This document discusses the education system and dropout rates in the Czech Republic. It describes the main stages of education from kindergarten through university. It then discusses dropout rates, noting that the national early school leaving rate is around 6% but is higher for Roma children at 72%. The document also provides statistics on dropout rates for a particular high school in 2015/2016 and 2016/2017. It explores some of the common reasons for dropping out and how the Unemployment Office in the Czech Republic assists those seeking work. Overall unemployment rates and rates by education level are presented.
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2. Content :
1. Kindergarten
2. Elementary School
3. High School, Secondary vocational school
4. University
5. Dropouts in the Czech Republic
6. The Liberec region
7. Our school SaM Na Boji邸ti
8. Reasons for dropouts
9. The Unemployment Office in the Czech Republic
3. Kindergarten
From the age of 3 to 6
Preparation for primary school
Develops the basic knowledge of a child
4. Elementary School
From the age of 7 to 15
education of under-age children
Effect - basic knowledge, learn to solve problems
It is compulsory education
5. High school
Has the character of a final education
graduates go directly to the labor market or prepare to continue their
15-19 year old students
6. University
From the age of 19 to 26
It is voluntary not mandatory
Profit titles Bachelors, Masters, PhDr. ING. Mudr.
Students gain higher education (more professional)
9. Dropouts in the Czech Republic
The national early school leaving rate remains low.
It increased from 4.9 % in 2010 to 6.2 % in 2015.
72 % of Roma children who leave school early
10. 95% of pupils who complete their compulsory schooling continue studies at
higher secondary level.
Between the age of 17 and 19, 73% of them acquire a professional
qualification which is recognised on the labour market.
The unemployment rate for young people under 25 years of age stands at 19%
in 2013 . (Eurostat 2013)
11. Our schoolOur school
S a M Na Boji邸ti 2015/2016S a M Na Boji邸ti 2015/2016
13 transgressed
6 did not advance
3 were excluded
71 missed study
93 in total
14. The causes of early dropouts from high
school in the Liberec Region
15. The Unemployment Office in the Czech
The Unemployment Office can find current job offers with
an appropriate focus on your education and experience.
Since 2004 programme of the Unemployment Office EURES
service enables mobility across Europe.
16. Statistics of youth unemployment (age 15-24) in the Czech Republic
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Unemployment rate 15,7 15,8 20,1 21,1 21,4 22,8
men 15,5 16 20,3 20,9 20,8 23,1
women 10,7 9,9 16,6 18,3 18,1 19,5
Unemplyment rate according to
7,5 8 11,8 14 14,2 14,1
basic education 16,5 16,5 21,5 21,4 20,1 19
high school 19,8 19,3 24 23,6 22,8 24,3
university 20,3 21,3 25,4 27,8 29,1 35,3
Long-term unemployed 10,2 9 13,8 16,6 22,4 27,8
the proportion of inactive (neither
work nor study)
18,1 19,9 26,5 26,6 26,1 28,1
17. ESF Project- The School of Second
Pilot project started in 2012
Participating countries the Czech Republic, Sweden
To help those who have left the school system without any qualifications to
become more employable
The young participants study and complete various traineeships. Each student
is individually guided by a coach throughout the training programme.