Naoko Kawachi presented on the dress experience system at a fashion event in Tokyo. The system shows the relationship between dress, appearance, and experience. It demonstrates how a person's appearance gives others an initial impression, which can lead to interactions where interests are shared through words and actions. Experiences then change one's personality and mindset, which feeds back to influence future appearance through dress and a changed outlook. The cycle shows how appearance, experiences, and personality influence each other.
2. ? This slide is a part of my presentation at Rhythmoon’s
fashion talk event on July 9th, 2016 in Tokyo. ?
3. ? The diagram in this slide will show a relationship
between dress / appearance and experience
5. ? People will know who you are through interaction
visually and verbally
? You are what you experienced
? Good clothes open all doors - by Thomas Fuller
? Dress / Appearance works for better experiences and
experiences change your look
27. ? Your appearance give people some impression with no words
? What you are doing and saying intrigue people
? By your attitude and mind, people trust you
? People who trust you give you opportunities
? With those opportunities, you will experience something
? Experiences change your mindset and attitude a lot enough to
in?uence on your behavior such as saying and doing
? What you are doing and saying turn into your appearance such as
look healthy, energetic and happy. Of course including what you
wear and how your makeup and hair look like. And those are
message that tell people who you are
28. T H A N K Y O U ?
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