Dual Nature of Light, Wave nature of light,Young's double slit experiment, Reflection, Refraction of light, Polarization, Particle Nature of Light, Photoelectric Effect of light ..
2. Dual Nature of Light
Light, appears to have two different sets of behaviors under different
circumstances.Light shows the property of Dual nature. It has both
wave nature as well as particle nature.
Depending on the phenomenon or behavior, light can be treated as a
wave or as a particle.
4. Wave Nature Of Light:
Light behave as a wave as it passes through air, vaccum, other transparent
media including the transaparent ocular tissues.
Phenomena expained by wave nature of light are:
Propogation of light through Vaccum.
Reflection of light.
Refraction of light.
Phenomenon of Interfernce.
5. Youngs Double Slit
It was conducted by
Thomas Young in the
early 1800s.
It provided an
experimental basis for
considering light as a
7. Polarization
Polarization is the property of waves that can ossilate in more than one
Electromagnetic waves such as light exhibit the polarization.
8. Particle Nature Of Light
Light exhibits some characteristics of particles (photons) when it
being absorbed or when it is being generated in a light source.
Phenomena explained by particle nature of light is:
Photoelectric effect of light.
Scattering of light.
Emission of light.
Absorption of light.
9. Photoelectric effect:
It was explained by Einstein during the early 1900s.
It provided an experimental basis for considering light as a particle.
Photelectric effect is responible for dection of objects.
By absorbing, as oppsosed to emit light.