The document describes the creation of an Entity Summarization Benchmark (ESBM) to evaluate entity summarization systems. It outlines the design goals of ESBM, which include using multiple datasets, overcoming limitations of prior benchmarks, and being general-purpose. ESBM contains entity descriptions extracted from DBpedia and LinkedMDB, with over 6,500 triples and 2,100 human-generated summaries for 175 entities. Several entity summarization systems are evaluated using ESBM, demonstrating it is a challenging but useful benchmark for advancing research.
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ESBM: An Entity Summarization Benchmark (ESWC 2020)
1. ESBM: An Entity Summarization Benchmark
Qingxia Liu1, Gong Cheng1, Kalpa Gunaratna2, and Yuzhong Qu1
1 National Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, China
2 Samsung Research America, Mountain View CA, USA
3. 2020.06 3
Entity Summarization
<Tim Berners Lee, alias, TimBL>
<Tim Berners Lee, name, Tim Berners-Lee>
<Tim Berners Lee, givenName, Tim>
<Tim Berners Lee, birthYear, 1955>
<Tim Berners Lee, birthDate, 1955-06-08>
<Tim Berners Lee, birthPlace, England>
<Tim Berners Lee, birthPlace, London>
<Tim Berners Lee, type, People Educated At Emanuel School>
<Tim Berners Lee, type, Scientist>
<Tim Berners-Lee, child, Ben Berners-Lee>
<Tim Berners-Lee, child, Alice Berners-Lee>
<Conway Berners-Lee, child, Tim Berners-Lee>
<Weaving the Web, author, Tim Berners-Lee>
<Tabulator, author, Tim Berners-Lee>
<Paul Otlet, influenced, Tim Berners-Lee>
<John Postel, influenced, Tim Berners-Lee>
<World Wide Web, developer, Tim Berners-Lee>
<World Wide Web Foundation, foundedBy, Tim Berners-Lee>
<World Wide Web Foundation, keyPerson, Tim Berners-Lee><Tim Berners Lee, type, Living People>
<Tim Berners Lee, type, Person>
<Tim Berners Lee, type, Agent>
<Tim Berners-Lee, award, Royal Society>
<Tim Berners-Lee, award, Royal Academy of Engineering >
<Tim Berners-Lee, award, Order of Merit>
<Tim Berners-Lee, award, Royal Order of the British Empire>
<Tim Berners-Lee, spouse, Rosemary Leith>
<Tim Berners Lee, birthDate, 1955-06-08>
<Tim Berners Lee, birthPlace, England>
<Tim Berners Lee, type, Scientist>
<Tim Berners-Lee, award, Royal Society>
<World Wide Web, developer, Tim Berners-Lee>
Description of Tim Berners-Lee:
4. RDF Data: T
triple tT: <subj, pred, obj>
Entity Description: Desc(e)
Desc(e) ={tT: subj(t)=e or obj(t)=e}
triple tDesc(e): <e, property, value>
values: class, entity, literal
Entity Summarization (ES): S(e, k)
SDesc(e) , |S|k
2020.06 4
Entity Summarization
Tim Berners-Lee
Royal Society
Weaving the Web
Paul Otlet
Tim Tim Berners-Lee
John Postel
birthPlace type
givenName birthYear
5. Limitations
Task specificness
Single dataset
Small size
Triple incomprehensiveness
2020.06 5
Existing Benchmarks
6. Motivation
Research Challenges for Entity Summarization:
Lack of good benchmarks
Lack of evaluation efforts
Created an Entity Sumarization Benchmark (ESBM v1.2)
overcoming the limitations of existing benchmarks
meeting the desiderata for a successful benchmark
Evaluated entity summarizers with ESBM
made the most extensive evaluation effort to date
evaluated 9 existing general-purpose entity summarizers
evaluated 1 supervised learning-based entity summarizer for reference
2020.06 6
Our Work
8. To satisfy seven desiderata for a successful benchmark[18]
accessibility, affordability, clarity, relevance, solvability, portability, scalability
To overcome limitations of available benchmarks
General-purpose summaries
Including class-, entity-, literal-valued triples
Multiple datasets
Currently largest available benchmark
2020.06 8
Design Goals
[18] Sim, S.E., Easterbrook, S.M., Holt, R.C.: Using benchmarking to advance research: A challenge to software engineering. In: ICSE 2003. pp. 74{83 (2003).
9. Datasets
imported dump files: instance types, instance types transitive, YAGO types, mappingbased
literals, mappingbased objects, labels, images, homepages, persondata, geo coordinates
mappingbased, and article categories
removed triples: owl:sameAs
sampled from seven large classes:
DBpedia: Agent, Event, Location, Species, Work
LinkedMDB: Film, Person
Triples per entity
By class: 25.88-52.44 triples
Overall: 37.62 triples
2020.06 9
Entity Descriptions
10. 2020.06 10
Ground-Truth Summaries
30 users
each assigned 35 entities
175 entities
each assigned to 6 users
Each user created two
summaries for each entity
for k=5 and k=10
6 top-5 summaries
and 6 top-10 summaries
for each entity
175*6*2=2100 ground-truth summaries
11. Usage
ESBM v1.2: specified training-validation-test splits for 5-fold cross validation
Early versions: EYRE 2018 workshop, EYRE 2019 workshop
Accessibility: permanent identifier on
Affordability: open-source, example code for evaluation
Clarity: documented clearly and concisely
Relevance: entities sampled from real datasets
Solvability: not trivial and not too difficult
Portability: any general-purpose entity summarizer that can process RDF data
Scalability: reasonably large and diverse to evaluate mature entity summarizers
2020.06 11
The ESBM Benchmark
13. 175 entities, 6584 triples, 2100 ground-truth summaries
2020.06 13
Basic Statistics
Proportion of triples been selected into ground-truth summaries
Overlap: 4.91 triples
Overlap between top-5 and top-10 summaries
14. Literal-valued triples constitute a large proportion in ground-truth summaries.
30% in top-5 ground-truth summaries and 25% in top-10 summaries
Participants are not inclined to select multiple values of a property.
The average number of distinct properties in top-5 ground-truth summaries is 4.70 (very close to 5)
2020.06 14
Triple Composition
Three bars in each group: Entity descriptions, Top-5 ground-truth summaries, Top-10 ground-truth summaries
15. Entity Description
Jaccard similarity between property sets from each pair of classes is very low.
2020.06 15
Entity Heterogeneity
16. Ground-truth Summaries
Popular properties:
properties that appear in >50% ground truth summaries for each class
Only 1~2/13.24 properties are popular in top-5 ground-truth summaries
The importance of properties is generally contextualized by concrete entities.
2020.06 16
Entity Heterogeneity
17. Average overlap between 6 ground-truth summaries
Moderate degree of agreement
Comparable with those reported for other benchmarks
2020.06 17
Inter-Rater Agreement
[2] Cheng, G., Tran, T., Qu, Y.: RELIN: relatedness and informativeness-based centrality for entity summarization. In: ISWC 2011, Part I. pp. 114-129 (2011).
[7] Gunaratna, K., Thirunarayan, K., Sheth, A.P.: FACES: diversity-aware entity summarization using incremental hierarchical conceptual clustering. In: AAAI 2015. pp. 116-122 (2015).
[8] Gunaratna, K., Thirunarayan, K., Sheth, A.P., Cheng, G.: Gleaning types for literals in RDF triples with application to entity summarization. In: ESWC 2016. pp. 85-100 (2016).
19. Existing Entity Summarizers
ORACLE Entity Summarizer
k triples that are selected by the most participants into ground-truth summaries
Supervised Learning-Based Entity Summarizer
6 models:
SMOreg, LinearRegression, MultilayerPerceptron, AdditiveRegression, REPTree,
7 features:
gfT(global frequency of property), lf(local frequency of property), vfT(frequency of value),
si(self-information of triple)
isC(value is class), isE(value is entity), isL(value is literal)
2020.06 19
Participating Entity Summarizers
20. Evaluation Criteria
Sm: machine-generated entity summary
Sh : human-made ground-truth summary
PR if |Sm|<|Sh |=k
2020.06 20
23. F1 results
RandomForest, REPTree
achieve the highest F1.
Four methods
outperform all the
existing entity
Two methods only fail to
outperform existing
entity summarizers in one
2020.06 23
Results of Supervised Learning
Demonstrated the powerfulness of supervised learning for entity summarization.
24. 2020.06 24
Results of Supervised Learning
for each t=<e, p,v> in Desc(e):
gfT: # triples in the dataset where p appears
lf: # triples in Desc(e) where p appears
vfT: # triples in dataset where v appears
si: self-information of triple t
isC: whether v is a class
isE: whether v is an entity
isL: whether v is a literal
significantly effective: gfT, lf
for LinkedMDB: vfT, si
not significant: isC, isE, isL
25. Existing entity summarizers
Leading systems: BAFREC, MPSUM
Supervised Learning method
Outperforms existing entity summarizers
Comparing with ORACLE
Still a large gap for improvement
2020.06 25
Summary of Evaluation Results
Entity summarization on ESBM is a non-trivial task.
27. Evaluation Criteria
semantic overlap between triples
Representativeness of Ground Truth
general-purpose VS. task-specific
Form of Ground Truth
set-based VS. scoring-based
2020.06 27
28. Contributions
Created an Entity Summarization Benchmark: ESBM
overcoming the limitations of existing benchmarks
Evaluated entity summarizers with ESBM
the most extensive evaluation effort to date
The currently largest available benchmark for entity summarization
Entity summarization on ESBM is a non-trivial task
Permanent link:
GitHub repository: nju-websoft/ESBM
2020.06 28
Take-home Message
An Upcoming Paper
Junyou Li, Gong Cheng, Qingxia Liu, Wen Zhang, Evgeny Kharlamov, Kalpa Gunaratna, Huajun Chen.
Neural Entity Summarization with Joint Encoding and Weak Supervision.
Deep learning based
Significantly outperformed all the existing systems on ESBM
30. Contributions
Created an Entity Summarization Benchmark: ESBM
overcoming the limitations of existing benchmarks
Evaluated entity summarizers with ESBM
the most extensive evaluation effort to date
The currently largest available benchmark for entity summarization
Entity summarization on ESBM is a non-trivial task
Permanent link:
GitHub repository: nju-websoft/ESBM
2020.06 30
Take-home Message
An Upcoming Paper
Junyou Li, Gong Cheng, Qingxia Liu, Wen Zhang, Evgeny Kharlamov, Kalpa Gunaratna, Huajun Chen.
Neural Entity Summarization with Joint Encoding and Weak Supervision.
Deep learning based
Significantly outperformed all the existing systems on ESBM