The document provides philosophical advice on how to live a good life by being helpful, believing in yourself, embracing fearlessness and humor, expressing love for friends and creativity, living healthily, and maintaining positivity. Key advice includes helping friends in need, believing in yourself, being brave yet acknowledging fear, relaxing during stressful times, exercising daily, and remembering that good people have good things happen to them.
El documento habla sobre Business Intelligence (BI). Explica que BI es una aproximaci坦n estrat辿gica para identificar, vigilar e informar indicadores y transformarlos en informaci坦n activa para tomar decisiones estrat辿gicas. Tambi辿n describe las herramientas de BI como informes, an叩lisis, ETL (extraer, transformar y cargar datos) y cuadros de mando, los cuales miden el desempe単o de una organizaci坦n y ayudan a la toma de decisiones. Adem叩s, explica que BI es 炭til para 叩reas como ventas, marketing, finanz
The document provides philosophical advice on how to live a good life by being helpful, believing in yourself, embracing fearlessness and humor, expressing love for friends and creativity, living healthily, and maintaining positivity. Key advice includes helping friends in need, believing in yourself, being brave yet acknowledging fear, relaxing during stressful times, exercising daily, and remembering that good people have good things happen to them.
El documento habla sobre Business Intelligence (BI). Explica que BI es una aproximaci坦n estrat辿gica para identificar, vigilar e informar indicadores y transformarlos en informaci坦n activa para tomar decisiones estrat辿gicas. Tambi辿n describe las herramientas de BI como informes, an叩lisis, ETL (extraer, transformar y cargar datos) y cuadros de mando, los cuales miden el desempe単o de una organizaci坦n y ayudan a la toma de decisiones. Adem叩s, explica que BI es 炭til para 叩reas como ventas, marketing, finanz
This document discusses offering custom labeled champagne bottles as gifts for staff or celebrations, where customers can design their own labels for award-winning French champagne, including NV Brut, Rose Brut, Grand Cru or Vintage varieties, with examples of past labels on the company's website.
This document discusses using social media management tools to measure community engagement and provide analytics. It recommends measuring how people feel about a site, how they find it, what they do on it, and how it compares to competitors. Several specific tools are outlined for monitoring social media conversations, sending messaging, engaging with users, and analyzing metrics. The conclusion emphasizes considering multiple data points from a variety of tools to understand a community fully.
Digital storytelling uses various digital media like videos, animations and slideshows to share information with others anywhere in the world. It can be used across subjects for learning and allows students to be creative while collaborating with peers. Through digital storytelling, students explore different technologies like uploading audio, videos and graphics to express ideas, stories and concepts.
presentatie Liesl Elder (Lustrumcongres Erasmus Trustfonds, 4 juni 2013)Ronald van der Heijden
"Maak fondsenwerving onweerstaanbaar"
Liesl Elder
Development Director Oxford University
Lustrumcongres 100 jaar Erasmus Trustfonds
"De toekomst van financiering van wetenschap"
4 juni 2013, Senaatszaal Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Introduction to Embedded Systems and MicrocontrollersIslam Samir
The document provides an introduction to microcontrollers and embedded systems. It discusses prerequisites for the course including digital logic design and C programming. Microcontrollers allow implementing algorithms with minimized cost and power by writing efficient programs. Studying embedded systems is important for electrical engineers in Egypt to develop technical skills and compete globally. The course agenda covers topics such as embedded systems, microcontrollers, architecture, PIC microcontrollers, memory organization, and C programming.
This document describes the architecture and scaling challenges faced by, a social networking site for teenagers. It details how the site grew from handling 100 million pageviews per month in 2007 with one database and web server, to 2.5 billion pageviews per month in 2008 using 30 database and 120 web application servers. Key lessons learned include migrating to a services-oriented architecture, horizontal and vertical scaling of PostgreSQL databases, implementing memcache, and developing internal tools like Staplr for trend analysis and an operations portal.