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Encoding Generalized Quantifiers in 
Dependency-based Compositional Semantics 
Yubing Dong  University of Southern California 
Ran Tian  Tohoku University 
Yusuke Miyao  National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Generalized Quantifiers (GQ)
Generalized Quantifiers (GQ) 
Most students like noodles. 
Generalized Quantifiers (GQ) 
Most students like noodles. 
noun phrase 
Generalized Quantifiers (GQ) 
Most students like noodles. 
noun phrase 
Generalized Quantifiers (GQ) 
Most (Student) (LikeNoodles)  {0,1} 
Binary Relation over
Generalized Quantifiers (GQ) 
The relation imposed by a GQ is usually based on the notion  of set cardinalities 
Most (Student) (LikeNoodles) 
ы  ろロ 
> 80%
Generalized Quantifiers (GQ) 
Most (Student) (LikeNoodles) 
Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE)
Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) 
 1: Mary loves every dog. 
 2: Tom has a dog. 
 : Tom has an animal that Mary loves. 
 1, 2   i.e. 1 and 2 entails  
Definition:  entails " (  ) if, typically, a human 
reading  would infer that  is most likely true 
 Relatively loose, compared to logical entailment
GQ in RTE 
At most 5 students like noodles. 
At most 5 Japanese students like udon noodles.
GQ in RTE 
At least 5 students like noodles. 
At least 5 Japanese students like udon noodles.
GQ in RTE 
Most students like noodles. 
Most Japanese students like udon noodles.
GQ in RTE 
The FraCaS Corpus: 
 Built in mid-1990s 
 A set of hand-crafted entailment problems covering 
wide range of semantic phenomena 
Section 1 - Generalized Quantifiers: 
 74 problems: 
 44 have single premise sentence 
 30 have multiple premise sentence
GQ in RTE 
Accuracies of previous systems on Section 1 of FraCaS corpus 
Single Multi Overall 
MacCartney07 84.1% 
MacCartney08 97.7% 
Parser Syntax 70.5% 50.0% 62.2% 
Gold Syntax 88.6% 80.0% 85.1%
GQ in RTE 
Accuracies of previous systems on Section 1 of FraCaS corpus 
Single Multi Overall 
MacCartney07 84.1% 
MacCartney08 97.7% 
Parser Syntax 70.5% 50.0% 62.2% 
Gold Syntax 88.6% 80.0% 85.1% 
Baseline 79.5% 86.7% 82.4% 
Selection 90.9% 93.3% 91.9% 
Relation 88.6% 93.3% 90.5% 
Selection+Relation 93.2% 96.7% 94.6%
But Im getting ahead of myself
Properties of GQs
Properties of GQs 
Problem with encoding the perfect semantics 
Most (Student) (LikeNoodles) 
ы  ろロ 
> 80% 
Challenge: set cardinalities are difficult to perfectly encode
Properties of GQs 
Compromise: only encode major GQ properties 
 Interaction with universal and existential quantifications 
Properties of GQs 
Interaction with universal and existential quantifications 
Case 1: 
Example: most 
All students like noodles. 
Most students like noodles. 
There are students who like noodles.
Properties of GQs 
Interaction with universal and existential quantifications 
Case 2: 
Example: a lot of 
All students like noodles. 
A lot of students like noodles. 
There are students who like noodles.
Properties of GQs 
Interaction with universal and existential quantifications 
Case 3: 
Example: at most n 
All students like noodles. 
At most 5 students like noodles. 
There are students who like noodles.
Properties of GQs 
The domain restraining role of the noun argument 
 Eliminates objects that do not have the noun property 
 Only need to consider which of the rest has the predicate property 
    ()(  ) 
 Few apples are toxic.財Few apples are toxic apples. 
 We dont care non-apples toxicants, e.g. toxic oranges
Properties of GQs 
A GQ    is upward entailing in the noun argument if: 
 癌      癌   
Similarly, a GQ can also be 
 downward entailing in the noun argument, and 
 upward/downward entailing in the predicate argument
Properties of GQs 
Example: at most  is downward entailing in each argument 
At most 5 students like noodles. 
At most 5 Japanese students like udon noodles.
Properties of GQs 
Example: at least  is upward entailing in each argument 
At least 5 students like noodles. 
At least 5 Japanese students like udon noodles.
Properties of GQs 
Example: most is neither upward nor downward entailing in 
the noun argument 
Most students like noodles. 
Most Japanese students like noodles.
Properties of GQs 
Example: but is upward entailing in the predicate argument 
Most students like noodles. 
Most students like udon noodles.
Dependency-based Compositional Semantics (DCS) for RTE 
 Proposed by Tian et al. (2014)
DCS for RTE 
DCS tree for All students like udon noodles
DCS for RTE 
DCS tree for All students like udon noodles 
Abstract Denotations: 
DCS for RTE 
1 = ыロ   
DCS tree for All students like udon noodles 
udon noodles
DCS for RTE 
1 = ыロ   
2 = ロろ  牛  1 牛 
DCS tree for All students like udon noodles 
like udon noodles
DCS for RTE 
1 = ыロ   
2 = ロろ  牛  1 牛 
3 = 牛 2 
DCS tree for All students like udon noodles 
subjects who like 
udon noodles
DCS for RTE 
r R,C  x R x Wr  x Cr 
If  and  have the same dimension, 
1 = ыロ   
2 = ロろ  牛  1 牛 
3 = 牛 2 
4 = 牛  
3, ы 
DCS tree for All students like udon noodles 
,  =  (0-dimension point set) when   , 
,  =  otherwise 
wide reading of
DCS for RTE 
r R,C  x R x Wr  x Cr 
If  and  have the same dimension, 
1 = ыロ   
2 = ロろ  牛  1 牛 
3 = 牛 2 
4 = 牛  
3, ы 
牛 2, ы 
5 =  
DCS tree for All students like udon noodles 
,  =  (0-dimension point set) when   , 
,  =  otherwise 
narrow reading of  
(the set of udon noodles that all student like)
DCS for RTE 
1 = ыロ   
2 = ロろ  牛  1 牛 
3 = 牛 2 
4 = 牛  
3, ы 
牛 2, ы 
5 =  
DCS tree for All students like udon noodles 
Prove statement 
 4   (wide reading) or 
 5   (narrow reading) 
using forward chaining
DCS for RTE 
 Basic operators  
/ functions: 
  - Cartesian product of sets 
  - Set intersection 
  - Projection onto domain of semantic role  
  - Relabeling 
 - Division 
Basic types of statements: 
DCS for RTE: the selection operator 
 Also introduced in Tian et al. (2014)
DCS for RTE: the selection operator 
 Introduced as an extension to represent the generalized 
selection operation in relational algebra 
 Marked on a DCS tree node 
 Wrap the abstract denotation  to form a new abstract 
 The properties of   can be user defined 
the set of highest mountains:  (ы)
Encoding Generalized Quantifiers 
as selections
Encoding GQs as Selections 
We encode a GQ  using selection  as: 
Basic requirement: 
  should be upward-entailing in the predicate 
 A major limitation
Encoding GQs as Selections 
 Entailment from universal quantification now written as: 
 Conservativity as: 
 Both hold if we add axiom:
Encoding GQs as Selections 
 Entailment to existence quantification now written as: 
 Holds if we add axiom:
Encoding GQs as Selections 
 Monotonicity in the noun argument  (e.g. upward) now 
written as: 
A  A        癌   
 Holds if we add axiom: 
A  A      癌
Encoding GQs as Selections 
DCS tree for At least 5 students like udon noodles. 
where the GQ at least 5 is encoded as selection 危″錐 5 
Example: at least  
 Satisfied: upward-entailing in 
predicate argument 
 Entails existential quantification: 
 危″錐 5      
 Upward-entailing in noun argument: 
, 癌 . t. A  A 
危″錐 5   危″錐 5 癌
Encoding GQs as Selections 
At least 5 Japanese students like udon noodles. 
  At least 5 students like noodles. 
1 = ыロ   
2 = ロろ  牛  1 牛 
3 = 牛 2 
= 牛 ロろ  牛  ыロ牛
Encoding Generalized Quantifiers 
as relations
Encoding GQs as Relations 
Intro to Relations 
 Review: GQ can be seen as binary relation over 2 
 Therefore, we introduce a new extension: relation 
 A new type of statement 
 A relation  ,  can represent arbitrary custom 
relation between abstract denotations  and
Encoding GQs as Relations 
Intro to Relations 
Relation  ,  
 The inference engine keeps track of which term pairs 
are labeled with which relations 
 Does  and  have relation ? 
 What terms have relation  to ? 
 Supports custom axioms for a relation 
 What entails  ,  ? 
 What does  ,  entail?
Encoding GQs as Relations 
We intuitively encode a GQ  using relation  as: 
    r ,  
1 = ыロ   
2 = ロろ  牛  1 牛 
3 = 牛 2 
危″ 5 ы, 3
Encoding GQs as Relations 
    r ,  
 Entailment from universal quantification: 
 Entailment to existential quantification: 
 Monotonicity (e.g. downward in both arguments): 
 ,     癌    汲   癌, 汲
Encoding GQs as Relations 
    r ,  
 ,    ,    
 How about the other direction? 
 ,      ,
Encoding GQs as Relations 
 ,      ,  
 The inference engine is based on forward chaining: 
 Always try to deduce all possible implications from given 
 Opens the possibility of adapting DCS for entailment 
Encoding GQs as Relations 
 ,      ,  
 The inference engine is based on forward chaining 
 Therefore its infeasible to enumerate all forms  =    
when  ,  is claimed 
 Number of possibilities explodes exponentially 
 e.g.  =    ,  =      =
Encoding GQs as Relations 
 ,      ,  
Implementation: limit search using conditions        
If  ,  and   : 
 For each   : 
 Check if  =    
We emphasize this detail because formal semantic researchers 
are often not aware of these difficulties.
Encoding GQs as Relations 
    r ,  
Relations in DCS trees are always explained as having the 
widest scope, hence cannot deal with multiple relations in a 
Encoding GQs as Relations 
: At most 10 commissioners spend a lot of time at home. 
We want to state 
危″ 10 ы,  
 = people who spend a lot of time at home 
But this is impossible if a lot of is also encoded as a relation
Encoding GQs as Relations 
危″ 10 ы,  
 = "people who spend a lot of time at home" 
Since a lot of is upward-entailing in predicate argument, we 
can encode it using selection 危錐″ , while still encode at 
most 10 using 危″ 10
Encoding GQs as Relations 
危″ 10 ы,  
 = 牛  
撃, 危錐″  
撃 = ы  牛  牛  ″ 
(spend at home)
The FraCaS Corpus: 
 Built in mid-1990s 
 A set of hand-crafted entailment problems covering 
wide range of semantic phenomena 
Section 1 - Generalized Quantifiers: 
 74 problems: 
 44 have single premise sentence 
 30 have multiple premise sentence
 Simply drop GQs 
 Same tree structure as follows 
 Implement all GQs as selections, even for those 
that are downward-entailing in predicate 
 Implement all GQs as relations 
 Use relations to encode GQs that are 
downward-entailing in predicate argument 
 Encode the rest with selections
Accuracies of previous systems on Section 1 of FraCaS corpus 
Single Multi Overall 
MacCartney07 84.1% 
MacCartney08 97.7% 
Parser Syntax 70.5% 50.0% 62.2% 
Gold Syntax 88.6% 80.0% 85.1% 
Baseline 79.5% 86.7% 82.4% 
Selection 90.9% 93.3% 91.9% 
Relation 88.6% 93.3% 90.5% 
Selection+Relation 93.2% 96.7% 94.6%
 Generalized Quantifiers are important (for RTE) 
 We explored ways of encoding GQs in DCS for RTE 
 via selection extension 
 via relation extension (newly proposed) 
 Significant improvement in performance, but not perfect 
 which suggests towards more powerful logical systems

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Encoding Generalized Quantifiers in Dependency-based Compositional Semantics

  • 1. Encoding Generalized Quantifiers in Dependency-based Compositional Semantics Yubing Dong University of Southern California Ran Tian Tohoku University Yusuke Miyao National Institute of Informatics, Japan
  • 3. Generalized Quantifiers (GQ) Most students like noodles. Generalized Quantifier
  • 4. Generalized Quantifiers (GQ) Most students like noodles. Property-denoting noun phrase Generalized Quantifier
  • 5. Generalized Quantifiers (GQ) Most students like noodles. Property-denoting noun phrase Predicate Generalized Quantifier
  • 6. Generalized Quantifiers (GQ) Most (Student) (LikeNoodles) {0,1} Denotations Student LikeNoodles Binary Relation over
  • 7. Generalized Quantifiers (GQ) The relation imposed by a GQ is usually based on the notion of set cardinalities Most (Student) (LikeNoodles) iff ы ろロ ы > 80%
  • 8. Generalized Quantifiers (GQ) Most (Student) (LikeNoodles) Many ALotOf Few AFew AtMost[n] AtLeast[n]
  • 10. Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) Example: 1: Mary loves every dog. 2: Tom has a dog. : Tom has an animal that Mary loves. 1, 2 i.e. 1 and 2 entails Definition: entails " ( ) if, typically, a human reading would infer that is most likely true Relatively loose, compared to logical entailment
  • 11. GQ in RTE At most 5 students like noodles. At most 5 Japanese students like udon noodles.
  • 12. GQ in RTE At least 5 students like noodles. At least 5 Japanese students like udon noodles.
  • 13. GQ in RTE Most students like noodles. Most Japanese students like udon noodles.
  • 14. GQ in RTE The FraCaS Corpus: Built in mid-1990s A set of hand-crafted entailment problems covering wide range of semantic phenomena Section 1 - Generalized Quantifiers: 74 problems: 44 have single premise sentence 30 have multiple premise sentence
  • 15. GQ in RTE Accuracies of previous systems on Section 1 of FraCaS corpus System Accuracy Single Multi Overall NatLog MacCartney07 84.1% N/A MacCartney08 97.7% CCG-Dist Parser Syntax 70.5% 50.0% 62.2% Gold Syntax 88.6% 80.0% 85.1%
  • 16. GQ in RTE Accuracies of previous systems on Section 1 of FraCaS corpus System Accuracy Single Multi Overall NatLog MacCartney07 84.1% N/A MacCartney08 97.7% CCG-Dist Parser Syntax 70.5% 50.0% 62.2% Gold Syntax 88.6% 80.0% 85.1% TIFMO Baseline 79.5% 86.7% 82.4% Selection 90.9% 93.3% 91.9% Relation 88.6% 93.3% 90.5% Selection+Relation 93.2% 96.7% 94.6%
  • 17. But Im getting ahead of myself
  • 19. Properties of GQs Problem with encoding the perfect semantics Most (Student) (LikeNoodles) iff ы ろロ ы > 80% Challenge: set cardinalities are difficult to perfectly encode
  • 20. Properties of GQs Compromise: only encode major GQ properties Interaction with universal and existential quantifications Conservativity Monotonicity
  • 21. Properties of GQs Interaction with universal and existential quantifications Case 1: Example: most All students like noodles. Most students like noodles. There are students who like noodles.
  • 22. Properties of GQs Interaction with universal and existential quantifications Case 2: Example: a lot of All students like noodles. A lot of students like noodles. There are students who like noodles.
  • 23. Properties of GQs Interaction with universal and existential quantifications Case 3: Example: at most n All students like noodles. At most 5 students like noodles. There are students who like noodles.
  • 24. Properties of GQs Conservativity The domain restraining role of the noun argument Eliminates objects that do not have the noun property Only need to consider which of the rest has the predicate property ()( ) Example: Few apples are toxic.財Few apples are toxic apples. We dont care non-apples toxicants, e.g. toxic oranges
  • 25. Properties of GQs Monotonicity A GQ is upward entailing in the noun argument if: 癌 癌 Similarly, a GQ can also be downward entailing in the noun argument, and upward/downward entailing in the predicate argument
  • 26. Properties of GQs Monotonicity Example: at most is downward entailing in each argument At most 5 students like noodles. At most 5 Japanese students like udon noodles.
  • 27. Properties of GQs Monotonicity Example: at least is upward entailing in each argument At least 5 students like noodles. At least 5 Japanese students like udon noodles.
  • 28. Properties of GQs Monotonicity Example: most is neither upward nor downward entailing in the noun argument Most students like noodles. Most Japanese students like noodles.
  • 29. Properties of GQs Monotonicity Example: but is upward entailing in the predicate argument Most students like noodles. Most students like udon noodles.
  • 30. Background Dependency-based Compositional Semantics (DCS) for RTE Proposed by Tian et al. (2014)
  • 31. DCS for RTE DCS tree for All students like udon noodles
  • 32. DCS for RTE DCS tree for All students like udon noodles Abstract Denotations: ыロ ы ロろ
  • 33. DCS for RTE 1 = ыロ DCS tree for All students like udon noodles udon noodles
  • 34. DCS for RTE 1 = ыロ 2 = ロろ 牛 1 牛 DCS tree for All students like udon noodles like udon noodles
  • 35. DCS for RTE 1 = ыロ 2 = ロろ 牛 1 牛 3 = 牛 2 DCS tree for All students like udon noodles subjects who like udon noodles
  • 36. DCS for RTE r R,C x R x Wr x Cr If and have the same dimension, 1 = ыロ 2 = ロろ 牛 1 牛 3 = 牛 2 4 = 牛 3, ы q DCS tree for All students like udon noodles , = (0-dimension point set) when , , = otherwise wide reading of
  • 37. DCS for RTE r R,C x R x Wr x Cr If and have the same dimension, 1 = ыロ 2 = ロろ 牛 1 牛 3 = 牛 2 4 = 牛 3, ы 牛 2, ы 5 = q DCS tree for All students like udon noodles , = (0-dimension point set) when , , = otherwise narrow reading of (the set of udon noodles that all student like)
  • 38. DCS for RTE 1 = ыロ 2 = ロろ 牛 1 牛 3 = 牛 2 4 = 牛 3, ы 牛 2, ы 5 = DCS tree for All students like udon noodles Prove statement 4 (wide reading) or 5 (narrow reading) using forward chaining
  • 39. DCS for RTE Basic operators / functions: - Cartesian product of sets - Set intersection - Projection onto domain of semantic role - Relabeling - Division Basic types of statements: Non-emptiness: Subsumption:
  • 40. Background DCS for RTE: the selection operator Also introduced in Tian et al. (2014)
  • 41. DCS for RTE: the selection operator Introduced as an extension to represent the generalized selection operation in relational algebra Marked on a DCS tree node Wrap the abstract denotation to form a new abstract denotation The properties of can be user defined Example: the set of highest mountains: (ы)
  • 43. Encoding GQs as Selections We encode a GQ using selection as: Basic requirement: should be upward-entailing in the predicate argument A major limitation
  • 44. Encoding GQs as Selections Entailment from universal quantification now written as: Conservativity as: Both hold if we add axiom:
  • 45. Encoding GQs as Selections Entailment to existence quantification now written as: Holds if we add axiom:
  • 46. Encoding GQs as Selections Monotonicity in the noun argument (e.g. upward) now written as: A A 癌 Holds if we add axiom: A A 癌
  • 47. Encoding GQs as Selections DCS tree for At least 5 students like udon noodles. where the GQ at least 5 is encoded as selection 危″錐 5 Example: at least Satisfied: upward-entailing in predicate argument Entails existential quantification: 危″錐 5 Upward-entailing in noun argument: , 癌 . t. A A 危″錐 5 危″錐 5 癌
  • 48. Encoding GQs as Selections Example: At least 5 Japanese students like udon noodles. At least 5 students like noodles. 1 = ыロ 2 = ロろ 牛 1 牛 3 = 牛 2 3 = 牛 ロろ 牛 ыロ牛
  • 50. Encoding GQs as Relations Intro to Relations Review: GQ can be seen as binary relation over 2 Therefore, we introduce a new extension: relation A new type of statement A relation , can represent arbitrary custom relation between abstract denotations and
  • 51. Encoding GQs as Relations Intro to Relations Relation , The inference engine keeps track of which term pairs are labeled with which relations Does and have relation ? What terms have relation to ? Supports custom axioms for a relation What entails , ? What does , entail?
  • 52. Encoding GQs as Relations We intuitively encode a GQ using relation as: r , 1 = ыロ 2 = ロろ 牛 1 牛 3 = 牛 2 Statement: 危″ 5 ы, 3
  • 53. Encoding GQs as Relations r , Entailment from universal quantification: , Entailment to existential quantification: , Monotonicity (e.g. downward in both arguments): , 癌 汲 癌, 汲
  • 54. Encoding GQs as Relations r , Conservativity: , , How about the other direction? , ,
  • 55. Encoding GQs as Relations , , Challenge: The inference engine is based on forward chaining: Always try to deduce all possible implications from given premises Efficient Opens the possibility of adapting DCS for entailment generation
  • 56. Encoding GQs as Relations , , Challenge: The inference engine is based on forward chaining Therefore its infeasible to enumerate all forms = when , is claimed Number of possibilities explodes exponentially e.g. = , = =
  • 57. Encoding GQs as Relations , , Implementation: limit search using conditions If , and : For each : Check if = We emphasize this detail because formal semantic researchers are often not aware of these difficulties.
  • 58. Encoding GQs as Relations Limitations r , Limitation: Relations in DCS trees are always explained as having the widest scope, hence cannot deal with multiple relations in a sentence.
  • 59. Encoding GQs as Relations Limitations Example: : At most 10 commissioners spend a lot of time at home. We want to state 危″ 10 ы, where = people who spend a lot of time at home But this is impossible if a lot of is also encoded as a relation
  • 60. Encoding GQs as Relations Limitations Example: 危″ 10 ы, = "people who spend a lot of time at home" Workaround: Since a lot of is upward-entailing in predicate argument, we can encode it using selection 危錐″ , while still encode at most 10 using 危″ 10
  • 61. Encoding GQs as Relations Limitations Example: 危″ 10 ы, = 牛 撃, 危錐″ where 撃 = ы 牛 牛 ″ (spend at home)
  • 63. Evaluation Set-up The FraCaS Corpus: Built in mid-1990s A set of hand-crafted entailment problems covering wide range of semantic phenomena Section 1 - Generalized Quantifiers: 74 problems: 44 have single premise sentence 30 have multiple premise sentence
  • 64. Evaluation Set-up Settings: Baseline Selection Relation Selection+Relation
  • 65. Evaluation Set-up Settings: Baseline Simply drop GQs Same tree structure as follows Selection Relation Selection+Relation
  • 66. Evaluation Set-up Settings: Baseline Selection Implement all GQs as selections, even for those that are downward-entailing in predicate argument Relation Selection+Relation
  • 67. Evaluation Set-up Settings: Baseline Selection Relation Implement all GQs as relations Selection+Relation
  • 68. Evaluation Set-up Settings: Baseline Selection Relation Selection+Relation Use relations to encode GQs that are downward-entailing in predicate argument Encode the rest with selections
  • 69. Evaluation Accuracies of previous systems on Section 1 of FraCaS corpus System Accuracy Single Multi Overall NatLog MacCartney07 84.1% N/A MacCartney08 97.7% CCG-Dist Parser Syntax 70.5% 50.0% 62.2% Gold Syntax 88.6% 80.0% 85.1% TIFMO Baseline 79.5% 86.7% 82.4% Selection 90.9% 93.3% 91.9% Relation 88.6% 93.3% 90.5% Selection+Relation 93.2% 96.7% 94.6%
  • 71. Conclusion Generalized Quantifiers are important (for RTE) We explored ways of encoding GQs in DCS for RTE via selection extension via relation extension (newly proposed) Significant improvement in performance, but not perfect which suggests towards more powerful logical systems