The document discusses exporting an accounting, financial, and legal services to microentrepreneurs in other countries. It proposes that offering these services internationally would be successful given the large demand for help with finances and accounting problems from companies. Exporting the service could gain experience working in different countries like Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Canada, and the United States, and helping businesses with their accounting and financial issues would contribute to economic growth in Colombia.
Summer outdoor activities for seniors at imperial clubAngela Smith
Although our retirement community offers a variety of activities that are already planned, it is good to have a healthy balance of doing things with just you and your spouse, a few friends, or even family members.
Active Data - Admission Presentation Feb 2015David Lavigna
The document discusses how colleges and universities can use campus events and culture to attract prospective students. It notes that 90% of students research schools online, with 43% exclusively using mobile. The top factors influencing school choice are academic reputation, career outcomes, cost, and campus visits. The presentation recommends using events and an online community portal to engage prospects, provide information they seek on mobile, and capture their data to increase yield. It emphasizes promoting campus culture through social media and other digital assets to attract the right prospective students.
This letter provides a recommendation for Lisa Duncan who led the planning and execution of an inaugural event for over 40 individuals over 7 months. As the project lead, Lisa connected with resources, provided consistent messaging to stakeholders, tracked deliverables, and adjusted to changing requirements. She also developed branding, floor plans, and a promotion plan. The event Lisa organized exceeded expectations with double the attendance and positive feedback. The author, her supervisor, highly recommends Lisa for any position.
Estados totalitários - Itália e AlemanhaMaria Luiza
O documento descreve a ascensão do fascismo na Itália e do nazismo na Alemanha nos anos 1920-1930. O fascismo italiano liderado por Mussolini surgiu em um contexto de crise econômica e social após a Primeira Guerra Mundial, enquanto o nazismo alemão de Hitler aproveitou a hiperinflação e desemprego dos anos 1920 para ganhar popularidade. Ambos os regimes estabeleceram Estados autoritários de partido único e culto à figura do lÃder.
Este documento presenta los valores observados en una tabla de 3 filas y 3 columnas. Proporciona los valores observados reales y los valores esperados bajo la hipótesis nula de independencia. Realiza la prueba de Ji cuadrada para determinar si se puede rechazar la hipótesis nula de que los resultados en las filas y columnas son independientes. Proporciona los valores calculados para la prueba de Ji cuadrada.
The document outlines the results of a SWOT analysis conducted for the FFSC services and programs. It identifies strengths such as thorough course assessment, weaknesses like limited hours and marketing, opportunities to partner with other agencies, and threats around workforce retention. The overarching goals are to improve effectiveness, access, partnerships, and workforce issues. Next steps include forming teams led by Directors to develop strategies to meet the goals and enhance communication.
The document provides information about REDFILO, an event management company based in the United Arab Emirates. It outlines REDFILO's mission to elevate event standards through quality and professionalism. The company's vision is to be recognized as the leading event management firm in the region by providing innovative concepts and exceptional experiences. The document also provides details about REDFILO's accomplishments over recent years organizing large-scale events in the UAE and being awarded several accolades. It shares information about the company's founder and managing director, Pach Ang, and his background.
This letter provides a recommendation for Lisa Duncan who led the planning and execution of an inaugural event for over 40 individuals over 7 months. As the project lead, Lisa connected with resources, provided consistent messaging to stakeholders, tracked deliverables, and adjusted to changing requirements. She also developed branding, floor plans, and a promotion plan. The event Lisa organized exceeded expectations with double the attendance and positive feedback. The author, her supervisor, highly recommends Lisa for any position.
Estados totalitários - Itália e AlemanhaMaria Luiza
O documento descreve a ascensão do fascismo na Itália e do nazismo na Alemanha nos anos 1920-1930. O fascismo italiano liderado por Mussolini surgiu em um contexto de crise econômica e social após a Primeira Guerra Mundial, enquanto o nazismo alemão de Hitler aproveitou a hiperinflação e desemprego dos anos 1920 para ganhar popularidade. Ambos os regimes estabeleceram Estados autoritários de partido único e culto à figura do lÃder.
Este documento presenta los valores observados en una tabla de 3 filas y 3 columnas. Proporciona los valores observados reales y los valores esperados bajo la hipótesis nula de independencia. Realiza la prueba de Ji cuadrada para determinar si se puede rechazar la hipótesis nula de que los resultados en las filas y columnas son independientes. Proporciona los valores calculados para la prueba de Ji cuadrada.
The document outlines the results of a SWOT analysis conducted for the FFSC services and programs. It identifies strengths such as thorough course assessment, weaknesses like limited hours and marketing, opportunities to partner with other agencies, and threats around workforce retention. The overarching goals are to improve effectiveness, access, partnerships, and workforce issues. Next steps include forming teams led by Directors to develop strategies to meet the goals and enhance communication.
The document provides information about REDFILO, an event management company based in the United Arab Emirates. It outlines REDFILO's mission to elevate event standards through quality and professionalism. The company's vision is to be recognized as the leading event management firm in the region by providing innovative concepts and exceptional experiences. The document also provides details about REDFILO's accomplishments over recent years organizing large-scale events in the UAE and being awarded several accolades. It shares information about the company's founder and managing director, Pach Ang, and his background.