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Question 2
How effective is the combination of your main product and
ancillary texts?
Existing Media Products
 Before I started to create my poster and magazine review
page I researched existing media products to try and get a
good understanding of how to make a good poster and
magazine review double page spread; and hopefully
understand the codes and conventions and subvert them
or conform to them
 I looked at the film posters of The Dark Knight and
Inception as I knew they used one main image and had a
lot of blank space in them; an issue I foresaw having
when I thought about how I wanted my poster to look.
 I looked at The Dark Knight as it has
clear blank space in the centre of the
poster and I wanted to see how the
designers of the poster got around this.
 The film used the image of the main
character as the focus of the poster, with
him appearing to be large and standing in
the middle of the poster. They used a very
striking image of the Batman standing in
from of the bat symbol burning onto a
 All of the text is also at the bottom of the
poster, and so all the focus is on the
character and there is nothing to distract
from that. This is a convention I will
choose to follow as I want my main
character to be the main focus of the
 I used the image of the main
actor from my film in both
my poster and my magazine.
 This meant that the main
character of my film would be
instantly recognisable to the
audience. It is also something
I have found to be somewhat
of a convention, as I
discovered in my research
that most films will place
their main characters on the
front of their posters.
Conventions and
 Magazines such as Empire use the images of the actors
who feature on the front of the poster in their magazine
reviews. I based my magazine on Empire and so I will
follow the conventions they follow.
 It will also helped me combine my poster, magazine and
film, as the actor that has the most screen time in the film
is also seen the most in my ancillary tasks.
Quoting my magazine
As can be seen here, I referenced my
magazine on my film poster.
The quotation is talking about an
overall review of my film, that was
taken from Film Life, which is what
I called my magazine. This
combination, then, is effective as it
links the poster to the magazine, while
giving the poster a genuine and
realistic look, as posters often have
quotations on them.
 The actors that is shown at the top of the poster,
Todd Lamming and Ben Ayres (me), are also
shown in the end credits of my film.
 The actors names are also referenced my
magazine review when I talk about the plot of the
 There is a clear combination, then, between my
film, poster and magazine review as the same
names appear on all three platforms.
How effective is the
 I made sure that I designed my magazine review and my poster after I
had finished my film
 In doing so I could ensure that there was significant evidence of a
combination between the three productions.
 I feel the combinations is very effective as I had referenced both my
magazine and my film on my poster, by taking a still from the film and
using it as the main image, using the actors names who appear on the
credits of my film at the top of the poster, and by placing the quotation
from my magazine review on my poster. I have also combined my film
and my poster with my magazine review as I have used the image of the
same actor on both my magazine review page and my poster, and I have
use the character who has the most screen time in my film as the main
image. I have also done a brief plot summary of the film in my magazine
review and I have used the same names, and so there is consistent
combinations throughout my productions

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Evaluation question 4

  • 1. Evaluation Question 2 How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
  • 2. Existing Media Products Before I started to create my poster and magazine review page I researched existing media products to try and get a good understanding of how to make a good poster and magazine review double page spread; and hopefully understand the codes and conventions and subvert them or conform to them I looked at the film posters of The Dark Knight and Inception as I knew they used one main image and had a lot of blank space in them; an issue I foresaw having when I thought about how I wanted my poster to look.
  • 3. Research I looked at The Dark Knight as it has clear blank space in the centre of the poster and I wanted to see how the designers of the poster got around this. The film used the image of the main character as the focus of the poster, with him appearing to be large and standing in the middle of the poster. They used a very striking image of the Batman standing in from of the bat symbol burning onto a building. All of the text is also at the bottom of the poster, and so all the focus is on the character and there is nothing to distract from that. This is a convention I will choose to follow as I want my main character to be the main focus of the poster
  • 4. Images I used the image of the main actor from my film in both my poster and my magazine. This meant that the main character of my film would be instantly recognisable to the audience. It is also something I have found to be somewhat of a convention, as I discovered in my research that most films will place their main characters on the front of their posters.
  • 5. Conventions and Combinations Magazines such as Empire use the images of the actors who feature on the front of the poster in their magazine reviews. I based my magazine on Empire and so I will follow the conventions they follow. It will also helped me combine my poster, magazine and film, as the actor that has the most screen time in the film is also seen the most in my ancillary tasks.
  • 6. Quoting my magazine As can be seen here, I referenced my magazine on my film poster. The quotation is talking about an overall review of my film, that was taken from Film Life, which is what I called my magazine. This combination, then, is effective as it links the poster to the magazine, while giving the poster a genuine and realistic look, as posters often have quotations on them.
  • 7. Actors The actors that is shown at the top of the poster, Todd Lamming and Ben Ayres (me), are also shown in the end credits of my film. The actors names are also referenced my magazine review when I talk about the plot of the film. There is a clear combination, then, between my film, poster and magazine review as the same names appear on all three platforms.
  • 8. How effective is the combination? I made sure that I designed my magazine review and my poster after I had finished my film In doing so I could ensure that there was significant evidence of a combination between the three productions. I feel the combinations is very effective as I had referenced both my magazine and my film on my poster, by taking a still from the film and using it as the main image, using the actors names who appear on the credits of my film at the top of the poster, and by placing the quotation from my magazine review on my poster. I have also combined my film and my poster with my magazine review as I have used the image of the same actor on both my magazine review page and my poster, and I have use the character who has the most screen time in my film as the main image. I have also done a brief plot summary of the film in my magazine review and I have used the same names, and so there is consistent combinations throughout my productions