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3/19 Introduction and Overview
3/26 E1: Creating Innovation
4/2 E2: Driving Action
4/9 E3: Driving Results
4/16 E4: Focusing Attention
4/23 E5: Leveraging Intelligence
4/30 E6: Managing Meetings
5/7 E7: Managing Time and Priorities
5/14 E8: Organizing Self and Others
5/21 E9: Running the Business
5/28 E10: Solving Problems
Thursday 2pm CT Schedule
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Managing Time and PrioritiesE7
1. Maximize Current Time Management Systems
2. Design Streamlined Processes
3. Gain Advanced Skills in Prioritizing Tasks
4. Leverage Best Practices of Email, Calendaring and Task/Contact
5. Balance Personal and Professional Demands
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1. Maximize Current Time Management
Managing Time and PrioritiesE7
What was the key learning of the Sanjay story in the introduction?
What are the systems you rely on for effective time management?
What are some systems described in this section?
What are your favorite time management systems?
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2. Design Streamlined Processes
Managing Time and PrioritiesE7
How do you best analyze your current processes?
Why should you prioritize each element of a process?
What are ways that you automate your work processes?
What process do you currently have that needs to be streamlined?
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3. Gain Advanced Skills in Prioritizing
Managing Time and PrioritiesE7
Define an A priority. What is the difference between A1 and A2?
What is a B priority. Why is A, B, C coding not as effective?
Define the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 priority management system?
Why is assigning due dates critical to effective priority
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4. Leverage Best Practices of Email,
Calendaring and Task/Contact
Managing Time and PrioritiesE7
What are 4-7 email best practices?
What are 4-7 calendaring best practices?
What are 4-7 task or project management best practices?
What are 4-7 contact management best practices?
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5. Balance Personal and Professional
Managing Time and PrioritiesE7
Why is having a balanced life impossible for the executive?
What does having an integrated work/life mean?
How can you better integrate your work and personal life?
Why are relationships more important than getting stuff done?
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Why Does Managing Time and Priorities Matter?
Managing Time and PrioritiesE7
Why does improving in this area matter to you?
What actions do you plan on taking to grow in this area?
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Developing This StrengthManaging Time and PrioritiesE7
Of the 10 questions at the end, how many yes answers did you
have? Which was the most difficult question?
Where was your top few strengths?
What are the most important takeaways from today?