The document discusses the importance of education fees planning to ensure one's children receive a quality education. It notes that costs for university and private schooling have risen significantly in recent years. Guardian Wealth Management can help clients plan their education savings through various options like investments, bonds, and tax advantages to have the funds needed for their children's education costs. Starting a fees plan early allows more time for savings to grow and makes financing their education with minimum hassle.
Which is why it is so important to plan for theirs
Nurturing your children and providing them with opportunities to grow comes
naturally to you as a parent. From their first steps, right up to the time they are
financially independent, you will never stop wanting to do the best for them.
Of course you want to see your children blossom into capable, independent and
successful adults. But to achieve this, the one gift that you must give them is a
quality education.
Guardian Wealth Management can help you to give your children the
education they deserve, without causing you stress and hardship.
3. Guardian Wealth Managemen offer you a variety of options to help you accumulate
the funds needed to cover your childrens education, university fees and other
associated costs.
Fulfilling your
The benefits of a premium education last a
lifetime, and as a parent, you understand that
its up to you to ensure your children dont
miss out. We know you want the brightest
possible future for your children. That is why
we recommend taking control of your
education fees planning as soon as possible.
A good education does not come cheap and once your children reach
university age, the costs can amount up to tens of thousands of pounds.
If you have more than one child, then of course, these costs are multiplied.
In2012 , the cost of university sky rocketed, so now, more than ever, the
onus is on you to finance your childrens path through higher education.
As a parent you will have hopes for your children:
You want your childrens future to be bright
You want them to receive a good education
You want them to have the best opportunities
You want them to enjoy successful careers
You want them to enter into adulthood without the
burden of massive debt
Its no secret that those with a good secondary education often go on to
achieve a degree and as a result are more likely to become higher earners.
This said, how can you help place your children in this advantageous position?
But what is the true cost ?
Opening the door to a successful future for your children is easy if you
have the key and the key to education fees planning is preparation.
Its essential that you are prepared for the outlays that you will face and
that you are realistic about the true cost of an invaluable education.
5. Average yearly university
fee costs
2008 - 贈3,158
2012 - 贈8,630
Average university debt on
Students starting in 2011
贈26,100 (projected)
Students starting in 2012
贈53,400 (projected)
The cost of education grows nearly as quickly as your children. As
you can see, the figures are alarming and the price of a good education
has risen considerably in recent years. You have to consider what
it might be by the time your children reach university age.
From the birth of your child, you have 216 monthly paydays until
their 18th birthday, in which time you have to save enough to cover
university costs. I if you are sending your children to a private school
either in the UK or overseas, education fees will start considerably
sooner. For example, fees for an international school in Singapore
range from 贈500 to 贈1,500 a month.
Theres only one way to ensure that your children will have the
opportunity to get the best start in life; By getting education fees
planning in place right now.
If the thought of education costs feels a little daunting, or even
unattainable, dont worry with the right advice and professional
support, you can make plans to sustain your childrens education
with the minimum hassle.
Contact Guardian Wealth Management now to make sure your
children get the best education you can possibly give them.
Theres no time like the present
As well as course fees, there are many other costs that you will
need to consider when making education fee plans. If youre
reaping the rewards of a professional career yourself, this can go
a long way towards making sure your children get the education
you want them to have.
For undergraduates, the cost of accommodation alone is estimated to be
between 贈3,000 and 贈6,000 a year. When you start adding up additional
costs you find yourself looking at 贈6,000 and 贈9,000 for each academic
year. For the average 3-year course, that adds up to a lot of money,
a masters degree is considerably more again.
Other costs you need to calculate include:
Equipment and books
7. Guardian Wealth Management...sustainable schooling solutions
With international education, private schooling and university fees continuing
to rise, its crucial that you start your education fees planning sooner
rather than later. This allows more time for growth, ensuring that you
have access to the money you need, when you need it. There are many
different options available to you and our financial advisors will give you
all the time you need to talk them through and understand them. We will
talk to you about savings, bonds and investments, perhaps even some
alternatives that you may not have considered, such as pooling resources
with grandparents.
The most important thing is that your education fees plan meets your
requirements, which may include:
Potential for growth - finding the right solution to make the most out of
your money
Accessibility - the ability to withdraw funds as and when you need them
Adaptability - to switch and change how your education savings are
managed, in order to adapt to changes in lifestyle, income or any other
Efficiency - making your savings work hard for minimal effort, including
taking advantage of tax breaks
Flexibility - the ability to put a pause on saving when times are tight,
or inject additional funds in the event of a windfall
Easy contributions - the ability to make contributions no matter
where in the world life may take you (especially important
for international workers)
Giving your child the very best start
in life is essential, and because we
care about our clients, that makes
it important to us too.
It goes without saying that the earlier you
prepare, the easier it is to meet education
costs. By taking action now you can relax
knowing that you have made the necessary
provisions for your childrens future.
At Guardian Wealth Management, we take
the time to really listen to our clients. After
all, no two families are the same and every
situation is entirely unique. By listening to
your specific questions and concerns, and
by recognising your individual needs, we
can guide you through the planning process
and find the right solution for your
Investing in your childrens education is an
investment in their long-term wellbeing
we at Guardian Wealth Management have
the tools to make sure you can give them
an education you feel happy with.
8. Global Enquiries +44 800 779 7028
Switzerland +41 22 710 7876
Dubai +971 4450 9700
Hong Kong +852 3796 3555
Qatar +974 4491 5355
United Kingdom +44 2921 677 940
Information correct as of 8th May 2014. The information provided is for guidance only and advice should be sought before making any financial decisions.
Guardian Wealth Management Ltd cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions which result in financial loss.
Dont let your children miss out
on the most precious of
Contact our financial advisors
today so they can help you start
building towards your childrens
brighter future