Can the European Union develop a common vision on this controversial subject? How can it safeguard the European Way of Life, act in the interests of citizens and put its values and principles into action?
These were some of the questions addressed at the EU Watch Policy Conference "Migration and integration: Does the EU live up to its values" organised in Brussels last 11 October, which included an impressive line up of speakers such Member of the European Court of Auditors Leo Brincat, famour author Sir Paul Collier, Frontex Executive Director Fabrice Leggeri and many more.
In the occasion I had the pleasure to present some of the latest work available on migration narratives such as
"Immigration narratives in the Euro-Mediterranean region: what people believe and why" and "What policy communication works for migration? Using values to depolarise", both authored by James Dennison, Head of the Observatory for Public Attitudes to Migration (OPAM)
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EU Watch Policy Conference - The clash of migration narratives: understanding values and attitudes
1. The clash of migration narratives:
understanding values and attitudes
EU Watch Policy Conference
Brussels 11 October 2021
Marco Ricorda
2. The Clash of Civilizations
and the Remaking of World
Samuel Huntington, 1996
4. Narratives
Narratives are defined as: selective depictions
of reality across at least two points in time
that include a causal claim.
5. Narratives
Necessary for humans to make sense of and give meaning to complex reality;
Generalisable and applicable to multiple situations, unlike specific stories;
Distinct from related concepts such as frames and discourses;
Implicitly or explicitly normative, in terms of efficacy or justice
Essentially limitless in number, but with few gaining widespread popularity
8. Schwartz, 1992
Cognitive representations of broad motivational
goals, rather than attitudes towards particular
situations, and as stable metrics of the guiding
principles in individuals lives.
14. Main findings based on 135
migration-related campaigns
based anti-
The ubiquity
of migrants
15. Findings
Few pro-migration campaigns contained value-based messaging,
whereas all anti-migration campaigns did. Similarly, very few pro-
migration campaigns included values besides universalism and
benevolence, whereas anti-migration campaigns included values
associated with both pro- and anti-migration attitudes.
16. Recommendations
Focus on values-based messaging.
Narratives are an inescapable part of humanitys attempts to understand
their own reality.
As demand for understanding an issue increases, multiple, competing
narratives may simultaneously become popular. As such, the popularity of
narratives must be used as a gauge of public opinion with extreme caution.
17. CREDITS: This presentation template was
created by 際際滷sgo, including icons by
Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik
Any questions?
Editor's Notes
#2: Studies of communication regarding migration have overwhelmingly focused on negative or unrepresentative portrayals of migrants in media, which are argued to often be hyperbolic in order to get additional readers, viewers, followers or by political actors using such frames for strategic electoral reasons.
#3: TheClash of Civilizationsis a thesis that people'sculturalandreligiousidentitieswill be the primary source of conflict in the postCold Warworld.
Samuel P. Huntingtonargued that future wars would be fought not between countries, but between cultures.
The phrase itself was earlier used byAlbert Camusin 1946
#4: As such, academic research on migration communication is drawn from the fields of media studies or political science.
In recent years a number of advocacy groups and NGOs have produced guides to communicating on migration. These guides usually have had the aim of increasing the positivity to migrants or migration amongst the citizens and voters of host countries.
Therefore, they have typically been only partially rooted in robust or systematic scientific understandings of the relationship between types of communication and their effects on attitudes.
#5: What are narratives?
Narratives are increasingly cited by international organisations, NGOs and governments as one of the most important topics in migration policymaking today.
Narratives are assumed to strongly affect public opinion and behaviour.
The concept of narratives is typically underspecified, with relatively little known about why some narratives become popular and what narratives people actually believe
#6: Furthermore, many studies claim that:
the formation and selection of narratives is necessary, inescapable and universal to all humans;
narratives are generalisable and can be applied to multiple situations, as opposed to specific stories;
(3) narratives are distinct from other related concepts such as frames and discourses;
(4) narratives contain some form of implicit or explicit normativee.g. in terms of efficacy or justiceclaims or lessons;
(5) the potential number of narratives is essentially limitless but only a small number gain popularity.
#7: Narratives are more likely to be believed when they activate ones imagination, the cognitive process where the mind uses previously acquired information to simulate what is or what might be that people rely on. A sort of picture what will happen if they take certain actions.
Because our mind stores and organizes information to create representations of the world, imagination is likely to be activated when the narrative at least partially aligns with a persons pre-existing conception of the world.
If the narrative does not do so, a person will have a harder time imagining the narrative and will be more likely to feel dissatisfaction or distrust.
Overall, the extent to which a narrative is widely accepted is defined by the extent to which a narrative:
Is needed to make sense of an issue, defined by the issues novelty, complexity, risk, uncertainty and salience (this means that competing narratives may become popular simultaneously);
aligns with individual interests;
is plausible, both in terms of its internal logic and the extent to which evidence supports the narrative, as well as the credibility of the messenger;
engages ones emotions and imagination;
They transport receivers of the narrative in a way that makes them accept the selective inclusion of objects and the claims about relationships between them as legitimate.
#8: Throughout the twentieth century, psychologists made numerous attempts to classify human values. While the importance of values as predictors of human attitudes and activity was noted at least as early as 1961, the use of values in communication is highly debated, but it remains a poorly or understudied field of expertise.
#9: Perhaps the most eminent and broadly utilized of these values schema is Schwartzs theory of basic personal values Schwartz, one of the most important social psychologist, cross-cultural researcher of our times defines values as cognitive representations of broad motivational goals, rather than attitudes towards particular situations, and as stable metrics of the guiding principles in individuals lives.
#10: Schwartz shows that there are ten essential values and within each of these are multiple motivational goals with accompanying evolutionary causal mechanisms. These values are shown to be consistent across cultures.
Values come from numerous psycological and societal factors, from family upbringing to education, from religious attachment to the history of a persons territory.
As you can see they are associated with basic motivational goals and specific goal examples. Lets look at a few:
#11: Schwartz shows that these values can be arranged in relation to each other on two dimensions (on one axis self-transcendence vs. self-enhancement and, second, conservation vs. openness to change)
This arrangement shows how some values share commonalties with others, and are thus placed side-by-side, whereas others are highly dissimilar and thus placed in direct opposition to each other.
And one of the biggest mistakes that the report highlights, is to delegitimize a communitys value (or a value shared by a specific target audience) as not acceptable or illegitimate.
#12: Demonstrating the relationship between values and attitudes to immigration
The two values of universalism and benevolence increase positivity to immigration, whereas the three values of security,
conformity and traditiontogether making up the conservation higher order valuedecrease positivity to immigration.
Strongly anti-immigration Europeans tend to value conformity, security, tradition and power above the European average. Conversely, they are far less likely to value universalism, benevolence, self-direction, stimulation or hedonism.
Europeans strongly pro-immigration tend to have the opposite value orientation, but far more magnified. They have the most skewed value orientation of any group and, above all, value universalism highly and undervalue security and conformity.
#13: Having defined values and demonstrated their relationship with attitudes to immigration, we now turn to considering how to use this information to persuasively communicate on immigration using values.
Overall, based on the report, we can deduce that messaging is most likely to elicit sympathy when the values it contains are concordant with those of recipient. In other words: Recipients will be sympathetic to a message when its values align with their own and they will be antipathetic to a message when its values diverge from their own.
#14: Based on an inventory of 135 Euro-mediterranean migration campaigns collected by the ICMPD.
The contents of the inventory are attached to the appendix of this report. The campaigns include those from the period 2009-2019 in EU member states and states in the southern and eastern Mediterranean (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia). Campaigns come from national governments, international organisations, NGOs and the private sector and some political parties that held campaigns specific to migration policy. Campaigns are defined to not include media coverage but instead be planned activities with a goal of social or political change.
#15: The ubiquity of migrants journey videos: essentially a retrospective narrative that typically details the trials and tribulations migrants faced leading to their decision to emigration, while on the journey and again once resident in the host country. These almost always held the overarching narrative point that migrants were victims, with the focus on refugees.
Pro-migration campaigns focus on migrants lives once living in the host country
Values-based anti-immigration messaging The inventory of migration messaging campaigns that this study is based on included just eight anti-immigration
campaigns. However, all of them had a value-basis. Furthermore, the majority spoke to values associated with pro-immigration sentiment and so potentially appealing to moderates.
#17: The most common recommendation is to focus on values-based messaging.
Narratives are an inescapable part of humanitys attempts to understand their own reality. As such, policymakers and communicators must prioritize the effective use of narratives in their work to be both understood and believed.
As demand for understanding an issue increases, multiple, competing narratives may simultaneously become popular. As such, the popularity of narratives must be used as a gauge of public opinion with extreme caution.