Domain Specific Languages: implementazione in Lisp e integrazione con Java mediante API JSR-223.
Presentazione tenuta il 20/01/2009 in occasione dell'incontro del JUG Genova.
Dopo una piccola introduzione al linguaggio Groovy, dove verranno illustrate brevemente alcune peculiarità , si passerà ad esaminare le caratteristiche che lo rendono adatto per la generazione di DSL.
Verrà quindi presentato come caso pratico la costruzione di una DSL e sarà mostrato come è possibile embeddarla in un progetto Java.
This document discusses what blogs are good for. It suggests that blogs can be used to attract and retain an audience, as well as recruit others. Blogs allow you to inform and gain insights from your readers while interacting with them. They can also energize people and help build a brand. Successful blogging requires having content, writing skills, and engaging with other bloggers and readers through social media and other platforms. Proper planning of topics, posts, and a workflow are also important for an effective blog.
Alludere is a professional networking platform that aims to help companies ("hirers") fill job opportunities with qualified candidates at a low cost and in a timely manner. Referrers in the network can recommend candidates for jobs and receive a financial reward if their referral is hired. Hirers pay Alludere a percentage of the new employee's annual salary, ranging from 8-11%, with half of that amount going to the referrer who made the successful recommendation. Alludere focuses on connecting people to positions paying over $3,500 monthly in roles such as analysts, consultants, managers and CEOs.
Dokumen ini menjelaskan langkah-langkah untuk menggunakan peta Karnaugh dan metode Quine-McCluskey dalam meringkas fungsi Boolean. Langkah-langkahnya meliputi menandai peta Karnaugh, mengelompokkan variabel input, membuat diagram, menyusun tabel untuk Quine-McCluskey, memasangkan data, menghasilkan bentuk sederhana, dan membuat diagram akhir.
This document discusses accounting principles and financial reporting for governments. It notes that most governments account on a cash basis rather than maintaining balance sheets, and do not systematically record assets and liabilities. As a result, solutions to fiscal crises may be built on fragile foundations and could collapse. The document argues that governments should adopt accounting standards similar to GAAP or IFRS to provide more robust financial reporting and make decisions with proper regard to financial consequences. It also discusses how reporting deficits based only on cash flows can be misleading as it does not capture assets, liabilities, or long-term obligations.
This document lists and provides brief details about several famous Estonian athletes from the 21st century, including Erki Nool who won Olympic gold in decathlon in 2000, Jüri Jaanson who won silver in rowing in Beijing, Mart Poom who played goalkeeper in the English Premier League, Kristiina Šmigun who won gold medals in skiing in Torino, Andrus Veerpalu who won Olympic gold and was a two-time World Champion in cross country skiing, and Gerd Kanter who won a gold medal in Beijing.
Free project in the clouds for teachers around the world #edtech20 project @web20education ,, Teach, learn ,play in XXI Century using free tools and applications Web 2.0 , social media in a e-Safety way in education 2.0 finalist in eLearning Awards 2010 .
The document provides a 2008 annual report for Lighthouse Inc. summarizing key areas of focus and progress over the past year. It discusses efforts to strengthen the board, hire new staff, develop fundraising strategies, launch new programs, and build partnerships. The organization transitioned from a single staff approach to 9 permanent employees. Key accomplishments included implementing HR systems, growing grant funding, and collaborating more within the community. The report concludes that 2009 will focus on developing excellence within existing programs and financial systems to strengthen the foundation for future growth.
The document discusses the basics of gamification, including its history and goals. Gamification uses game mechanics and dynamics to engage users and solve problems. It aims to increase participation, engagement, and loyalty through intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Key aspects of gamification design include understanding user and business goals, implementing rewards and feedback loops, and adapting to platforms and locations.
The European e-Skills Week campaign seeks to raise interest in ICT careers among young people. The initiative involves over 300,000 participants in more than 100 activities across 20 countries. Educational resources, programs, and competitions are provided to promote ICT skills development. The campaign aims to address digital literacy, skills shortages, and other issues to support the future ICT workforce in Europe.
This document discusses combining trend-following and counter-trend trading models to smooth out profits and losses. During periods of consolidation, a counter-trend system can profit while a trend-following system does not perform as well, and vice versa during stronger trending periods. Pearson's R correlation coefficient can be used to determine when a market is trending or consolidating to select the appropriate trading model. Manually testing the models in a real account first is important to verify prices and trades match backtesting results before automating trades to avoid programming errors and large financial losses.
The world economy has slowed in recent years due to weak momentum from the United States, while the real estate sector worldwide faced a severe crisis. Several countries including Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Singapore, Japan, Germany, Britain, India, China, the Netherlands, and the United States are doing well economically due to strong institutions, skilled labor forces, education, and innovation. In contrast, Iceland's economy has struggled since 2006 with growing inflation, deficits, and financial crisis requiring emergency funding from 2008-2009. Germany has the highest GDP in Europe and fourth largest economy worldwide, with steady GDP growth over time.
The document provides an overview of key concepts in American government including:
1) It discusses different forms of government such as democracy, republic, and direct democracy. It notes that the US is a democratic republic where citizens elect representatives rather than voting directly on policies.
2) Fundamental values in the US political system are discussed like liberty, equality, and debates around the role and size of government.
3) Different political ideologies are outlined including liberalism, conservatism, and tensions between order and liberty.
4) Demographic changes in the US are summarized such as immigration trends, religious diversity, and an aging population.
This presentation describes coordination of federal biometric and identity management activities, and was given at the 2009 Biometric Consortium Conference.
PowerPoint Template - Put graphics center stageLee Bandy
This document discusses content delivery messages techniques for presenting a topic. It is divided into four sections on content, delivery, message, and technique, with each section instructing the reader to place graphics front and center and write a caption. The overall document provides guidance on featuring a topic prominently through visuals and captions.
The APSCo New Enterprise programme provides support services, toolkits, and mentoring opportunities to help start-ups and small businesses in the recruitment sector grow successfully. Members gain access to over 20 support services including legal helpdesks, model documents, training courses and networking events. The programme offers a competitive advantage for new enterprises by helping them save time and money while reducing business risks.
NewStar Software Services is an IT solutions company headquartered in Hyderabad, India with offices in Toronto and New Jersey. It offers a Network and Infrastructure Management System (NIMS) to design and implement end-to-end network architectures for enterprises. NIMS provides LAN/WAN connectivity, networking hardware, data storage, firewalls, and customized network setups for businesses. NewStar's case studies describe implementing networks connecting multiple branches of organizations across cities and states.
There are two main types of classical Indian music - Carnatic and Hindustani. The document also discusses various forms of Indian folk music such as Bauls, Bhangra, Bhavageete, Dandiya and Lavani as well as Qawwali. It provides an overview of modern Indian music genres like independent pop, rock and metal. Additionally, it mentions the artist M.I.A. and analyzes the soundtrack of the film Slumdog Millionaire, sourcing information from IMDb and other websites.
Questa è un'altra spiegazione più semplice e diretta del concetto di linguaggio di programmazione e della differenza che c'è tra compilatore ed interprete.
Dokumen ini menjelaskan langkah-langkah untuk menggunakan peta Karnaugh dan metode Quine-McCluskey dalam meringkas fungsi Boolean. Langkah-langkahnya meliputi menandai peta Karnaugh, mengelompokkan variabel input, membuat diagram, menyusun tabel untuk Quine-McCluskey, memasangkan data, menghasilkan bentuk sederhana, dan membuat diagram akhir.
This document discusses accounting principles and financial reporting for governments. It notes that most governments account on a cash basis rather than maintaining balance sheets, and do not systematically record assets and liabilities. As a result, solutions to fiscal crises may be built on fragile foundations and could collapse. The document argues that governments should adopt accounting standards similar to GAAP or IFRS to provide more robust financial reporting and make decisions with proper regard to financial consequences. It also discusses how reporting deficits based only on cash flows can be misleading as it does not capture assets, liabilities, or long-term obligations.
This document lists and provides brief details about several famous Estonian athletes from the 21st century, including Erki Nool who won Olympic gold in decathlon in 2000, Jüri Jaanson who won silver in rowing in Beijing, Mart Poom who played goalkeeper in the English Premier League, Kristiina Šmigun who won gold medals in skiing in Torino, Andrus Veerpalu who won Olympic gold and was a two-time World Champion in cross country skiing, and Gerd Kanter who won a gold medal in Beijing.
Free project in the clouds for teachers around the world #edtech20 project @web20education ,, Teach, learn ,play in XXI Century using free tools and applications Web 2.0 , social media in a e-Safety way in education 2.0 finalist in eLearning Awards 2010 .
The document provides a 2008 annual report for Lighthouse Inc. summarizing key areas of focus and progress over the past year. It discusses efforts to strengthen the board, hire new staff, develop fundraising strategies, launch new programs, and build partnerships. The organization transitioned from a single staff approach to 9 permanent employees. Key accomplishments included implementing HR systems, growing grant funding, and collaborating more within the community. The report concludes that 2009 will focus on developing excellence within existing programs and financial systems to strengthen the foundation for future growth.
The document discusses the basics of gamification, including its history and goals. Gamification uses game mechanics and dynamics to engage users and solve problems. It aims to increase participation, engagement, and loyalty through intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Key aspects of gamification design include understanding user and business goals, implementing rewards and feedback loops, and adapting to platforms and locations.
The European e-Skills Week campaign seeks to raise interest in ICT careers among young people. The initiative involves over 300,000 participants in more than 100 activities across 20 countries. Educational resources, programs, and competitions are provided to promote ICT skills development. The campaign aims to address digital literacy, skills shortages, and other issues to support the future ICT workforce in Europe.
This document discusses combining trend-following and counter-trend trading models to smooth out profits and losses. During periods of consolidation, a counter-trend system can profit while a trend-following system does not perform as well, and vice versa during stronger trending periods. Pearson's R correlation coefficient can be used to determine when a market is trending or consolidating to select the appropriate trading model. Manually testing the models in a real account first is important to verify prices and trades match backtesting results before automating trades to avoid programming errors and large financial losses.
The world economy has slowed in recent years due to weak momentum from the United States, while the real estate sector worldwide faced a severe crisis. Several countries including Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Singapore, Japan, Germany, Britain, India, China, the Netherlands, and the United States are doing well economically due to strong institutions, skilled labor forces, education, and innovation. In contrast, Iceland's economy has struggled since 2006 with growing inflation, deficits, and financial crisis requiring emergency funding from 2008-2009. Germany has the highest GDP in Europe and fourth largest economy worldwide, with steady GDP growth over time.
The document provides an overview of key concepts in American government including:
1) It discusses different forms of government such as democracy, republic, and direct democracy. It notes that the US is a democratic republic where citizens elect representatives rather than voting directly on policies.
2) Fundamental values in the US political system are discussed like liberty, equality, and debates around the role and size of government.
3) Different political ideologies are outlined including liberalism, conservatism, and tensions between order and liberty.
4) Demographic changes in the US are summarized such as immigration trends, religious diversity, and an aging population.
This presentation describes coordination of federal biometric and identity management activities, and was given at the 2009 Biometric Consortium Conference.
PowerPoint Template - Put graphics center stageLee Bandy
This document discusses content delivery messages techniques for presenting a topic. It is divided into four sections on content, delivery, message, and technique, with each section instructing the reader to place graphics front and center and write a caption. The overall document provides guidance on featuring a topic prominently through visuals and captions.
The APSCo New Enterprise programme provides support services, toolkits, and mentoring opportunities to help start-ups and small businesses in the recruitment sector grow successfully. Members gain access to over 20 support services including legal helpdesks, model documents, training courses and networking events. The programme offers a competitive advantage for new enterprises by helping them save time and money while reducing business risks.
NewStar Software Services is an IT solutions company headquartered in Hyderabad, India with offices in Toronto and New Jersey. It offers a Network and Infrastructure Management System (NIMS) to design and implement end-to-end network architectures for enterprises. NIMS provides LAN/WAN connectivity, networking hardware, data storage, firewalls, and customized network setups for businesses. NewStar's case studies describe implementing networks connecting multiple branches of organizations across cities and states.
There are two main types of classical Indian music - Carnatic and Hindustani. The document also discusses various forms of Indian folk music such as Bauls, Bhangra, Bhavageete, Dandiya and Lavani as well as Qawwali. It provides an overview of modern Indian music genres like independent pop, rock and metal. Additionally, it mentions the artist M.I.A. and analyzes the soundtrack of the film Slumdog Millionaire, sourcing information from IMDb and other websites.
Questa è un'altra spiegazione più semplice e diretta del concetto di linguaggio di programmazione e della differenza che c'è tra compilatore ed interprete.
What's Big Data? - Big Data Tech - 2015 - FirenzeAlberto Paro
Big Data Tech - 2015 - Florence
Technologie Big Data spiegate al Management
Comprendere i concetti del bigdata e gli strumenti che esistono per affrontarli (Nosql, Hadoop/Spark) sono essenziali al management attuale per poter affrontare le sfide di domani.
HTML5 Italy: Mai più CSS, fogli di stile moderni con LESS - Salvatore Romeomarcocasario
Talk di Salvatore Rome per il meeting di HTML5 Italy.
Se vi capita di avere fogli di stile disorganizzati, di usare il copia-incolla per ridefinire delle regole CSS, di dover cambiare un colore o un valore con Trova&Sostituisci... LESS è la soluzione.
Scopriremo l'uso delle variabili per definire i colori e le dimensioni principali, i mixin per creare regole complesse e riutilizzarle (come effetti ombra o animazioni), le nested rules per ordinare il codice e le funzioni per i colori.
Inoltre vedremo come sottolineare gli errori di sintassi e come automatizzare la compilazione in file CSS.
Dopo questo tutorial non vorrete più tornare ai CSS!
C# is entering its third decade of life. And it is consistently evolving over the years with lot of new features. Let's recap the recent 7.x evolution and what we expect for the 8.0 features.
co-authors: Scola Davide and Maia Nicoletta
Small workshop on Inferno, Limbo and the Dis virtual machine.
Inferno is a new operative system developped for creation and support of network systems and distribuited services.
There are three fundamental programming principles: all resources are files in a hierarchic file system, the network is a unic namespace like a file system hierarchic, it uses Styx that is a standard protocol of comunication for local and remote resources.
Limbo is the programming language for the Inferno OS.
The language is Object Based, you can compile it or interpret it with the Dis virtual machine (like Java virtual machine with a JIT compiler).
Limbo has a native support for: array, string, int, float, tuple (like record), channel (linda-like), and other...
The Limbo's channels are used to comunicate with other processes or with thread.
The Dis virtual machine is an environment for Limbo programs and it has important features: CISC architecture, memory-to-memory, many high level types, just in time compiler, ecc...
In the end of presentation there is a comparison between Dis, Java VM and C# .Net VM.
A simple introduction to the Python programming language. In Italian. OLD: superseeded by Pycrashcourse 3.1.
Originally presented during the Networking class of the Computer Science course at the University of Parma