The document discusses multilingualism in Australia. It defines multilingualism and outlines cognitive benefits, such as higher cognitive abilities in multilingual individuals. Socially, multilingualism provides benefits like improved communication and cultural understanding. However, Australia has taken a step back from multilingualism, focusing more on assimilation than language diversity. While over 250 Indigenous languages existed at first contact, now only a small percentage survive. The document calls for solutions like immersion schools and better language education to embrace multilingualism in Australia.
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Edu 8719
1. Creating Multilingual Possibilities for Achievement in Australia Presentation EDU8719 Heidi Merriman EDU8719 Contemporary Issues Conference October, 2010 University of Southern Queensland Please click on sound icon for each slide to hear commentary.
2. What is Multilingualism? People who speak more than one language comfortably and appropriately to varying degrees of proficiency. Multilinguals have varying degrees of command of the repertoires (Wardhaugh, 2002, p95) Do you consider yourself to be multilingual?
3. Cognitive Benefits of Multilingualism The two peaks represent the separate features and abilities of the two language. The subject has knowledge of grammar, vocabulary etc of two different languages. The common underlying proficiency indicates the cognitive abilities are higher and well developed in multilinguals. The Iceberg Analogy Iceberg model taken from Edwards, 2009 p 19.
4. Personal and Societal Benefits There are great social and economic benefits to being Multilingual Communication amongst family members and developing relationships Language abilities give people a sense of pride and identity An ability to explore other cultures, art, and history More job opportunities for multilinguals International business opportunities Increased social circle and opportunity to mix and meet with other cultures Opportunities in tourism, social services and education fields Important in fields of diplomacy and defence What other benefits can you think of?
5. Case Study: Australia British colonialism didnt favour multilingualism. The idea was to spread English and therefore the spread of English power. The migration from various parts of the world brought many people and their languages along with them. In the 1970s and 1980s there was a push for more language focus in education. In the 1990s and 2000s Australia has taken a step backwards and the focus has become about one of assimilation.
6. Indigenous Languages in Australia In 1788 there were 700 tribes and approximately 250 Aboriginal languages. Now only a small percentage of these languages survive These are not the only Aboriginal languages however, as there are also Aboriginal Englishes that have developed since white settlement. Language maintenance is vital for all minority groups as is the real opportunity to learn English in Australia. (Bonython, L. 2003)
7. Whats happening in Australia now? English only! Lack of language education Lack of language maintenance Migration continues at high rates Picture from
8. Solutions to the problem Immersion schools LOTE (language other than English) schools and programming Better utilisation of CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) Community Assistance Click this one first Click this one second
10. Resources Bonython, L. (2003) Aboriginal Languages: Too Little Too Late. Second Language Learning and Teaching vol 3, 2003. Retrieved online October 14, 2010 from Clyne, M. (2005). Australias Language Potential . Sydney: University of New South Wales Press. Edwards, V. (2009) Learning to be Literate: Multilingual Perspectives . Bristol: Multilingual Matters Textbooks. Parisi, Mark. (2006) Cartoon on Languages ATM . Retrieved online April 29, 2010. Parisi, Mark. (1992) Cartoon on Languages French Class. Retrieved online April 29, 2010.