This document discusses using Selenium to test a Drupal website that is being built during meetings where new features and modules are developed. It recommends using Selenium to record test cases that validate the functionality and check for errors or missing elements, and then executing those test cases through Selenium RC to ensure future changes don't break existing functionality. This helps address the challenges of limited development time during meetings and changing contributors by automating testing of the website.
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Drupal + selenium
1. Drupal
+ selenium
Things work, when they are tested
Lisbon, 25th September 2010
Hern但ni Borges de Freitas
5. There are no free lunches !
I want a website made on drupal !
You can use the bar all saturdays, but I
want you to build a website for me.
Anytime you come here, i can ask you
for improvements on the website.
I Expect no bugs!
I expect no downtimes.
I Want 10M Users.
8. Whatelse do we need?
Lets do it!
Each meeting we develop new modules
and features.
We can only spend 2 hours on it, and
we are very tired because is weekend,
and free beer is not enzimatic.
We have new people every meeting.
We cant screw what we have done !
10. Selenium Storyline
Record actions you use to perform when doing things on your
website using IDE.
Actions are converted in commands.
Use assertX() and verifyX() to check if you find expected
elements on DOM.
Save test case.
Run them again. Join them in test suites. Run then where you
want when you want.
11. Meeting 1 - Demo
I want to create events
I want to list them
14. Selenium Selectors
id=id: Select the element with the specified @id attribute.
name=name: Select the first element with the specified @name
xpathExpression: Locate an element using an XPath expression.
link=textPattern: Select the link (anchor) element which
contains text matching the specified pattern.
15. Selenium Features
AJAX compatible (waitForX ...)
Elements Visible/Hidden
Verify Common Elements (titles, js alerts, etc..)
Services in the cloud can run these tests for you
17. Selenium RC
Run a html test suite in Selenium RC
java -jar selenium-server.jar -htmlSuite *firefox http://kompacto /Users/hernani/
Sites/kompacto/sites/default/tests/kompacto.suite.html /Users/hernani/Sites/