Edmond Halley was an English scientist born in 1656 who made important contributions to astronomy, geophysics, mathematics, meteorology and physics. He is best known for predicting the orbit of Halley's Comet and being the first to study comets in depth. Halley published findings on comets, astronomy and mathematics. He had a long life and career, dying in 1742 after making discoveries that advanced scientific understanding.
4. • Edmond Halley study geophysics,
mathmematics,meteorology,and physics.
That’s what made her a great scientist
5. • Edmond Halley was best known for predicting
the orbit of the comet. A comet is a flying rock
on fire in space. A comet rock had never touch
earth surface.
6. Halley was born just after the Thirty Year War, a
major war between the countries in Europe that
saw people die from disease and starvation.
Edmond Halley had great inventions when she 2
years later like the Velox photographic paper and
barelite . Who made these wondering inventions
was the amazing Leo Hendrik Baekeland.
7. Edmond Halley influence the society
by predicting the orbit of the comet.
He was the first to ever notice and
study about it.
8. Edmond Halley publish a book called
Reconstruction of the lost book of apollons
conics. Edmond has a museum called
museum Victoria. Halley favorite quote is
“Nearer the gods no mortal may approach.”
9. Edmond Halley favorite quote is
“Nearer the gods no mortal may
approach”. I never heard this quote
before until now.
10. What I learn about Edmond Halley was Edmond
was the first to study about comets. Also I learn
from her is that she took different fields other
than science she was in fields of geophysics,
mathematics, meteorology, and physics