The document discusses electronic contracts in Tanzania and the current legal issues surrounding them. It outlines Tanzania's Electronic Transactions and Communications Bill from 2013, which aims to facilitate e-commerce but has limitations. Currently, electronic evidence is only admissible in banking civil cases and criminal proceedings. A landmark 2007 court case extended the definition of bankers' books to include computer printouts, helping admission of electronic evidence grow. However, gaps around full recognition and validity of electronic contracts and signatures remain as the bill does not amend all relevant laws.
2. Contents
Review on the Law of Contract.
Proof of a contract Intention to create
legal relations.
What is an Electronic Contract?
Legal position on Electronic Contracts in
Electronic Communications and
Transactions Act 2002 (South Africa).
3. Kenya Communication Amendments
Act No.1 2008.
Tanzania Electronic Transactions and
Communications Bill 2013.
4. Review: What is a contract?
A legally binding agreement made
between two parties or more, which is
enforceable at law.
a promise or set of promises for the
breach of which the law in some way or an
agreement between two or more persons
which is intended by them to be legally
5. An agreement is further defined under
s2(1) of the LCA Cap.345 to mean every
promise or set of promises, forming the
consideration for each other.
Can be either Written or Orally spoken.
Covered under The Law of Contract,
Cap.345 R.E 2002
6. A contract; Terms of a
7. Proof of A Contract
Intention to Create Legal Relations:
An agreement made within a business
context is presumed to be legally binding
unless evidence can show different intent.
-Balfour v. Balfour (1919)
-ESSO Petroleum Co. Ltd V.
Commissioners of customers of
customs and Excise (1976)
8. Electronic Contracts
They are defined as;
Contracts made using computers, either via e-mail or
the Internet, or that involve computer related
products, such as databases and software.
any kind of contract formed in the course of e-
commerce by the interaction of two or more
individuals using electronic means, such as e-mail,
the interaction of an individual with an electronic
agent, such as a computer program, or the interaction
of at least two electronic agents that are programmed
to recognize the existence of a contract.
9. Used in commercial transactions, key
examples being Banks, Mobile Banking,
online shopping and many others.
Upon introduction in Tanzania, has led to
the easy command of transactions
between entities since it commands
flexibility in practise.
10. M-banking
Mobile financial services delivered by way
of mobile networks using mobile phones.
Bank Of Tanzania Act 2006 s.6 (The BOT
Tanzania Communication and Regulatory
Authority (TCRA)
Tanzania Communication Regulatory Act
Authority Act 2003 (the TCRAA)
Electronic and Postal Communications
(Licensing) Regulations (EPCR) 2011
11. Electronic Payment Schemes Guidelines
2007 (the EPSG)
Mobile Payments Regulations (Draft)
Terms & Conditions for Agents &
12. Advantages
Current wave of the future globalisation
Easy replacement of paper documents
Time efficient
Flexible-not fixed
Few costs incurred
13. Challenges facing E-
Contracts in Tanzania
Current legal position
Poor bargaining power
Impaired freedom of contract
14. Legal Position on E-Contracts
in Tanzania
Commerce 1996
Law of Evidence Act 1875 (India) =
Tanzania Law of Evidence Act
Bankers book under s78 & 79 of the Law
of evidence act= connotes book used in
the ordinary business of a bank
Asylum for Idiots v. Handy Sides, 22,
15. S.78 & 79 Tanzania Evidence
s.78. (1) A copy of an entry in a bankers
book shall not be received in evidence
under this Act.
79 (1) A copy of an entry in a bankers
book shall not be received in evidence
under this Act unless it be further proved
that the copy has been examined with the
original entry and is correct.
16. Prior 2007, electronic documents or data
messages were not admissible under the
legal system in Tanzania.
Most laws advocated for original evidence
Best Evidence Rule-excluded the
In Lazarus Mirisho Mafie & Another vs.
Odilo Gasper Katenga, Comm Case
17. Makaramba J, refused to embark on
judges made law & argued the business of
creating rules and admissibility and validity
of electronically stored information should
be left to legislature.
Furthermore, s3 & s36 of the Amending
Act No.2 of 2006- amended s78 by adding
s.78A of the Law of Evidence Act.
Tanzania Cotton Marketing Board vs.
Cogecot Cotton Company ,SA (1997)
18. Exim Bank (T) Ltd v. Kilimanjaro
Coffee Company Limited (2011)
However, in the landmark case of Trust
Bank Tanzania Ltd v Le Marsh
Enterprises Ltd and Others (2007), the
High Court of Tanzania considered the
admissibility of computer evidence.
Issue: Whether a computer print out is a
bankers book under the Evidence Act.
19. Nsekela J;
It is in this spirit that I am prepared to
extend the definition of bankers
books to include evidence emanating
from computers, subject of course to
the same safeguards applicable to
other bankers books.
20. Following [Commercial Case]
Trust Bank..
Mentioned case law marked the admission
of electronic evidence in the Judicial
system in Tanzania
Bankers books were stretched to include
computer print outs
Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendment)
Act No.15 of 2007
21. Amended s40 by adding s40A provides for
the admission of electronic evidence in
criminal proceedings
Electronic records such as emails, and
print out statements are admissible as
evidence only in banking under civil
procedure proceedings.
S78 & 79 of the Law of Evidence Act set
out requirements for the admissibility of
these evidences. i.e. a certificate of origin
22. Admissibility of statements
produced by Computers
In any civil proceedings a statement contained in
a document produced by a computer shall,
subject to the rules of court, be admissible as
evidence of any fact stated therein of which
direct oral evidence would be admissible.
Was produced during a period over which the
computer was used regularly to store or process
information for the purposes of any activities
regularly carried on over that period.
23. That over period there was regularly supplied to
the computer in the ordinary course of those
activities information.
That throughout the material part of that period
the computer was operating properly
That the information contained in the statement
reproduced is derived from information supplied
to the computer in the ordinary course of those
24. Electronic Communications and
Transactions Act (July) 2002 (South
To provide for the facilitation and regulation of
electronic communications and transactions;
To provide for the development of a national e-
strategy for the Republic;
To promote universal access to electronic
communications and transactions and the use of
electronic transactions by Small Medium Micro
25. To provide for human resource development in
electronic transactions; to prevent abuse of
information systems; to encourage the use of e-
government services;
S15 of the South Africa Electronic Transactions
and Communication Act, No. 25 of 2002
provides for admissibility of electronic evidence
in Electronic Transactions.
26. Kenya Communication Amendments Act
No.1 2008.
Assented 30th December 2008
Commenced on 2nd January 2009
To facilitate the development of the information
and communications sector including
broadcasting, multimedia, telecommunications,
postal service and electronic commerce.
Acknowledges electronic signatures.
28. Tanzania Electronic Transactions
and Communications Bill 2013
The Government of Tanzania is in a process of
tabling before the Parliament, the Electronic
Transactions and Communication Bill 2013
(hereinafter referred as ETC Bill 2013)
to facilitate e-commerce.
Despite the Bill providing for recognition and
validity of electronic contracts, and electronic
signature it overlooks admissibility of electronic
evidence in E-Commerce transaction
29. The proposed Bill does not amend Written Laws
Miscellaneous Amendment Act No. 15 of 2007.
Which, covers certain aspects of electronic
evidence, particularly admissibility of electronic
evidence in criminal proceedings, and bankers
books as evidence in civil proceedings.
The ETC Bill 2013 seems to be a replica of
South Africas Electronic Transactions and
Communications Act, Act No.25 of 2002.
The unicitral advocates for equal treatment of both paper based and electronic based evidence.
Best evidence rule which requires that only such original documents can be admissible in the court of laws.
However, due to the advancement of digital technology, computers, network and other related devices, might affect the use, scope and admissibility
The evidence act of Tanzania provided for the best evidence rule which excluded the admissibility of secondary evidence unless corroborated by the primary evidence.
#19: The plaintiff company advanced a loan to the
defendants. Upon default to repay the loan and interest,
the plaintiff instituted a commercial case against the
defendants to recover the principal sum and interest. In
the course of the proceedings, the plaintiff wished to
tender a print-out of a bank statement. Counsel for the
defendants vigorously objected, because it was a
photocopy, and not an original.