This document outlines the structure and supervision process for MSC student projects at EPCC. It describes the three main stages: project preparation where the student plans their objectives and workplan, a break during exams, and the main project period where the student implements their workplan under supervision. It notes that the level of supervisor involvement can be flexible but the work should be the student's, and that EPCC can provide non-domain specific support and handle all marking.
2. Practical Introduction to Student Projects
? Overview of what is required start to finish
? My experience working with our Students
3. Stage 1: Project Preparation
? When: Semester 2 (13th Jan C 27th March 2020)
? What: Student plans their project (what their objectives are and
how they will achieve this in the summer)
? Deliverable: Project Preparation report (six pages) plus ^Wiki
Page ̄ documenting progress.
? Effort: meet for one hour every two weeks
? Chance to think about risks and how these can be dealt with
4. Stage 2: There¨s a break
? Exams take place April C mid-May, Students not expected to work
on their projects at this time.
5. Stage 3: Main Project
? Student follows workplan devised in Project Preparation
? Level of involvement up to you:
?Host student every day (if practical)
?Student visits sometimes
?Meetings only
? Implementation, results, evaluation
?All documented in the dissertation report
? Presentations after submission (end of August)
6. Organisation
? It¨s the Student¨s project, work should be theirs.
?Graded on their autonomy, organisation, and technical approach
? You provide domain expertise and advice, plus access to codes
and data
? We can support with less domain-specific questions (libraries,
machines, tools), report and all marking
7. My Experience
? Students will want to do their best and work hard
? They may have lots of questions
? Involvement can be flexible
? Lots of experience within EPCC to support
? All things legal (agreements, data protection) should be arranged
8. Next Steps
? Lunch
? Opportunity to ask myself and colleagues any questions
? Thank you!