Creating a personal website excited me much. I wanted to just put my full name... you know... something like my passport name? Then it dawned on me that if anyone knew I had a domain name but not know what it was, they would never search my passport name. I knew I had to do something...
18. 1. for URL shortening;
2. to prevent broken links when
web pages are moved;
3. to allow multiple domain
names belonging to the same
owner to refer to a single
4. to guide navigation into and
out of a website;
5. for privacy protection;
6. and for less innocuous
purposes such as
phishing attacks.
URL redirection is done
for various reasons:
19. For this domain redirection
tutorial, our purpose is No. 1
from the above list:
URL shortening.
20. Now to start with creating a new domain,
we open our browser.
34. Most know me as
Elena Solon, so if anyone knew I had a
domain name but not what it was, guess what
they would type.
And as experts of Quora succinctly point out….
”Thus, having your domain as full name will
get you on top search results (and not all people
with the same full name will have a website so
chances are quite good yours will be on top).”