The document summarizes key points from various speakers at an Internet Summit. It includes:
- Overviews of the event details including number of days, speakers, and attendees.
- Highlights from individual speakers around topics like aligning marketing strategies, designing for customer experience not just screens, using narrative in product design, and making email engaging on mobile.
- Takeaways focus on involving leadership, marketing to people not demographics, emerging sensor technologies, embracing change as new beginnings, getting outsider perspectives, and the continued relevance of email.
9. Key Takeaways
By 2017, the CMO will spend more on IT than the CIO.
There is quite a bit of fa!gue when it comes to CRM projects
Ability to search and look at li"le data is best for employee engagement
13. key takeaways
Align with mo!va!on and purpose for authen!city
Build loyal customers through content journeys
Find a sustainable, realis!c content crea!on approach
20. Kintsugi - when something is broken, its
really just star!ng something new.
21. key takeaways
Heavy emphasis on developing your content process but not much on
Design as just another language at your disposal rather than a
stumbling block
23. It sounds like youre meant for large scale
clients who are willing to spend money on
A Drunk Guy
27. key takeaways
Websites should be so easy to understand that a drunk person could
use it
Crea!ng a culture of UX will help you gain ac!onable advice
Figure out what your users actually want and give it to them
34. key takeaways
Email is not dead
Over 50% of emails are now viewed on mobile devices
Scrolling is easier than clicking
35. shut up & give me the bullet points
Early leadership involvement will win
Your marke!ng to peopleactual people
The sensors are coming!
If it looks like its falling apart, its probably just coming together
Get drunk and review can!
Email is not dead