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Ethical Values Embedded in
Indian Culture and
Prepared by:
Nilay N. Rathod
Faculty of Arts
Gyanmanjari Innovative University
Values of Life
 Duty towards others
 (a) Samanya Dharma -A Code of
Conduct for all human beings (b)
Raja Dharma -The Duty of Rulers
 Respect for Womanhood
 Equality (Samanata)
 Gratitude (Kritajnata)
 Compassion (Daya)
 Simple Life -Sparing use of
Natural Resources
 Service (Seva -Paropakara)
 Sacrifice (Tyaga)
 World is one Family (Vasudhaiva
1. 爲爲爻爲 爲爻爲萎む爲爻爲爻 爲爲萎
2. (a) 爲伍鉦爲爻爲 爲о爲 - 爲む爲鉦 爲爲爻爲劇爲爻 爲爲鉦爻 爲爲爲鉦萎伍爲項逗む (b) 爲萎鉦爲 爲о爲 - 爲謹鉦伍爻爲爻 爲爲萎
3. 爲伍爲む爲萎爲む爲 爲爲鉦爻 爲爲爲
4. 爲伍爲鉦爲む (爲伍爲鉦爲む)
5. 爻爻爲む爻爲爲む (爻爻爲む爻爲爲鉦む)
6. 爻爲萎爲爲 (爲爲爲)
7. 爲伍鉦爻爲 爲爻爲朽-爻爻爲爲萎む 爲伍爲伍鉦о爻爲爻 爲爲逗爲む 爲爲爲爻爲
8. 爲伍爲朽 (爲伍爲朽-爲爲萎爲爻爲鉦)
9. 爲爲項逗爲鉦 (爲む爲爲鉦)
10.爲項朽謹爲 爲蹀 爲爲項萎朽鉦 爲爻 (爲朽伍爲о爲 爻爻爲爻爲爲爻爲)
Dharma (Righteous Duty)
 Dharma is a fundamental concept in Indian philosophy,
emphasizing the righteous duty or moral obligation one
must fulfill.
 Example: In the epic Mahabharata, Arjuna faces a moral
dilemma on the battlefield. Lord Krishna imparts the
wisdom of dharma through the Bhagavad Gita,
highlighting the importance of fulfilling one's duty
 爲爲鉦萎む爲 爲爲謹爲爲爲鉦 爲о爲 爲 爲蹀 爲爻爲橿爻爲 爲爻爲爲鉦 爲爻, 爲爻 爲爻爲爲鉦爻 爲爲萎 爲爲ム朽
爲爻爲項む 爲爲朽鉦爲爲鉦萎 爲爲 爲爲鉦 爲爻爻爻 爲爻 爲爻 爲朽爲爲項逗 爲爻爲爲 爻爲萎朽 爲爻爲爲.
 爲爲爲鉦逗萎: 爲爲逗鉦爲鉦朽爲 爲爲逗鉦爲鉦萎む爲鉦, 爲爲爻爲爲 爲爻爲爻爲о爲 爲爻爲爲鉦爲爲鉦 爲爻爲項む
爲爻爲項朽о鉦爻 爲伍鉦爲爻 爻爲萎 爲爻. 爲爲爲朽鉦 爻爻爲劇爲 爲爲爲朽 爲爻爲む 爲爻爲朽鉦萎 爲о爲爲爻 爲謹鉦爲爲
爲爲爻 爲爻, 爲項爲逗爲伍爲朽鉦ム爲爲爻 爲爻爲む鉦爻 爲爲萎 爲項爲爲鉦朽朽鉦爲 爲爲逗む爲朽爻 爲爻爲萎爲鉦項謹 爻爲萎 爲爻.
 The word 'Dharma' is used to mean justice (justice), what is right in a
given situation, moral values of life, sacred duties of individuals,
virtuous conduct in every field of activity, helping other beings, etc.
 '爲о爲' 爲謹爻爲爲爻 爲爲ム 爲爻爲爲鉦 (爲爻爲爲鉦), 爲爲爻爲 爲伍爲爻爲爻爲爲鉦 爲謹爲 爲爻爲爻爲 爲爻, 爲爻爲朽爲爲
爲爻爲項む 爲爻爲迦爲爻, 爲朽爲爲項逗爲爻 爲爲項朽む爲 爲爲萎爻, 爲爻爲萎朽爲項逗爲 爲爲萎爻 爲爻爲劇爲む爲萎爲鉦 爲伍爲鉦爲鉦萎
爲爲爲萎, 爲爲爻爲 爲爻爲朽爲爻 爲爲爲爲萎爲 爲ム朽爲, 爲朽爻爲萎 爲爲ム爲爲鉦 爲朽爲萎鉦 爲爻.
 On being asked by Yudhistira to explain the meaning and scope of
DHARMA, Bhishma who had mastered the knowledge of Dharma
replied thus:
 爲о爲爲爻 爲朽爲爲鉦爻爲爲 爻爲萎朽 爲伍爲ム 爲爻爲謹爻爻爲 爲爻. 爲о爲爲爻 爲踽朽爲 爲伍爲爲鉦朽朽鉦爲鉦 爲爲朽爲爻爲 爲爻 爲爻 爲爻爲朽爲爲 爲爲む爲ム鉦爲爲鉦 爲爲爲 爻爲萎
爲爻. 爲む爲ム, 爲爻 爲爻爲朽爲爲 爻爲迦爲爲鉦爲爻 爲伍爲項爲項逗 爻爲萎 爲爻 爲む 爲爻爲爻爲爲 爲о爲 爲爻. 爲項朽爻爲朽鉦 爲爲項逗爲 爲爲鉦逗爲 爻爲爻爻爲 爲爻 爻爻 爲爻
爲爻爲鉦朽 爲萎鉦爻 爲爻 爲む 爲о爲 爲爻.
爲о爲 爲爲 爲爲о鉦項萎 爲爻爲朽爲爲 爲爻爲迦爲爻
 language, religion or common aspirations etc., might constitute a basis for the formation of or bringing
into existence a Nation, the most essential of them are :-
 A common territory which people concerned have made their home and existence of filial attachment
between the territory and the people, and
 Common values of life evolved and cherished by the people.
 爲爲鉦逗, 爲о爲 爲爲ム朽 爲伍鉦爲鉦爻爲 爲爻爲鉦爲爻爲劇鉦 爲朽爻爲萎 爲爻爲朽 爲項朽項朽 爲爲項萎爲橿 爲萎鉦劇爲爻爲萎爻 爲萎爲爲 爲爲ム朽 爲爲項伍爲むむ爲朽爲鉦 爲逗鉦朽朽
爲爲鉦爻爲爻 爲爲о鉦 爲爲爻 爲謹爻 爲爻, 爲む爲爲鉦爲ム 爲伍爲ム 爲爲萎爲萎 爲爻:-
1. 爲蹀 爲伍鉦爲鉦爻爲 爲爻爲萎爻爲 爻爻 爲爻爲爻 爲伍爲爲爲項о 爲逗爻爻爲 爲爻爲む鉦爻爲 爲爲 爲爲爲鉦朽爲爻爲 爲爻 爲爲爻 爲爻爲萎爻爲 爲爲爻 爲逗爻爻 爲朽爻爲爻 爲伍爲項爲爲
爲爻爲÷鉦爲爻爲 爲爲項伍爲むむ爲 爲爻, 爲爲爻
2. 爲爻爲朽爲爲 爲伍鉦爲鉦爻爲 爲爻爲迦爲爻爲爻 爲項朽爲鉦 爲ム爻 爲爲爻 爲逗爻爻 爲爻爲朽鉦萎 爲爲爲萎爻爲.
Non-Violence (爲爲 爲逗爲伍):
 Ahimsa advocates for non-violence and compassion towards all
living beings.
 Example: Mahatma Gandhi, a key figure in India's struggle for
independence, adopted ahimsa as a guiding principle. His philosophy
of nonviolent resistance played a pivotal role in India's freedom
 爲爲項逗爲伍 爲む爲鉦 爲爻爲朽 爲爻爲萎む爲爻 爲爲項逗爲伍 爲爲爻 爻爲萎爲爲鉦爻 爲項逗爲鉦爲 爻爲萎 爲爻.
 爲爲爲 爲萎 : 爲爲逗鉦む爲爲 爲爲鉦爲о, 爲爲鉦萎む爻 爲伍爲朽む爲む爲萎む鉦爻 爲逗÷む爲鉦 爲爻爲爻爲 爲朽爲爲項,
爲爲項逗爲伍鉦爻 爲爲鉦爲爲爲謹爻 爲項伍爻爲о鉦爲 爲む萎爻爻 爲爲爲爲鉦朽 爲逗む. 爲爲項逗爲伍 爲爻爲萎項む爲鉦萎爻
爲む爲爲爻 爲爲謹爲爲 爲爲鉦萎む爻 爲伍爲朽む爲む爲萎む 爲爲橿朽橿爲鉦 爲爻爲爻爲 爲爻爲項爻爲 爲爲爲朽 爲逗む.
 爻爻爲 爲爲 爲朽爲爲項 爲爲項÷爲鉦む爲 (爲爲爻爲爻爲伍爲む鉦伍) 爻爻 爲爲む萎む爲 爲爲ム (爲爻爲項爲劇爲爲). 爲爲о
爲爲鉦爲 爲爻 (爲爻爲萎鉦む萎鉦). 爲伍爲 爲伍爲爲 爲項逗 爲爲鉦爻 爲爻爲萎爲む爲 爻爲萎朽 爲爻爲爲 爲爲爻
爲伍鉦爻爲項逗 爲萎爲む 爲爻爲萎爲項 爻爲萎朽 爲爻爲爲. (爲伍爲爲鉦爻爲 爲伍 爲朽 爲朽爲о爲逗 ).
No one is superior (ajyestaso) or inferior (akanishtasa). All are brothers (ete
bhrataraha). All should strive for the interest of all and should progress collectively.
(sowbhagaya sam va vridhuhu).
GRATITUDE (Kritajnata)
 Cattle such as calves, bulls or cows, shall not be
 爲朽鉦爲萎÷鉦, 爲爲橿 爻爻 爲爲鉦 爲爻爲朽鉦 爲爲謹爲爲爻 爻爲む 爲
 爲爲鉦爻爲爲朽迦爲 爲伍爲爻爲項 (VI 234) 爲 爲爲 爲爻爲朽 (爲爲鉦爲爻
爲逗む爲爲) 爲爻 爲爻爲爻 爲爲鉦逗爲 爻爲爻. 爲 爲爻爲迦爲 爲爻 爲爻爲爻
爲爲鉦萎む爲 爲爲爲о鉦萎爲爲 爲爲爻爲爻爲爻爲 48 爲爲鉦 爲む爲爻 爲爲鉦爲
爲謹爲о 爻爲鉦∇爲爻 爲爻, 爲爻 爲萎鉦爻爲 爲爲鉦爻 爲爻爲逗む爲爲 爲爲
爲爻爲萎項む爲爲 爲爻爻爲む 爻爲鉦爲爻 爲爲爲鉦朽朽鉦爻 爲爲萎 爲爲鉦÷ 爲爻.
 My desire (as the) highest Dharma is to wipe out the tears from the eyes of living
beings in distress.
 爲爲鉦萎 爲爲爻爲爲 (爲伍朽爲爻爲 爲о爲 爲む萎爻爻) 爲爻爲逗爲爲爲鉦 爲萎逗爲逗 爲爻爲朽爲爻 爲爲爲爲爲鉦爲ム 爲爲爲伍 爲逗爲爲朽鉦爻 爲爻.
12爲爻 爲伍爻爲爲 爲爲逗鉦 爲伍爲о鉦萎 爲爲伍朽爲謹爲朽萎鉦 爲爲鉦逗爲 爻爲爻爻爲 爲逗む爲 爻爻 "爻爲萎爲爲 爲
爲о爲爲爻爲 爲爻爲 爲爻; 爻爲萎爲爲鉦ム 爲朽爲項爲 爲逗爲 爲む 爻爻爲 爲о爲 爲爲ム".
Basaveshwara, the great 12th Century Reformer declared
"Compassion is the root of Dharma; bereft of compassion, there is
no Dharma".
 Sacrifice/subordinate, individual interest to that of the family.
Sacrifice/subordinate, family interest to that of the village Sacrifice/subordinate,
the interest of the village to that of the nation.
 Renounce all worldly interest if you want your soul to rest in peace.
 爲爲項逗爲鉦/爲爻爲, 爻爻爲爻爲爲爲爲 爲朽爲爲項逗爲 爲項逗. 爲爲項逗爲鉦/爲爲о爲, 爲爲鉦爲爻爲 爻爻爲爻爲爲爲爻爲 爲項逗
爲爲項逗爲鉦/爲爻爲, 爲爲鉦爲爻爲 爲項逗 爲萎鉦劇爲爻爲 爲爲鉦爻.
 爲爻 爲む爻 爲爲爻爲爻 爲爻 爻爻 爲む爲鉦萎 爲爲む爲爲鉦爻 爲謹鉦爲項 爲爲橿 爲む 爲む爲鉦 爲伍鉦爲伍鉦項萎 爲萎伍爻 爲む爲爲鉦 爻爲萎.
Other Ethical Values
embedded in Indian
 Satya (Truthfulness)
 Asteya (Non-Stealing)
 Aparigraha (Non-

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Ethical Values Embedded in Indian Culture and Philosophy | EPC

  • 1. Ethical Values Embedded in Indian Culture and Philosophy Prepared by: Nilay N. Rathod Faculty of Arts Gyanmanjari Innovative University
  • 3. Duty towards others (a) Samanya Dharma -A Code of Conduct for all human beings (b) Raja Dharma -The Duty of Rulers Respect for Womanhood Equality (Samanata) Gratitude (Kritajnata) Compassion (Daya) Simple Life -Sparing use of Natural Resources Service (Seva -Paropakara) Sacrifice (Tyaga) World is one Family (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam)
  • 4. 1. 爲爲爻爲 爲爻爲萎む爲爻爲爻 爲爲萎 2. (a) 爲伍鉦爲爻爲 爲о爲 - 爲む爲鉦 爲爲爻爲劇爲爻 爲爲鉦爻 爲爲爲鉦萎伍爲項逗む (b) 爲萎鉦爲 爲о爲 - 爲謹鉦伍爻爲爻 爲爲萎 3. 爲伍爲む爲萎爲む爲 爲爲鉦爻 爲爲爲 4. 爲伍爲鉦爲む (爲伍爲鉦爲む) 5. 爻爻爲む爻爲爲む (爻爻爲む爻爲爲鉦む) 6. 爻爲萎爲爲 (爲爲爲) 7. 爲伍鉦爻爲 爲爻爲朽-爻爻爲爲萎む 爲伍爲伍鉦о爻爲爻 爲爲逗爲む 爲爲爲爻爲 8. 爲伍爲朽 (爲伍爲朽-爲爲萎爲爻爲鉦) 9. 爲爲項逗爲鉦 (爲む爲爲鉦) 10.爲項朽謹爲 爲蹀 爲爲項萎朽鉦 爲爻 (爲朽伍爲о爲 爻爻爲爻爲爲爻爲)
  • 6. Dharma is a fundamental concept in Indian philosophy, emphasizing the righteous duty or moral obligation one must fulfill. Example: In the epic Mahabharata, Arjuna faces a moral dilemma on the battlefield. Lord Krishna imparts the wisdom of dharma through the Bhagavad Gita, highlighting the importance of fulfilling one's duty selflessly. 爲爲鉦萎む爲 爲爲謹爲爲爲鉦 爲о爲 爲 爲蹀 爲爻爲橿爻爲 爲爻爲爲鉦 爲爻, 爲爻 爲爻爲爲鉦爻 爲爲萎 爲爲ム朽 爲爻爲項む 爲爲朽鉦爲爲鉦萎 爲爲 爲爲鉦 爲爻爻爻 爲爻 爲爻 爲朽爲爲項逗 爲爻爲爲 爻爲萎朽 爲爻爲爲. 爲爲爲鉦逗萎: 爲爲逗鉦爲鉦朽爲 爲爲逗鉦爲鉦萎む爲鉦, 爲爲爻爲爲 爲爻爲爻爲о爲 爲爻爲爲鉦爲爲鉦 爲爻爲項む 爲爻爲項朽о鉦爻 爲伍鉦爲爻 爻爲萎 爲爻. 爲爲爲朽鉦 爻爻爲劇爲 爲爲爲朽 爲爻爲む 爲爻爲朽鉦萎 爲о爲爲爻 爲謹鉦爲爲 爲爲爻 爲爻, 爲項爲逗爲伍爲朽鉦ム爲爲爻 爲爻爲む鉦爻 爲爲萎 爲項爲爲鉦朽朽鉦爲 爲爲逗む爲朽爻 爲爻爲萎爲鉦項謹 爻爲萎 爲爻.
  • 7. The word 'Dharma' is used to mean justice (justice), what is right in a given situation, moral values of life, sacred duties of individuals, virtuous conduct in every field of activity, helping other beings, etc. '爲о爲' 爲謹爻爲爲爻 爲爲ム 爲爻爲爲鉦 (爲爻爲爲鉦), 爲爲爻爲 爲伍爲爻爲爻爲爲鉦 爲謹爲 爲爻爲爻爲 爲爻, 爲爻爲朽爲爲 爲爻爲項む 爲爻爲迦爲爻, 爲朽爲爲項逗爲爻 爲爲項朽む爲 爲爲萎爻, 爲爻爲萎朽爲項逗爲 爲爲萎爻 爲爻爲劇爲む爲萎爲鉦 爲伍爲鉦爲鉦萎 爲爲爲萎, 爲爲爻爲 爲爻爲朽爲爻 爲爲爲爲萎爲 爲ム朽爲, 爲朽爻爲萎 爲爲ム爲爲鉦 爲朽爲萎鉦 爲爻.
  • 8. On being asked by Yudhistira to explain the meaning and scope of DHARMA, Bhishma who had mastered the knowledge of Dharma replied thus: 爲о爲爲爻 爲朽爲爲鉦爻爲爲 爻爲萎朽 爲伍爲ム 爲爻爲謹爻爻爲 爲爻. 爲о爲爲爻 爲踽朽爲 爲伍爲爲鉦朽朽鉦爲鉦 爲爲朽爲爻爲 爲爻 爲爻 爲爻爲朽爲爲 爲爲む爲ム鉦爲爲鉦 爲爲爲 爻爲萎 爲爻. 爲む爲ム, 爲爻 爲爻爲朽爲爲 爻爲迦爲爲鉦爲爻 爲伍爲項爲項逗 爻爲萎 爲爻 爲む 爲爻爲爻爲爲 爲о爲 爲爻. 爲項朽爻爲朽鉦 爲爲項逗爲 爲爲鉦逗爲 爻爲爻爻爲 爲爻 爻爻 爲爻 爲爻爲鉦朽 爲萎鉦爻 爲爻 爲む 爲о爲 爲爻.
  • 9. VALUES OF LIFE BASED ON DHARMA 爲о爲 爲爲 爲爲о鉦項萎 爲爻爲朽爲爲 爲爻爲迦爲爻 language, religion or common aspirations etc., might constitute a basis for the formation of or bringing into existence a Nation, the most essential of them are :- A common territory which people concerned have made their home and existence of filial attachment between the territory and the people, and Common values of life evolved and cherished by the people. 爲爲鉦逗, 爲о爲 爲爲ム朽 爲伍鉦爲鉦爻爲 爲爻爲鉦爲爻爲劇鉦 爲朽爻爲萎 爲爻爲朽 爲項朽項朽 爲爲項萎爲橿 爲萎鉦劇爲爻爲萎爻 爲萎爲爲 爲爲ム朽 爲爲項伍爲むむ爲朽爲鉦 爲逗鉦朽朽 爲爲鉦爻爲爻 爲爲о鉦 爲爲爻 爲謹爻 爲爻, 爲む爲爲鉦爲ム 爲伍爲ム 爲爲萎爲萎 爲爻:- 1. 爲蹀 爲伍鉦爲鉦爻爲 爲爻爲萎爻爲 爻爻 爲爻爲爻 爲伍爲爲爲項о 爲逗爻爻爲 爲爻爲む鉦爻爲 爲爲 爲爲爲鉦朽爲爻爲 爲爻 爲爲爻 爲爻爲萎爻爲 爲爲爻 爲逗爻爻 爲朽爻爲爻 爲伍爲項爲爲 爲爻爲÷鉦爲爻爲 爲爲項伍爲むむ爲 爲爻, 爲爲爻 2. 爲爻爲朽爲爲 爲伍鉦爲鉦爻爲 爲爻爲迦爲爻爲爻 爲項朽爲鉦 爲ム爻 爲爲爻 爲逗爻爻 爲爻爲朽鉦萎 爲爲爲萎爻爲.
  • 10. Non-Violence (爲爲 爲逗爲伍): Ahimsa advocates for non-violence and compassion towards all living beings. Example: Mahatma Gandhi, a key figure in India's struggle for independence, adopted ahimsa as a guiding principle. His philosophy of nonviolent resistance played a pivotal role in India's freedom movement. 爲爲項逗爲伍 爲む爲鉦 爲爻爲朽 爲爻爲萎む爲爻 爲爲項逗爲伍 爲爲爻 爻爲萎爲爲鉦爻 爲項逗爲鉦爲 爻爲萎 爲爻. 爲爲爲 爲萎 : 爲爲逗鉦む爲爲 爲爲鉦爲о, 爲爲鉦萎む爻 爲伍爲朽む爲む爲萎む鉦爻 爲逗÷む爲鉦 爲爻爲爻爲 爲朽爲爲項, 爲爲項逗爲伍鉦爻 爲爲鉦爲爲爲謹爻 爲項伍爻爲о鉦爲 爲む萎爻爻 爲爲爲爲鉦朽 爲逗む. 爲爲項逗爲伍 爲爻爲萎項む爲鉦萎爻 爲む爲爲爻 爲爲謹爲爲 爲爲鉦萎む爻 爲伍爲朽む爲む爲萎む 爲爲橿朽橿爲鉦 爲爻爲爻爲 爲爻爲項爻爲 爲爲爲朽 爲逗む.
  • 12. 爲伍爲鉦爲む 爻爻爲 爲爲 爲朽爲爲項 爲爲項÷爲鉦む爲 (爲爲爻爲爻爲伍爲む鉦伍) 爻爻 爲爲む萎む爲 爲爲ム (爲爻爲項爲劇爲爲). 爲爲о 爲爲鉦爲 爲爻 (爲爻爲萎鉦む萎鉦). 爲伍爲 爲伍爲爲 爲項逗 爲爲鉦爻 爲爻爲萎爲む爲 爻爲萎朽 爲爻爲爲 爲爲爻 爲伍鉦爻爲項逗 爲萎爲む 爲爻爲萎爲項 爻爲萎朽 爲爻爲爲. (爲伍爲爲鉦爻爲 爲伍 爲朽 爲朽爲о爲逗 ). No one is superior (ajyestaso) or inferior (akanishtasa). All are brothers (ete bhrataraha). All should strive for the interest of all and should progress collectively. (sowbhagaya sam va vridhuhu).
  • 13. GRATITUDE (Kritajnata) Cattle such as calves, bulls or cows, shall not be slaughtered. 爲朽鉦爲萎÷鉦, 爲爲橿 爻爻 爲爲鉦 爲爻爲朽鉦 爲爲謹爲爲爻 爻爲む 爲 爻爲萎朽. 爲爲鉦爻爲爲朽迦爲 爲伍爲爻爲項 (VI 234) 爲 爲爲 爲爻爲朽 (爲爲鉦爲爻 爲逗む爲爲) 爲爻 爲爻爲爻 爲爲鉦逗爲 爻爲爻. 爲 爲爻爲迦爲 爲爻 爲爻爲爻 爲爲鉦萎む爲 爲爲爲о鉦萎爲爲 爲爲爻爲爻爲爻爲 48 爲爲鉦 爲む爲爻 爲爲鉦爲 爲謹爲о 爻爲鉦∇爲爻 爲爻, 爲爻 爲萎鉦爻爲 爲爲鉦爻 爲爻爲逗む爲爲 爲爲 爲爻爲萎項む爲爲 爲爻爻爲む 爻爲鉦爲爻 爲爲爲鉦朽朽鉦爻 爲爲萎 爲爲鉦÷ 爲爻.
  • 14. COMPASSION My desire (as the) highest Dharma is to wipe out the tears from the eyes of living beings in distress. 爲爲鉦萎 爲爲爻爲爲 (爲伍朽爲爻爲 爲о爲 爲む萎爻爻) 爲爻爲逗爲爲爲鉦 爲萎逗爲逗 爲爻爲朽爲爻 爲爲爲爲爲鉦爲ム 爲爲爲伍 爲逗爲爲朽鉦爻 爲爻. 12爲爻 爲伍爻爲爲 爲爲逗鉦 爲伍爲о鉦萎 爲爲伍朽爲謹爲朽萎鉦 爲爲鉦逗爲 爻爲爻爻爲 爲逗む爲 爻爻 "爻爲萎爲爲 爲 爲о爲爲爻爲 爲爻爲 爲爻; 爻爲萎爲爲鉦ム 爲朽爲項爲 爲逗爲 爲む 爻爻爲 爲о爲 爲爲ム". Basaveshwara, the great 12th Century Reformer declared "Compassion is the root of Dharma; bereft of compassion, there is no Dharma".
  • 15. TYAGA -SACRIFICE Sacrifice/subordinate, individual interest to that of the family. Sacrifice/subordinate, family interest to that of the village Sacrifice/subordinate, the interest of the village to that of the nation. Renounce all worldly interest if you want your soul to rest in peace. 爲爲項逗爲鉦/爲爻爲, 爻爻爲爻爲爲爲爲 爲朽爲爲項逗爲 爲項逗. 爲爲項逗爲鉦/爲爲о爲, 爲爲鉦爲爻爲 爻爻爲爻爲爲爲爻爲 爲項逗 爲爲項逗爲鉦/爲爻爲, 爲爲鉦爲爻爲 爲項逗 爲萎鉦劇爲爻爲 爲爲鉦爻. 爲爻 爲む爻 爲爲爻爲爻 爲爻 爻爻 爲む爲鉦萎 爲爲む爲爲鉦爻 爲謹鉦爲項 爲爲橿 爲む 爲む爲鉦 爲伍鉦爲伍鉦項萎 爲萎伍爻 爲む爲爲鉦 爻爲萎.
  • 16. Other Ethical Values embedded in Indian Philosophy Satya (Truthfulness) Asteya (Non-Stealing) Santosha (Contentment) Aparigraha (Non- Possessiveness)