institutions and policy responses to the crisis. One paper argues that greater political union is needed to legitimately and effectively address the crisis, while others fear this could compound economic and political problems given differences between member states. The introduction provides context on the conference and debates issues of democracy, solidarity and diversity in the EU framework.
This document summarizes a student paper analyzing how case law from the European Court of Justice has shaped the European Union's approach to international law as either monist or dualist. The paper uses Robert Louis Stevenson's novel "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" as an analogy, comparing monism to Dr. Jekyll's obedience and dualism to Mr. Hyde's disregard for rules. It finds that while the EU promotes monism internally through the direct effect of its laws, it acts more dualistically toward international law, sometimes overriding international or national law to maintain European legal supremacy.
The emergence of a europe wide public sphere slow but surelyAusten Uche Uwosomah
The document summarizes the implications of the European Constitution and Treaty of Lisbon on European citizenry. It discusses how the rejection of the initial European Constitution led EU institutions to pursue the Treaty of Lisbon to achieve similar goals. The Treaty of Lisbon strengthens EU institutions' power over member states and establishes common EU laws, policies, and citizenship that will unite Europeans under a shared identity. This is expected to encourage the emergence of a Europe-wide public sphere as EU citizens become more invested in EU policies that will increasingly impact their lives more than national policies.
The document discusses how the Lisbon Treaty has implications for European citizenship and identity over national identity. It argues that the Treaty forces some EU member state laws to be superseded by common European laws, bringing citizens of EU states together under a common identity with shared rights and obligations. This favors the development of a European identity over solely national identities among EU citizens. The Treaty reinforces concepts from the earlier proposed but rejected EU Constitution, but avoids national referendums. This shift toward a European identity may reduce euroscepticism and increase EU citizens' participation in and support for European integration policies over time.
Does the European Union have an Institutional Problem with Democratic Deficiency
1. Does the European Union have an
Institutional Problem with
Democratic Deficiency
University of Kent
James Peters
Word count: 4,700
2. Peters 1
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................2
Democratic Deficiency ..............................................................................................................................3
European Parliament ............................................................................................................................4
Council of the European Union.............................................................................................................6
The Commission....................................................................................................................................7
The European Council...........................................................................................................................9
The European Court of Justice............................................................................................................11
Is there a solid case to claim that the European Union is plagued by democratic deficiency?..............12
3. Peters 2
From its inception, the European integration project has been an effort that has thus far
been successful at promoting inter-European economic and political integration as a means to
douse the fires of nationalism and bitter inter-state rivalry that fed fuel to the first two world
wars. The founding fathers of the European Union, Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet,1
envisioned a project that would united Europeans and help them find a new age of prosperity that
would be free of wars on the magnitude that had rocked lives of both men. A European project
would be a way to do much of what NATOs first Secretary General had said, a way to keep the
Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down,2
and assure French about their security
dilemma concerns of another European total war.
The project took off as a purely economic endeavor. The original European Coal and
Steel Community placed the hard power resources needed to fuel a third German-Franco war in
three generations and placed them under the control of a supranational body.3
While this was not
a nation-state like what federalists such as Robert Schuman had envisioned for a European
project, that first seed of the ECSC has steadily grown through phases of both widening and
deepening European integration. Due to a mix of excitement over the growth experienced by the
original six ECSC members and anxiety over mounting Soviet-American tensions, European
political leaders pushed for more economic integration which fed into widening as more
countries sought to join the European club and more deepening with early treaty reforms like the
Treaty of Rome.4
From the 1950s to the present day, the once European Coal and Steel community, now
European Union, has evolved from having 6 members to 28. Its competencies have spread from
the supranational control over Coal and Steel manufacturing in Europe to controlling the worlds
largest trading bloc and providing a wide range of services for all European citizens. This growth
has gone through heavy periods of questioning and challenges such as the period of
Eurosclerosis during the 80s,5
and the failure to pass a constitutional treaty in 2005.6
And along
with questioning how far integration will go, the European project has also been plagued by the
question of the democratic deficit.
This paper will seek to first define the concept of democratic deficiency. I will then
look at the European Union from an institutional perspective and evaluate each of the
institutions, based off of what is written into the treaties as to how each institution is created then
how it engages in policy making. I will evaluate these criteria against the definition of
(Baldwin and Wyplozy, 2012, p. 12)
( NATO - Opinion: After-Dinner Speech by Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola, Chairman of the Military Committee,
Honouring SHAPE Officers Associations 50th Annual Symposium in Mons, 16-Oct.-2010)
(Baldwin and Wyplosz, 2012, p. 11)
(Baldwin and Wyplosz, 2012, p. 16)
(Bentolila and Bertola 1990)
( EUROPEAN UNION: The French & Dutch Referendums - Council on Foreign Relations)
4. Peters 3
democratic deficit to measure the actual depth of the problem. I expect to show that the EU
doesnt suffer from a problem of a democratic deficit more so than a normal nation state, but
rather because of the complexity of the union and the seeming lack of transparency surrounding
Unions policy making process, the EUs problem with the democratic deficit is actually a
problem of policy makers trying to shroud the EU with a cloak of suspicion that then hides the
fact that Unpopular EU policies that do not sit well with the Member States home electorates are
actually policies supported by that very member states home government.
Democratic Deficiency
Eur-lex claims that the so-called European democratic deficient is the terminology used
by academics and ordinary European citizens alike to demonstrate dissatisfaction with the
seeming lack of transparency in policy making and the lacking mechanism for ordinary
European citizens to reject or dissolve a European government that they are dissatisfied with.7
Others suggest that the democratic deficit lies not in the formal structure of the Union
[legislative process]but in its informal bypassing,8
meaning that the back room dealings that
smooth out legislative bumps (or the politicking of legislation) is done behind closed doors and
that makes the legislative process a simple formality instead of a true democratic proceeding.
Some like Baldwin and Wyplosz put the problem in the terms of democratic legitimacy, and
say that the EU would be a more legitimate system if all individuals would be happy with the
allocation of others voting power and they had a means for rebutting legislation they didnt
Other definitions of European democratic deficit go on to call the EU a superstate that
erodes national sovereignty or say that the European Union or that it is a runaway supranational
technocratic state.10
For the purpose of this paper, we will take the most straightforward definition implied by
the word. By saying the EU has a democratic deficit, that would seem to imply that democracy
is missing. We will also take the definition one step further to include the competencies of the
institution in question then determine if an institution holds power that extends beyond normal
parameters for a state equivalent institution.
Therewith we will test each of the institutions to see if there is indeed a democratic
proceeding by which representatives are first elected. Then, if it is shown that a representative is
elected, then we will evaluate if the electorate has the option to electorally punish a bad
politician by voting him or her from office during the next election cycle. Moreover, we will
examine the competencies of the stipulated institution and determine if they are consistent with
the subsidiarity principle which would imply that the EU has only taken on competencies that are
( Democratic Deficit Glossary of Summaries - EUR-Lex)
(Sch端tze, 2012, p. 42)
(Baldwin and Wyplosz, 2012, p. 111)
(Moravcsik, 2008, p. 332-333)
5. Peters 4
appropriate to a European wide level of responsibility.11
And finally, we will examine the treaty
language to determine that if there is a failing on the part of the treaty to provide a democratic
foundation if it is a failing of the EU or if reform is needed at the member state level.
Each institution will be examined by the criterion of the following four prong test:
1. Is the institution directly democratically elected?
2. Are there political or legal ramifications if a politician or institution
oversteps the boundaries as stipulated by the treaties?
3. Do the competencies outlined for the institution fall within the general
guidelines of the subsidiary principle?
4. If the institution is not directly elected then are there other political
safeguards and mechanisms that the electorate can use to ensure
democratic accountability?
European Parliament
We will start with the European Parliament. As an institution, it was first legally created
as the Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel community in 1952, then was
rechristened as the European Parliament ten years later. The European Parliament held its first
Direct Elections in 1979.12
Is the institution directly democratically elected?
The political appointment of the European Parliament is described in article 14 (3) TEU as an
election that will occur with universal suffrage and via secret ballot. Article 14 (2) describes
that the Parliament shall be composed of representatives of the Unions citizens. These two
provisions thus qualify the European Parliament as an indisputably directly democratically
elected European institution.
(Sch端tze, 2012, p. 44
( EUROPA - European Parliament - the EU Institutions Explained)
6. Peters 5
Are there political or legal ramifications if a politician or institution oversteps the boundaries
as stipulated by the treaties?
Yes, because the article is re-elected every 5 years (Art. 14(3) TEU) the MEPs (Members of the
European Parliament) are held politically accountable. In the event that the local constituency
becomes dissatisfied with either the party or the MEP in office, the constituency has the
opportunity every five years to send a new official to represent them.
Do the competencies outlined for the institution fall within the general guidelines of the
subsidiary principle?
Article 14(1) TEU explains the basic competencies of the European Parliament. It is a co-
legislator with the Council of Ministers and it is responsible for electing the President of the
Commission. These competencies fall within the realm of the subsidiarity principal when the
European Parliament is compared with the legislative and constitutional responsibilities of most
of the Member States lower house of parliament.
Like the British House of Commons or the German Bundestag, the EP is responsible for electing
the President of the Commission. And since the President of the Commission, like the Prime
Minister in a parliamentarian democracy, is responsible for initiating legislation (along side other
commissioners who can also propose legislation), the subsidiarity principle is respected because
the Parliament is responsible for electing the head Legislator who is responsible for initiating the
legislative process. It does not have the constitutional powers to change Member State
governments or Regional governments, and it plays a role in affirming the entire commission Art
17 (7) TFEU and has the power to reject formation of the primary legislating body before it takes
office if the Parliament feels for any reason that any member of the proposed commission is a
bad fit for the job.
And in its role as a legislator, the European Parliament has direct voting power on legislation that
effects daily citizen life and regulation under the process of the ordinary legislative and it also
holds power of the purse, like most lower houses of Parliament in the Member State
If the institution is not directly elected then are there other political safeguards and
mechanisms that the electorate can use to ensure democratic accountability?
As shown by the first prong of the test, the European Parliament is directly elected and is held
directly democratically accountable.
(Sh端tze, 2012, p. 14-5)
7. Peters 6
Council of the European Union
While the European Parliament is often seen as the direct representation of the European
constituency to the European Union, the Council of the European Union can be seen as the
Member States direct representation to the European Union.14
The first precursor body to the
Council of Ministers was created in 1958 and was called the Council of the European Economic
Community. It serves its main purpose today as the co-legislator with the European Parliament,
but it also partners with the Commission and is the home institution to the newly created office
of the High Representative of the European Union.15
Is the institution directly democratically elected?
The Council of the European Union is not directly elected by a European electorate. Article
16 (2) TEU calls for each member state to send its appropriate government minister to attend
meetings of the Council relevant to the policy issue at hand (ie. the Agricultural minister in
legislation dealing with the Common Agricultural Policy, or Economic Ministers when
considering new economic reforms or regulations). In all, there are ten various configurations
of the Council of Ministers depending on the policy issue at hand.16
Are there political or legal ramifications if a politician or institution oversteps the boundaries
as stipulated by the treaties?
Yes, in two separate ways. The first is in the fact that the democratically elected European
Parliament has to approve legislation voted on by the council in the majority of cases. While
there are a select few cases where the Parliament does not have equal legislative power to the
Commission and the Council of Ministers, the Council of ministers is also politically responsible
to the political repercussions of both its home government and the home government of the
member state is in turn held democratically accountable in its policy actions by its home
electorate. An electorate that is comprised of citizens of the European Union.
Do the competencies outlined for the institution fall within the general guidelines of the
subsidiary principle?
As an upper legislative house, the Council of Ministers holds a number of competencies similar
to those shared by the Member States home electoral systems. It is required by Article 16 (8)
(Sch端tze, 2012, p.19)
( EUROPA - Council of the EU - the EU Institutions Explained)
8. Peters 7
TEU to meet and deliberate in public. It is bound by a voting system that requires a double
majority. 55% of the Member States representatives who in total also represent 65% of the
population of the total union must vote to pass legislation Article 16 (4) TEU.
This kind of double majority voting does not exist in every member state and can therefore be
viewed to be as a more restrained form of authoritative democracy than those practiced by
member states like the UK where the parliament needs 51% of the vote to pass legislation.
Instead, the double majority procedure is a much more deliberative democratic approach because
it requires a minimum of 65% of the Unions population and over half of the Member States to
agree to new legislation.
Additionally all legislation passed by the Council is subject to judicial scrutiny by the European
Court of Justice. So like in home Member States, if the Council were to overstep one of its
mandates, such as the subsidiary principle laid down by both the treaties Art 5 (3) TEU and the
ECJ in Parliament v. Council, Case C-417/93, [1995] ECR I-643, the legislative body cannot
supersede its boundaries and competencies for European law making and impose its will into the
Jurisdiction of Member State governments or regional governments unless its acting on the
grounds of a sole competency of the European Union.
If the institution is not directly elected then are there other political safeguards and
mechanisms that the electorate can use to ensure democratic accountability?
The Council of Ministers is not held directly politically accountable by a European Electorate. It
is the institution that is meant to represent the policies and will of the Member State
governments. However, with this in mind, the lack of direct European accountability is a non-
issue as the Council of Ministers is an institution representative of the Member States. Thus, if
Europeans, as citizens of the EU, feel there needs to be greater transparency and democratic
accountability regarding the Council of Ministers, it is the prerogative and responsibility of the
constituents within a given member state to reform their electoral process to hold their cabinet
more accountable to the will of the people. This is already normally done by the majority of
populations within Member States when they elect a governing party who then forms a
government which includes a cabinet of Ministers.
Thus, they directly elect their representative to the Council of the European Union and these
ministers are then accountable to the will of their elected people because the people has the
power to punish a government whose policies they disagree with that are then presented as
legislative material at the EU level.
The Commission
9. Peters 8
The commission can be viewed as the most supranational body of the European Union. It
evolved from the technocrats that governed the original European Coal and Steel community.17
is the most politically independent branch of the European Unions government. It primarily
looks after European Union wide interests and together with the ECJ (like the executive powers
of the French President or German Chancellor) is responsible for upholding EU law and making
sure that Member States enact directives and new laws within a timely manner.18
Is the institution directly democratically elected?
The Commission is not democratically elected by the European electorate. It is comprised of
one national from each member state Article 17 (4) TEU. Its president shall be directly
elected by the European Parliament and after he or she proposes a so-called college of
commissioners, that college is then confirmed by the European parliament.
Are there political or legal ramifications if a politician or institution oversteps the boundaries
as stipulated by the treaties?
Yes, as is outlined by article 17 (8) TEU and Article 234 TFEU the parliament shall have the
power to vote on a motion of censure that would require the Commission to retire immediately.
Just as a national parliament can call a vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister of a Member
State or a Parliament can vote to impeach a president, the European Parliament can also decide
that if the Commission has overstepped its legal bounds, then it can pass a vote of censure on the
standing commission.
Do the competencies outlined for the institution fall within the general guidelines of the
subsidiary principle?
Yes, the treaties are very specific on the powers of the Commission. With the exception of the
competencies held by the High Representative of the Union, the Commision is responsible for
representing the interests of the Union abroad Article 17 (1) TEU. This would include areas
regarding the common market and the four fundamental European freedoms.
Additionally as the main legislator, like a prime minister elected by a national parliament, the
presidents commission has almost exclusive rights to propose new legislation Art 17 (2) TEU.
As the main executive supranational branch of the EU, the commission is also tasked with
ensuring the application of the treaties Article 106 (3) TFEU. And it is also responsible for
(Sch端tze, 2012, p. 26)
( EUROPA - European Commission - the EU Institutions Explained)
10. Peters 9
overseeing the application of European law and it has the legal competencies to compel Member
States and other institutions to follow EU law Article 258 TFEU.
If the institution is not directly elected then are there other political safeguards and
mechanisms that the electorate can use to ensure democratic accountability?
The College of Commissioners is an institution that is designed to maintain the most political
independence from the European electorate. However, that does not separate it from political
accountability. The Commission is held accountable in two ways: one democratic, and the other
legal. Because the European Parliament has the ultimate power of censure over the College of
Commissioners, it holds the legal competence to dissolve the college if it feels that the College
of Commissioners has become either abusive of its power or has become corrupt. And because
the Parliament is a body that faces direct elections every five years, it is under pressure by its
direct European electorate to hold the college of commissioners to the same standard that a
Prime Minister is held. If the Prime Minister of a Member State becomes bogged down in
scandal, is seen as weak or seen as corrupt, the national parliament can always call a vote of no
confidence. The European parliament too can subject the Commission to a vote of censure.
And like the executive of a member state, the College of Commissioners too is also not above the
law. And should the Commission break the law, the European Court of Justice can negate a law
passed by the commission that violates the competencies laid out by the treaties.
The European Council
While the Heads of the original six member states of the European Coal and Steel
Community must have met together regularly since before the European Coal and Steel
community was officially ratified into law, the pre-cursor to the European Council first began to
meet informally in 1974, then formally in the 90s and finally gained institutional status with the
ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009.19
While the Commission most closely represents the
Head of Government for the European Union, the European Council most closely represents the
Head of State.20
Much like the Queen of England, the Prime Minister of France or the President
of Germany, the European Council is a body that is primarily a policy setter and holds no real
powers within the realm of the European law making process Article 15 (1) TEU.
( EUROPA - European Council - the EU Institutions Explained)
(Sch端tze European Constitutional Law, 2012, p. 103)
11. Peters 10
Is the institution directly democratically elected?
Like the Council of Ministers, the European Council is a representation of the Member States
to the European Union. And like the Council of ministers it is not directly elected by a
European electorate. The European Council is comprised of the Heads of State and
Government of the Member States Article 15 (2) TEU.
Are there political or legal ramifications if a politician or institution oversteps the boundaries
as stipulated by the treaties?
Yes, in every Member State where there is a political process in place either via constitutional
law or secondary law that allows for a recall process to happen, a constituency in a member state
can always withdrawal their representative to the European Council if they chose. Otherwise, if
they are unsatisfied with their government and its proposals before the European Council, it
always has the opportunity to elect a new Head of Government in the next national election.
While it is almost guaranteed that no national party is going to run on the platform of being a
better representative for its people at the European Council when there are much perceived issues
at the national level (the economy, the environment, etc), it is not the inherent fault of the
European Union, or a flaw in the treaties, that diminish the awareness that in many member
states, the European Council is also a directly elected representative body for the European
Do the competencies outlined for the institution fall within the general guidelines of the
subsidiary principle?
Yes, because like a Head of State like the King of Belgium or the President of Germany, the
European Council is a policy and agenda setter and does not have direct power within the
European Union context. Of course the minister in the council of ministers that corresponds to
the Head of State of the Members State in question will put forward the agenda of that Member
State, the various Prime Ministers and Presidents of Europe, thought they are the head of
government in their home regime, they dont have direct legislative or executive powers at the
European level Article 15 (1).
However, the European Council does fulfil one very important constitutional role in the EU, it
has the power to determine if a candidate state can begin the accession process Article 49 TEU
or it can also lay out the guidelines for a member state that has opted to leave the Union Article
50 (2) TEU.
If the institution is not directly elected then are there other political safeguards and
mechanisms that the electorate can use to ensure democratic accountability?
12. Peters 11
Yes, as was stated above, the European Council is comprised generally of representatives who
are elected directly by their home constituents. If during the election process they chose not to
run on a platform as a representative to the European Council, that does not change the fact that
if they win the election, that candidate in question will represent his or her entire member state in
the capacity of Member of the European Council.
The European Court of Justice
The European Court of Justice is the impartial judge that is needed to ensure that the
democratic process is followed. It exists primarily to interpret European Law when it is brought
into question by the Member States or institutions and ensure that law is evenly applied.21
court was first established in 1952, and it has developed a very rich jurisprudence since its
inception. Because its responsible for interpreting European law, it has often been accused of
being an activist institution that has pushed integration forward whether the Member States
wanted it to or not.22
Is the institution directly democratically elected?
Like the impartial judicial branches of the member states, the ECJ is not a directly elected
body. One justice is appointed from each member state to serve a term for 6 years Article 19
(2). The judges are to be of impeccable moral character and should meet the criteria outlined
by Articles 235 and 254 TFEU.
Are there political or legal ramifications if a politician or institution oversteps the boundaries
as stipulated by the treaties?
Yes, in the event that a Judge is found to be unsatisfactory, he or she may not be reappointed
after his or her six year term.
Do the competencies outlined for the institution fall within the general guidelines of the
subsidiary principle?
Yes, the court is responsible for interpreting and evenly applying Union law Article 19 (3). This
is the basic judicial function of every constitutional court. It is the determiner of the Subsidiary
Principle and if the laws passed by the Commission, Council and Parliament do not violate the
(Sch端tze, 2012, p. 32)
( EUROPA - Court of Justice (CJEU) - the EU Institutions Explained)
13. Peters 12
subsidiary principle, are true to the treaties and respect the four fundamental European
If the institution is not directly elected then are there other political safeguards and
mechanisms that the electorate can use to ensure democratic accountability?
Yes if the Court has any members who are found to be incompetent in their job, then they will
not be reappointed at the end of their six year term. Furthermore, as law an jurisprudence move
case to case, each new court has the opportunity and power to change the jurisprudence set in
place by a prior ruling found on bad reasoning or if something in the treaties has changed that
will change fundamental European constitutional law.
Is there a solid case to claim that the European Union is plagued by democratic
No, there is not a strong case to claim that the European Union is overtly less democratic and
overly technocratic from a legal or institutional perspective. As I endeavored to show by
applying a four prong legal test with a defined definition of democratic deficiency being either a
lack of democratic accountability in the election process or in the event that the populace has
become unhappy with the regime in place.
As I showed, two of the institutions are directly elected, the European Parliament and the
European Council (given that the member states constitution allows for the direct election of the
Head of State or it is known who will become prime minister in the event of a party winning in
an election). I have shown that the Council of Ministers is composed of representatives that are
officials representing the governments directly elected by the European people. And I have
shown that the European Unions most supranational Executive/Legislative institution, the
Commission is also held democratically accountable upon its appointment (via a confirmation
vote cast by the European Parliament which is directly elected by the European people). And, it
is held accountable while in office by the possibility of a vote of Censure by the European
peoples most open and direct representative, the European Parliament, should it overstep its
Because of its massive size and complicated legislative proceedings, it would be very difficult
for Brussels to push legislation through compared to how easy it would be for a unitary
parliamentarian system like that of the UK.23
If anything, it can be said that the European Union
has a problem of being too complicated and because of its 413 constitutional articles (compared
(Moravcsik, 2008, 334)
14. Peters 13
to 34 for the United States),24
and that is what gives it the perception of being an impenetrable
enigmatic bureaucratic regime that member state governments can blame all their woes on.
(Sch端tze Consitutional Law, 2012, p. 3)
15. Peters 14
Democratic Deficit Glossary of Summaries - EUR-Lex [Online]. Available from: http://eur- [Accessed 1/15/2016].
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Berkshire, UK: Mcgraw Hill.
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Eurosclerosis?. The Review of Economic Studies [Online], 57(3), 381-402. Available from:
Moravcsik, A. (2008). The myth of Europes democratic deficit. Intereconomics [Online], 43(6),
16. Peters 15
Sch端tze, R. (2012). European Constitutional Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.