Luke Adrian T. Valera is seeking a career in human resource development, marketing/sales, or business management. He holds a BS in Management from St. Paul University Quezon City, majoring in human resource development. His professional experience includes working as an HR assistant for Chinabanking Corporation, operating a food business as an entrepreneur, and interning in the HR department of The WOW Group where he conducted interviews and managed personnel data and contracts. He received an award for his thesis assessing the skills of HRM students and their alignment with the needs of The Bistro Group. Valera has strong communication skills in English and Filipino and is proficient in Microsoft Office programs.
Dot Reeder is a boutique in Montclair, NJ owned by Laura Barker that aims to provide suburban mothers access to stylish city clothing and brands. Barker opened the store in 2007 after over 20 years of experience in fashion, wanting to offer a boutique with contemporary collections not easily found elsewhere in New Jersey. The store sells clothes, shoes, accessories and other items appealing to its target clientele of mothers aged 35 and up. Barker chooses items she knows will sell based on how and where her customers can wear them rather than trends. Dot Reeder is celebrating its 8-year anniversary with an event on December 2nd.
Luay Habib is seeking a mechanical engineering position that allows him to utilize his experience and skills. He has a B.S. in Aeronautical Engineering from Institute of aviation engineering and Technology. He has work experience as a Senior fleet maintenance management engineer at Reliance Egypt Logistics and as a senior technical sales engineer at Soft Magic Group. His skills include proficiency with Microsoft Office, MATLAB, SolidWorks, and aircraft maintenance. He is ambitious, a hard worker, and adaptable.
This certificate of accreditation grants Ivan Uribe accreditation as an Accredited Configuration Engineer (ACE) for Palo Alto Networks after successfully completing the ACE exam for PAN-OS version 7.0 on July 21, 2016, as verified by the signature of Linda Moss, VP of Global Enablement.
This document outlines an evaluation process for a program called the Spring Branch Coalition of the Coalition of Behavioral Health Services Drug Free Communities Grant Project. It defines the target community as north of I-10 in Spring Branch and the target population as adolescents ages 12-17. Data is presented from the 2008 Texas School Survey of Substance Use to assess substance use, age of onset, perceived parental disapproval and risk for the target population. Rates are shown for Spring Branch ISD, Region VI and a local survey to plan strategies.
Cyber Risk in Real Estate Sales - Workshop PresentationBrad Deflin
The presentation is for the real estate sales professional seeking to protect themselves, their clients, and their practice from information theft, fraud, and cyber crime.
O documento descreve os principais tipos de carboidratos e lipÃdios. Carboidratos incluem monossacarÃdeos como glicose, frutose e galactose, dissacarÃdeos como sacarose e lactose, e polissacarÃdeos como amido, celulose e glicogênio. LipÃdios incluem óleos, gorduras, ceras, fosfolipÃdeos, colesterol e hormônios esteróides. Ambos fornecem energia, com lipÃdios armazenando mais ener
The document discusses next generation networks (NGN) and IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). NGN aims to converge different access networks onto a single all-IP infrastructure to seamlessly deliver multimedia services. IMS is an architectural framework for delivering IP-based services to users on both fixed and mobile networks. It provides session control functions and enables real-time multimedia services like voice and video over packet networks.
This document contains a resume for Anvarsha A seeking a challenging position utilizing their skills in areas such as business development, marketing, communication, and technical skills including graphic design, AutoCAD, and computer science. The resume lists work experience in marketing and business development roles in India and the Middle East, as well as educational qualifications including degrees in history and computer science, and technical certifications in multimedia, web design, animation, and AutoCAD. Contact information and personal details are also provided.
Corporate Real Estate Management und der NachhaltigkeitsgedankeGerhard Mey
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This document outlines an evaluation process for a program called the Spring Branch Coalition of the Coalition of Behavioral Health Services Drug Free Communities Grant Project. It defines the target community as north of I-10 in Spring Branch and the target population as adolescents ages 12-17. Data is presented from the 2008 Texas School Survey of Substance Use to assess substance use, age of onset, perceived parental disapproval and risk for the target population. Rates are shown for Spring Branch ISD, Region VI and a local survey to plan strategies.
Cyber Risk in Real Estate Sales - Workshop PresentationBrad Deflin
The presentation is for the real estate sales professional seeking to protect themselves, their clients, and their practice from information theft, fraud, and cyber crime.
O documento descreve os principais tipos de carboidratos e lipÃdios. Carboidratos incluem monossacarÃdeos como glicose, frutose e galactose, dissacarÃdeos como sacarose e lactose, e polissacarÃdeos como amido, celulose e glicogênio. LipÃdios incluem óleos, gorduras, ceras, fosfolipÃdeos, colesterol e hormônios esteróides. Ambos fornecem energia, com lipÃdios armazenando mais ener
The document discusses next generation networks (NGN) and IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). NGN aims to converge different access networks onto a single all-IP infrastructure to seamlessly deliver multimedia services. IMS is an architectural framework for delivering IP-based services to users on both fixed and mobile networks. It provides session control functions and enables real-time multimedia services like voice and video over packet networks.
This document contains a resume for Anvarsha A seeking a challenging position utilizing their skills in areas such as business development, marketing, communication, and technical skills including graphic design, AutoCAD, and computer science. The resume lists work experience in marketing and business development roles in India and the Middle East, as well as educational qualifications including degrees in history and computer science, and technical certifications in multimedia, web design, animation, and AutoCAD. Contact information and personal details are also provided.
Corporate Real Estate Management und der NachhaltigkeitsgedankeGerhard Mey
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