Igneous rocks form from the cooling and crystallization of magma. Their texture depends on the magma's cooling rate, with slower cooling forming larger crystals and faster cooling forming smaller crystals. Composition varies based on the minerals present, with mafic rocks containing more iron and magnesium and felsic rocks containing more silica. Bowen's Reaction Series showed that the order minerals crystallize from magma is controlled by their melting temperatures.
2. Igneous Rocks
Ignis = fire
Form from cooling & crystallization
of magma (molten rock)
Lava = molten rock at surface
3. Igneous Rocks
Classified by texture &
Texture = crystal size of minerals
Composition = minerals present
4. Changes of State of Matter
Add heat (melting):
Rx Magma (atoms faster)
Remove heat (crystallize):
Rx (atoms slower) Magma
5. Texture of Igneous Rocks
Depends on magmas cooling rate
1) Cools slowly
Atoms can move through liquid
- crystals grow (large, small)
6. Magmas Cooling Rate
2) Cools quickly
Forms a solid faster than atoms
can move around
- crystals are (large, small)
7. Texture (Crystal Size)
Two environments where magma
1) At surface or shallow burial
2) Deep underground
8. Types of Texture
1) Aphanitic
- crystals invisible to naked eye
- magma cooled ___________
- extrusive/volcanic
9. Types of Texture
2) Vesicular
- aphanitic rock w/many holes
(vesicles) in it
- gas trapped as magma cools
very quick
10. Types of Texture
3) Phaneritic
- crystals easily visible
- magma cooled ___________
- intrusive/plutonic
11. Types of Texture
4) Porphyritic
- two size crystals in same rock
Large crystals = phenocrysts
Small crystals = groundmass
12. Porphyritic Texture
2-stage cooling process:
1st stage = slow cooling at depth
_______________ are formed
2nd stage = rapid cooling of
remaining magma
_______________ are formed
14. Types of Texture
6) Pegmatic
All minerals larger than 1 cm
Forms during later stage of
- large percentage of liquid allows
ions to migrate easier
15. Types of Texture
7) Pyroclastic
pyro = fire; clastic = pieces
Consolidated rock fragments
ejected during violent volcanic
17. Igneous Rock Composition
The most abundant elements of
Earths crust are _____ &
Magma is mostly silica with
varying amounts of other six
18. Composition
Other elements collect in water at
top of magma chamber
Creates hydrothermal solution
- cools in fractures as highly
concentrated ore deposits
19. Igneous Compositions
- 45-50% silica (silica-poor)
- rich in magnesium, iron (Fe), &
- dark-colored: black, dark gray,
24. Results:
** Same sequence of minerals
crystallized from magma
Referred to as Bowens Reaction
Series (Fig. 3.16)
25. Bowens Reaction Series
Discontinuous series (left) vs.
continuous series (right)
Discontinuous series:
- each mineral has a unique
silicate structure
29. Bowens Reaction Series
Minerals that form in same temp.
conditions are found together in
same igneous rock
QUESTION: Which mineral would
you expect to form phenocrysts
in a porphyritic basalt?
30. Phenocryst Mineral:
a) Quartz
b) Potassium feldspar
c) Biotite
d) Calcium-rich plagioclase f-spar
e) Sodium-rich plagioclase f-spar
31. Felsic magma
Felsic minerals melt at cooler
- magma not as hot as mafic
- felsic magma not as buoyant
35. Important Concepts
If a mineral is put under different
environmental conditions, it
becomes unstable
- mineral has to react to new
environment by changing