Abridged version of the Post-Tensioning Institute booklet for the 2008 Project Awards. The New Guthrie Theater Center in Minneapolis, MN won the Project-of-the-Year. Post-tensioning was supplied by AMSYSCO, Inc. The Architect was Jean Nouvel, the Engineer was Erickson Roed & Associates, and the Contractor was McGough Construction.
The document advertises post-tensioning services from a company called AMSYS and encourages readers to call their phone number or visit their website to learn how post-tensioning can save time and money on construction projects. It provides the company name, address, phone number, fax number, email, and website for contacting AMSYS about post-tensioning systems, services, and engineering.
Parking Today article: Louisville ArenaAMSYSCO Inc.
The Louisville Arena and Parking Structure project was covered in the September 2009 issue of Parking Today Magazine, a leading publication serving the parking industry.
In the article, Neel Khosa of AMSYSCO discusses why post tensioned concrete was used for the marquee project in Louisville, Kentucky. Additionally, representatives from Walter P. Moore (Structural Engineer Arena), Populous (Architect) and QK4 (Structural Engineer Garage) describe how the project benefited from the use of unbonded post-tensioning in the Arena and Garage.
Case Study - University of Colorado Parking Garage and FieldAMSYSCO Inc.
The University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS)
needed more campus parking for the Alpine Village student
housing complex. In addition, the UCCS planning board
approved financing to expand their sporting complex.
This project served two purposes: a parking structure
that acted as a recreational field. The 1200-car, four-story
post-tensioned (PT) parking structure supported the
240 x 360 ft (73 x 110 m) artificial turf field on the roof
CTBUH Innovation Award Nominee - Vertical Unbonded Post-TensioningAMSYSCO Inc.
AMSYSCO's submission for the CTBUH's (Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat) 2015 Innovation Award. Along with post-tensioned slabs and transfer deck, unbonded post-tensioned was used in vertical shear walls.
Facebook fue creado por Mark Zuckerberg en 2004 mientras era estudiante en la Universidad de Harvard. Originalmente era una red social solo para estudiantes de Harvard, pero luego se expandi坦 a m叩s universidades y finalmente a cualquier persona con una cuenta de correo electr坦nico. Aunque tuvo cr鱈ticas iniciales sobre privacidad y uso de datos, Facebook se ha convertido en una de las redes sociales m叩s grandes del mundo con m叩s de 900 millones de usuarios.
Late South Amboy Man Honored at Memorial (The Suburban)Jacqueline Durett
The document summarizes an In Memory event honoring late Vietnam veteran Leon Burk. Burk served in the Navy and died in 1995 from complications of Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam. His daughter Webber and two friends, Harry McKeon and Mike Kremenovic of South Ambos, were honored at the ceremony. Webber applied to share letters, pictures, or anything that captures her father's life in the In Memory program.
N Wolcott Avenue is a proposed coworking space located at the intersection of N Wolcott Avenue and N Winchester Avenue in Chicago. The space will provide workspaces, common areas, and community spaces for tenants and clients. It aims to foster an open market exchange through interactive workspaces.
Tra le opzioni apparentemente pi湛 facili per promuovere la propria attivit turistica e disintermediare la collaborazione con blogger e influencer sta sicuramente facendo tendenza.
Nel corso del panel vedremo fino a che punto 竪 vero, a quali condizioni e tra quali formule si pu嘆 scegliere per raggiungere lobiettivo.
This document presents a conspiracy theory about secret groups influencing the Sandy Hook massacre and Batman film The Dark Knight Rises. It claims:
- The map in The Dark Knight Rises prominently features the words "Sandy Hook"
- Similarities between the map and layout of Sandy Hook Elementary suggest it was pre-planned
- The film's production designer has family ties to notorious occultist Aleister Crowley
- Strange coincidences and events suggest occult rituals were involved in the Sandy Hook shooting.
El documento presenta un resumen de las profec鱈as b鱈blicas relacionadas con el Anticristo. Indica que el Anticristo surgir叩 de una entidad pol鱈tica dividida en Europa y tendr叩 or鱈genes jud鱈os, aunque gobernar叩 sobre todas las naciones. Firmar叩 un tratado de paz con Israel que marcar叩 el inicio de la Gran Tribulaci坦n.
Este documento describe varias estrategias de publicidad emergentes, incluyendo publicidad subliminal, publicidad en chats y redes sociales, y la creaci坦n de identidades en l鱈nea por parte de los j坦venes. Explica que la publicidad subliminal involucra mensajes dise単ados para ser percibidos inconscientemente. Tambi辿n cubre t叩cticas como publicidad BTL que ocurre fuera de l鱈nea y publicidad en tel辿fonos celulares, as鱈 como el uso de redes sociales como MySpace para que los j坦venes creen identidades digitales.
The high-rise building located at 111 W. Wacker Drive
in downtown Chicago, IL, was formerly known as the Waterview. The structure was originally designed as an 89-story luxury hotel located along the Chicago River. The construction of the conventionally-reinforced building progressed until the 27th floor, when it was shelved due to financing issues. In 2012, the hotel was redesigned as a 60-story residential apartment building and renamed OneEleven.
OneEleven Tower - post tensioned transfer deckAMSYSCO Inc.
The high-rise building located at 111 W. Wacker Drive in downtown Chicago was formerly known as the Waterview. The structure was originally designed as an 89-story luxury hotel located along the Chicago River. The construction of the conventionally-reinforced building progressed until the 27th floor when the 2007 economic recession hit the U.S. Ultimately, the original project was shelved due to financing issues. The unfinished building became a visible eye-sore in the heart of Chicago for several years. Fortunately, a consortium of creditors and lienholders (Clark Wacker LLC) took ownership of the project and formed a Joint Venture with Related Midwest in 2010.
In 2012, the hotel was redesigned as a 60-story residential apartment building and renamed OneEleven. There were several major design issues with converting a hotel into a 500-unit apartment with a smaller floor-plate and different column layout. Since the column were poured until the 28th floor, this floor was built as originally designed. The 29th floor was constructed with a 12-inch post-tensioned slab and functioned as an amenity level.
What separates this high-rise tower from others is the 60-inch transfer deck (located on the 30th floor). The transfer deck was designed to be a 72-inch conventionally-reinforced slab with the post-tensioned floors above. The PT Supplier and Concrete Contractor redesigned it into a 60-inch thick slab using post-tensioned to replace roughly 372 tons of rebar. The redesign saved around $380,000 from the cost of the transfer deck (excluding costs of other vertical elements). The reduced dead load of the slab also helped eliminate the reshoring requirements. The 12-inch building height reduction funneled into lower costs for all vertical elements and lower operational energy costs. A flat-plate was used in lieu of large beams and transfer girders in order to reduce forming costs.
The installation of the transfer slab and coordination of trades was extremely complex. Additionally, the coordination was fast-paced since the transfer slab was the second floor of the new construction. Construction trades and engineer spent almost one month on coordinating PT tendons, rebar and MEP piping/penetrations.
The transfer mat was poured in two lifts (20-inch and 40-inch lifts) for a total of roughly 2,250 cubic yards of 6000 psi concrete. One of the pours lasted 17 hours and had an increased degree of complexity due to being poured mid-air. In total, there was 60 tons of unbonded-post-tensioning (gross weight) used in the transfer deck.
The use of unbonded post-tensioning in the original design was also used to reduce the high-rise building height by at least 1 per floor as compared to mildly-reinforced concrete. PT helped make a stalled project more economical due to the reduction in material costs (concrete columns/walls, MEP piping, elevators/stairs and curtain-wall).
Each tower has 750,000 square feet of space with 50 floors and 10 units per floor of 15,000 square feet. There are 7.1 billion people in the world that would require 2.85 million towers of 500 units each to house the world's population at 5 people per unit. At a cost of $92 million per tower, it would cost over $262 trillion to house the entire world's population.
Facebook fue creado por Mark Zuckerberg en 2004 mientras era estudiante en la Universidad de Harvard. Originalmente era una red social solo para estudiantes de Harvard, pero luego se expandi坦 a m叩s universidades y finalmente a cualquier persona con una cuenta de correo electr坦nico. Aunque tuvo cr鱈ticas iniciales sobre privacidad y uso de datos, Facebook se ha convertido en una de las redes sociales m叩s grandes del mundo con m叩s de 900 millones de usuarios.
Late South Amboy Man Honored at Memorial (The Suburban)Jacqueline Durett
The document summarizes an In Memory event honoring late Vietnam veteran Leon Burk. Burk served in the Navy and died in 1995 from complications of Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam. His daughter Webber and two friends, Harry McKeon and Mike Kremenovic of South Ambos, were honored at the ceremony. Webber applied to share letters, pictures, or anything that captures her father's life in the In Memory program.
N Wolcott Avenue is a proposed coworking space located at the intersection of N Wolcott Avenue and N Winchester Avenue in Chicago. The space will provide workspaces, common areas, and community spaces for tenants and clients. It aims to foster an open market exchange through interactive workspaces.
Tra le opzioni apparentemente pi湛 facili per promuovere la propria attivit turistica e disintermediare la collaborazione con blogger e influencer sta sicuramente facendo tendenza.
Nel corso del panel vedremo fino a che punto 竪 vero, a quali condizioni e tra quali formule si pu嘆 scegliere per raggiungere lobiettivo.
This document presents a conspiracy theory about secret groups influencing the Sandy Hook massacre and Batman film The Dark Knight Rises. It claims:
- The map in The Dark Knight Rises prominently features the words "Sandy Hook"
- Similarities between the map and layout of Sandy Hook Elementary suggest it was pre-planned
- The film's production designer has family ties to notorious occultist Aleister Crowley
- Strange coincidences and events suggest occult rituals were involved in the Sandy Hook shooting.
El documento presenta un resumen de las profec鱈as b鱈blicas relacionadas con el Anticristo. Indica que el Anticristo surgir叩 de una entidad pol鱈tica dividida en Europa y tendr叩 or鱈genes jud鱈os, aunque gobernar叩 sobre todas las naciones. Firmar叩 un tratado de paz con Israel que marcar叩 el inicio de la Gran Tribulaci坦n.
Este documento describe varias estrategias de publicidad emergentes, incluyendo publicidad subliminal, publicidad en chats y redes sociales, y la creaci坦n de identidades en l鱈nea por parte de los j坦venes. Explica que la publicidad subliminal involucra mensajes dise単ados para ser percibidos inconscientemente. Tambi辿n cubre t叩cticas como publicidad BTL que ocurre fuera de l鱈nea y publicidad en tel辿fonos celulares, as鱈 como el uso de redes sociales como MySpace para que los j坦venes creen identidades digitales.
The high-rise building located at 111 W. Wacker Drive
in downtown Chicago, IL, was formerly known as the Waterview. The structure was originally designed as an 89-story luxury hotel located along the Chicago River. The construction of the conventionally-reinforced building progressed until the 27th floor, when it was shelved due to financing issues. In 2012, the hotel was redesigned as a 60-story residential apartment building and renamed OneEleven.
OneEleven Tower - post tensioned transfer deckAMSYSCO Inc.
The high-rise building located at 111 W. Wacker Drive in downtown Chicago was formerly known as the Waterview. The structure was originally designed as an 89-story luxury hotel located along the Chicago River. The construction of the conventionally-reinforced building progressed until the 27th floor when the 2007 economic recession hit the U.S. Ultimately, the original project was shelved due to financing issues. The unfinished building became a visible eye-sore in the heart of Chicago for several years. Fortunately, a consortium of creditors and lienholders (Clark Wacker LLC) took ownership of the project and formed a Joint Venture with Related Midwest in 2010.
In 2012, the hotel was redesigned as a 60-story residential apartment building and renamed OneEleven. There were several major design issues with converting a hotel into a 500-unit apartment with a smaller floor-plate and different column layout. Since the column were poured until the 28th floor, this floor was built as originally designed. The 29th floor was constructed with a 12-inch post-tensioned slab and functioned as an amenity level.
What separates this high-rise tower from others is the 60-inch transfer deck (located on the 30th floor). The transfer deck was designed to be a 72-inch conventionally-reinforced slab with the post-tensioned floors above. The PT Supplier and Concrete Contractor redesigned it into a 60-inch thick slab using post-tensioned to replace roughly 372 tons of rebar. The redesign saved around $380,000 from the cost of the transfer deck (excluding costs of other vertical elements). The reduced dead load of the slab also helped eliminate the reshoring requirements. The 12-inch building height reduction funneled into lower costs for all vertical elements and lower operational energy costs. A flat-plate was used in lieu of large beams and transfer girders in order to reduce forming costs.
The installation of the transfer slab and coordination of trades was extremely complex. Additionally, the coordination was fast-paced since the transfer slab was the second floor of the new construction. Construction trades and engineer spent almost one month on coordinating PT tendons, rebar and MEP piping/penetrations.
The transfer mat was poured in two lifts (20-inch and 40-inch lifts) for a total of roughly 2,250 cubic yards of 6000 psi concrete. One of the pours lasted 17 hours and had an increased degree of complexity due to being poured mid-air. In total, there was 60 tons of unbonded-post-tensioning (gross weight) used in the transfer deck.
The use of unbonded post-tensioning in the original design was also used to reduce the high-rise building height by at least 1 per floor as compared to mildly-reinforced concrete. PT helped make a stalled project more economical due to the reduction in material costs (concrete columns/walls, MEP piping, elevators/stairs and curtain-wall).
Each tower has 750,000 square feet of space with 50 floors and 10 units per floor of 15,000 square feet. There are 7.1 billion people in the world that would require 2.85 million towers of 500 units each to house the world's population at 5 people per unit. At a cost of $92 million per tower, it would cost over $262 trillion to house the entire world's population.
This document provides a list of 64 buildings in the United States with details including their height in meters and feet, number of floors, year completed, and primary construction material and use. The tallest is Aqua in Chicago at 261.8 meters (859 feet) with 86 floors completed in 2009 using concrete for residential and hotel use. The shortest is Clark and Grand Hotels in Chicago with unspecified height and floors completed in 2013 using concrete for hotel use.
One Museum Park West (Post-Tensioning case study)AMSYSCO Inc.
The One Museum Park West high-rise condominium tower in Chicago was originally designed with conventionally reinforced concrete slabs and transfer girders, but went over budget. A value engineering analysis proposed converting the structural design to unbonded post-tensioning, which would reduce costs by deleting some interior columns, transfer girders, and reducing girder depths. This option was chosen and resulted in $4 million in savings through reductions to concrete, rebar, forming costs, and other structure elements like caissons and walls. The post-tensioning supplier worked with the engineer of record to implement the new design, which increased PT usage from an initial 35,000 feet to 1.6 million feet and helped complete
Infrastructure and Unbonded Post TensioningAMSYSCO Inc.
The document discusses the use of unbonded post-tensioning for infrastructure projects. It begins with an overview of concrete versus asphalt pavements. Unbonded post-tensioning can be used for applications like airport runways, parking lots, and pedestrian bridges. The document then presents three case studies where unbonded post-tensioning was used: a road project in Wayzata Bay with poor soil conditions, an emergency vehicle operator course, and a reconstruction project on Buford Avenue. It concludes that unbonded encapsulated post-tensioning is an effective alternative to reinforced concrete or asphalt for infrastructure projects.
The Importance of Unbonded Field CertificationAMSYSCO Inc.
This document summarizes the Post-Tensioning Institute's (PTI) Unbonded Post-Tensioning Field Personnel Certification program. It outlines the various certification levels including Level 1 Field Installation, Level 1 and 2 Inspector, and Level 1 and 2 Ironworker. It provides information on registration prerequisites, training workshops, certification requirements, benefits of certification for projects, contractors, installers and individuals, as well as testimonials and the certification schedule. The goal of the program is to satisfy building code requirements and improve quality, safety, productivity and profitability through certified personnel.
Minnesota Twins Target Field & Post TensioningAMSYSCO Inc.
Presentation by Neel Khosa given during the Post-Tensioning Institute's 2011 Technical Conference. Topic is about the use of unbonded post-tensioned concrete in Target Field stadium, home of the Minnesota Twins MLB team.
Abridged version of the Post-Tensioning Institute's 2009 Legends and Fellows Award ceremony. Rattan Khosa, President of AMSYSCO, Inc., received a PTI Fellows Award.
This document provides information about a company called Amsysco Inc. that has been manufacturing post-tensioned concrete buildings since 1981. They help customers entertain friends, reinforce foundations for the future, store vehicles while away, and reach career goals through their post-tensioned concrete products and services. Amsysco has been in business since 1981 and is PTI-certified for manufacturing.
Post-Tension Concrete - Info session for ContractorsAMSYSCO Inc.
This presentation is to help General and Concrete Contractors manage construction projects that use Post-Tensioned Concrete.
1. Intro to Post-Tension
2. Components of Post-Tension
3. Construction Team
4. Submittals
5. Pre-Installation
6. Installation Management
7. Post-Concrete Placement
8. Troubleshooting
Post-tensioning is a method of reinforcing (strengthening) concrete or other materials with high-strength steel strands or bars, typically referred to as tendons. Post-tensioning applications include office and apartment buildings, parking structures, slabs-on-ground, bridges, sports stadiums, rock and soil anchors, and water-tanks.
>>>Published by Post-Tensioning Institute
This document provides information about Amysco, a company that specializes in post-tensioning systems, service, and engineering. It summarizes Amysco's post-tensioning process, highlights the advantages of post-tensioning over other construction methods, and outlines Amysco's product offerings and services. Testimonials are provided emphasizing Amysco's technical expertise, reliable service, and ability to complete complex projects on schedule.
Hamad Al Wazzan A Visionary in Real Estate.pdfHamad Al Wazzan
This presentation explores Hamad Al Wazzan's profound influence on the real estate sector. We'll cover his career, key expertise, and strategic leadership. Al Wazzan is known for his innovative approaches.
Symphony IT Park Pune Symphony IT Park Pune Symphony IT Park Pune.pptsymphonyitpark
Symphony IT Park
Magarpatta City Group brings to you Symphony IT Park, a development of premium office spaces on lease located inside Nanded City, Pune. It is the ideal upgrade you are looking for your workspace because it offers a host of benefits. Explore its offerings below to understand why it is the perfect destination for your new office.
Top 5 Architectural Interior Model Firms to Watch in 2025paayalsinghh28
This PDF highlights the top 5 architectural and interior design firms to watch in 2025. It focuses on their innovative approaches to creating sustainable, functional, and adaptive spaces. The firms are recognized for integrating cutting-edge technology and sustainability in their designs. The purpose is to showcase leading firms shaping the future of interior modeling.
A Sanctuary Where Time Stands Still - The ChapterThe Chapter
There are homes that provide solace, and then there are homes that embrace, that whisper stories of timeless
elegance and offer a sanctuary for the soul. Villa Estrella, nestled in the serene village of Parra, Goa, is such a
Real estate Sector is known for its capacity, capability, role, relevance and importance in playing pivotal role in socio-economic development, of a community, city and state ,by promoting economy, generating employment and promoting industrialization. Sector is known to help in increasing household and government consumption. Real estate sectors remain the most vibrant sector for attracting investment both local and global . It helps in generating large revenue for the state besides making value addition to exports , capital income, and taxes. Real estate sector remains the major propeller of construction sectors , which is known to employ 35 million manpower, besides adding to economy and development. Growth of real estate sector also remains closely linked to economic development and social stability. Real estate is known to help the industrial sector migrate from secondary to tertiary sector , besides leveraging numerous other sectors. Real estate sector is also known to be major determinant of quality of life. Since all human activities are encased within four walls of built environment , accordingly real estate sector holds enormous value for human living, growth and development. Besides numerous positivities , Real estate sector is also known for large number of negativities. Real estate sector is known to be largest consumer of energy, resources and generator of waste and accordingly, has major role and impact on climate change , global warming, rising temperature to make planet earth unsustainable and prone to disasters. Sector is known to have high sensitivity to government and policies and programs. Accordingly, understanding real estate sectors role in economy, employment, human living and climate change will remain essential for facilitating / effective regulation/promoting economic development and making Real estate sector rational, vibrant and productive for launching India on the path of sustainable leadership.
2, 3 BHK Flats in Lucknow
If youre looking for spacious and comfortable living options in Lucknow, 2 and 3 BHK flats are the perfect choice. Whether youre a small family or someone looking for extra space, these flats offer the ideal balance of space, functionality, and affordability. In Lucknow, various localities like Gomti Nagar, Indira Nagar, and Alambagh provide a range of these flats, each catering to different preferences and budgets. These flats typically come with modern amenities like high-speed elevators, security systems, parking facilities, and more. With the citys rapid development, these 2 and 3 BHK flats in Lucknow are in high demand, making them an excellent investment option for buyers looking for a long-term home or rental property. Furthermore, with access to major roads, schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and recreational spots, these flats ensure convenience at every step.
2 BHK Flats in Lucknow
For individuals or small families seeking a compact yet comfortable living space, 2 BHK flats in Lucknow are an excellent choice. These flats typically offer a well-designed layout that optimizes the available space, making them ideal for urban living. The popular areas for 2 BHK flats in Lucknow include Gomti Nagar, Sushant Golf City, and Hazratganj, where you can find a variety of options in terms of pricing, amenities, and interiors. Additionally, these flats are located in neighborhoods with excellent connectivity, close to schools, hospitals, and markets. Whether youre a first-time homebuyer or looking to upgrade to a better living space, a 2 BHK flat in Lucknow provides you with the perfect combination of affordability and comfort, all while enjoying the growth and modernization of the city.
3 BHK Flats in Lucknow
If you require more space and prefer a luxurious lifestyle, 3 BHK flats in Lucknow may be just what you need. These flats offer generous room sizes and thoughtful floor plans designed to suit modern living. Areas like Vibhuti Khand, Mahanagar, and Gomti Nagar are known for having high-quality 3 BHK flats that combine elegance, convenience, and modernity. Many of these flats come equipped with premium amenities like fully equipped kitchens, spacious balconies, modular bathrooms, and more. The rising demand for 3 BHK flats also reflects the growing number of families looking to settle down in Lucknow. Whether you seek a new construction or a ready-to-move-in option, these 3 BHK flats in Lucknow are perfect for those who value comfort, space, and a strong sense of community.
4 BHK Luxury Penthouses in Lucknow
For those seeking an extravagant lifestyle with panoramic views and ultimate comfort, 4 BHK luxury penthouses in Lucknow provide the perfect living experience. Situated in upscale areas like Gomti Nagar.
The Power of Analytics in Multifamily - Leni CoLeni Co
In the fast-evolving real estate market, multifamily investors and asset managers rely on data-driven insights to enhance decision-making, streamline operations, and maximize returns. Analytics play a vital role in tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), identifying market trends, and optimizing asset performance. From rental pricing strategies and occupancy forecasting to predictive maintenance and financial planning, data-driven approaches enable more informed and strategic choices. Advanced business intelligence tools, real-time dashboards, and AI-powered solutions provide greater visibility, helping to mitigate risks and improve operational efficiency. This presentation explores how analytics is transforming multifamily real estate, enabling smarter investment decisions, increasing net operating income (NOI), and driving long-term growth.
Top Housing Societies in Pakistan: A Guide to Premium LivingBlue World City
Pakistan boasts a rapidly growing real estate sector, with numerous housing societies offering world-class amenities, security, and investment opportunities. Here are some of the top housing societies in the country:
DHA (Defence Housing Authority) Located in major cities like Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad, DHA is known for its secure environment, modern infrastructure, and premium lifestyle.
Bahria Town One of Pakistans largest private real estate developments, Bahria Town offers luxury living with state-of-the-art facilities, theme parks, and commercial hubs.
Blue World City A rising star near Islamabad, this society is designed to be a tourist-friendly, affordable yet modern community, attracting both local and overseas investors.
Capital Smart City Pakistans first smart city, offering sustainable living with eco-friendly solutions, smart traffic systems, and modern architecture.
Gulberg Greens, Islamabad A premium housing society known for its lush green surroundings, wide roads, and top-tier amenities.
These societies provide a mix of high-end residential options, commercial opportunities, and long-term investment potential, making them ideal choices for homebuyers and investors alike.
Team Knapp Listing Presentation for Home SellersCari Knapp
We will go over my expertise, marketing strategy, and comprehensive plan. My personal goal is to effectively sell the home and achieve the best possible price in the current market for you. This will include details like market analysis, pricing strategy, marketing tactics, and a clear timeline for the selling process.
AVENUE RESIDENCE 6 In Al Furjan By Tesla Properties providing Top Apartments ...Tesla Properties
Avenue Residence 6 at Al Furjan, developed by Nabni Developments, redefines luxury living with its exclusive collection of 1, 2, and 3-bedroom apartments. This 12-storey residential masterpiece is strategically located just steps away from the Discovery Gardens Metro Station, offering unparalleled convenience and connectivity. With only 96 unique residences, Avenue Residence 6 caters to individuals who seek an extraordinary living experience.
Tesla Properties, a leading Dubai Real Estate Investment Company, offers a vast portfolio of properties for rent and sale in the city's most sought-after locations. Whether youre looking for Top Apartments for Rent in Dubai or a long-term investment opportunity, Tesla Properties has you covered, with a wide range of offerings including off-plan apartments, villas, penthouses, and townhouses from the citys most prestigious developers.
Located in Mansarovar Extension, Ashiana Amantran offers spacious 3 BHK and 4 BHK flats with seamless access to Ajmer Road and city conveniences. Designed for modern living, it features landscaped gardens, a swimming pool, a clubhouse, and 24/7 security. Experience comfort, connectivity, and premium amenities in Jaipurs thriving residential hub. Secure your dream home today!
Kuzey Adalar Kartal Catalog - Listing TurkeyListing Turkey
Kartal, one of the fastest-growing districts on Istanbuls Asian side, is redefining urban luxury with its stunning coastline, modern infrastructure, and increasing investment potential. Overlooking the breathtaking Marmara Sea and the Princes Islands, Kartal has become a highly sought-after location for both investors and homebuyers looking for apartments for sale in Kartal that offer a perfect mix of nature and city convenience.
Why Kartal? A Thriving Investment and Lifestyle Hub
Once a quiet coastal town, Kartal has transformed into a premier real estate hub thanks to large-scale urban renewal projects. The district boasts:
A scenic waterfront with pedestrian-friendly promenades and recreational spaces
Modern shopping malls featuring international and luxury brands
High-speed transportation links, including the Marmaray rail system and metro lines
State-of-the-art marina developments, boosting both lifestyle and property value
Proximity to top-tier hospitals, universities, and financial centers
Kuzey Adalar: Elevating Modern Living in Kartal
Situated at the heart of Kartal, Kuzey Adalar is a landmark mixed-use development offering a variety of residential options designed to cater to modern needs. With 2,281 exclusive apartments, many with panoramic sea views, this project blends contemporary architecture with lush green landscapes.
REMAX Metro AHD - Feb 2025 Newsletter.pdfRealtymetro1
Greetings from RE/MAX Metro.
Please find the attached Newsletter from our office for the month of FEB 2025. We would first like to Thank You all for putting your trust and giving support to us we were awarded *TOP PERFORMER office of RE/MAX in India* at RE/MAX India Annual Convention in Goa.
Dont miss to see our office news page and also read Page 8 & 9 where we have covered some interesting facts and figures of *Budget 2025 & MAHAKUMBH*.
Happy Holi to all.
Thank you
Vivek Parikh Franchise Owner