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              TASTED THE HONEY

                         justmakeit on flickr
They know about
 life outside the

          MJ / TR on flickr
Always switched on
and connected

                     Wade Morgen on flickr
Constantly communicating with each other

                              MASTERS IN EDUCATION.ORG
Everything is customised
Education needs to be Visual, Stimulating and Customised
Life is increasingly digital

                               @superamit on flickr
Everything is brilliant,
visual & dynamic
And lets not forget

 Answers to questions at the click of a button...
Compare to this...

       YivaS on flickr
Education needs to be Visual, Stimulating and Customised
To compete with demands on

student attention we need:

  content that grabs, engages and

              STIMULATES them
Dr John Medina
The 10 minute rule

Beginning   No Middle    Some End
Hear a piece of information
and three days later youll
remember 10% of it
Add a picture and youll
remember 65%
Education needs to be Visual, Stimulating and Customised
Education needs to be Visual, Stimulating and Customised
What we are competing with can be harnessed for good

                                          Lamont_Cranston on flickr
Education needs to be Visual, Stimulating and Customised
Education needs to be Visual, Stimulating and Customised
The rise of video
Education needs to be Visual, Stimulating and Customised
Education needs to be Visual, Stimulating and Customised
Education needs to be Visual, Stimulating and Customised
Education needs to be Visual, Stimulating and Customised
Education needs to be Visual, Stimulating and Customised
Applied Management
History of Management Thought
The conversion process

      1                      2                         3                     4                      5
 Original             Stripped                  Completed               Completed
 Content             Down 際際滷s               Presentation             Recording

     Reduce content to             Source pictures          Record video with      Embed video into
      key message                    and content               lecturer                Blackboard
     Ensure best practice          Create new slides        Edit and produce       Load complementary
      presentation                                             video                   content
The web-based lectures are very effective in delivering learning
material. It allows us to access it in our own time and location
and we can pause and replay as many times as required.

The online lectures make time management easier and tutorial
time more productive (great videos as well)

I really enjoyed this course. I think the online lectures are a
great format, and the extra links have good content.
Technology will never replace teachers. However,
teachers who now how to use technology effectively to
 help their students connect and collaborate together
         online will replace those who do not.

         Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach - 21st Century Learning
   Why arent
things going back to
Education needs to be Visual, Stimulating and Customised

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Education needs to be Visual, Stimulating and Customised