Who wants to be average? Nobody, right. While average is normal. No, we want to be special, extra-ordinary, we want to grow, to change, to become our best self, Why is it then that our (normal) behaviour seems so difficult to change so that we can become that extra-ordinary person?Its because changing your behaviour, your habits, is a combination of knowledge, motivation and permission. And you will need to make adaptations in all these domains, to successfully change in the long term. In this keynote Johan will show you and more importantly will let you experience why a personal experiment will give you insights, knowledge, results, motivation and once in a while a very special story. These will support your quest for your best self! One of the most important things about a personal experiment is that it cultivates a growth mindset. By becoming an experi-man (or experi-woman of course) you will always see changes that will allow you to grow, become a little less average and probably a little less normal. Johan will demonstrate experiments that will give you more energy, better sleep, and a lot of extra time since you will become super-productive and a lot more relaxed and happy. These experiments include for example: