Learn the basics of essay writing with the help of simple and straightforward presentations. This one focuses on the building blocks of the essay's introductory paragraph: the subject and the thesis.
2. Two important points:
a short piece of writing
on a particular subject
3. The general structure of an essay is:
- Introduction (to the topic)
- Body (contains ideas relevant to topic)
- Conclusion (summarize key points)
4. This presentation will focus on the
introductory part of your essay.
Introduction = a short paragraph, consisting
of a couple of sentences, presenting the
subject of the essay.
5. Identify the subject in the sample essay
topics below:
Everyone should get a hobby.
Dogs make the best pets.
The best book I have read.
Cycling in big cities is dangerous.
Learning a second language is difficult.
6. The introduction contains the thesis statement
(or thesis for short).
What is a thesis:
Thesis = the main idea of your writing.
7. A Subject is the general thing you are talking
A Thesis is what aspect of that thing you are
talking about specifically.
You write the thesis yourself, after you have
properly identified the subject.
Please note:
The thesis is usually located in the last
sentence of the introductory paragraph.
8. Everyone should get a hobby.
The general thing (subject) is hobbies and the
specific thing (thesis) should argue why
everyone should get a hobby
Here is an example of a thesis, based on that
essay topic and subject:
- Getting a hobby will help you take your
mind off work, relax, and make you happy.
9. Dogs make the best pets.
e.g. thesis
- When it comes to pets, dogs are the best
choice because they are loyal companions that
make you laugh and encourage you to live an
active lifestyle.
10. Learning a second language is difficult.
e.g. thesis: - Learning a second language is
difficult because it requires a lot of studying,
memorization and practice.
11. A thesis usually has three supporting ideas
that defend it.
The supporting ideas are included in the body
of your essay.
We will discuss the body of the essay in the
next chapter.