Here are two responses in the first person perspective with relevant details:
1. I was having dinner in the grand dining hall when I felt the ship lurch to one side. Dishes and people went crashing to the floor as an eerie groan echoed all around. I rushed out on deck and saw panicked passengers pointing to a massive wall of ice just visible in the dark water. The hull was torn open and water was pouring in. Crew members shouted that we must evacuate as the bow began its terrifying descent below the waves.
2. I clung to the side of the crowded lifeboat as screams and cries for help filled the cold night air. Through the darkness, I watched in horror as the Titanic, now
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Exploring the titanic
1. Using Language (20% of the total mark)
Students will have to write two pieces for the controlled
assessment folder. The first will be descriptive and the
second narrative/expressive.
Students are allowed up to two hours in total for the two
pieces. It is likely that they will wish to spend rather
longer on the narrative/expressive essay than on the
descriptive piece.
Teachers are allowed to prepare the students for this
section of their folder.
If the work is completed on a word processor, students
are not allowed access to spelling and grammar
checking programs in this part of their controlled
assessment folder.
3. To write imaginatively
To use relevant detail
4. All pupils MUST: (C)
Create writing that is relevant and quite interesting
Show some attempt to focus on detail
In addition, most pupils SHOULD: (B)
Create relevant writing that makes good sense and
keeps the reader interested
Show some well-organized detail within paragraphs
In addition, some pupils COULD: (A)
Create really well judged writing that is sustained
over the course of the work, firmly engaging the
readers interest.
Show quality detailed content within paragraphs
5. What do you know about the What questions do you have about
Titanic? the Titanic?
7. The Titanic had the latest technology
including a double-base of 16 watertight
It was claimed that the ship could stay afloat
even with any 2 compartments flooded.
It was over 270 metres long weighing more
than 46 tonnes.
The ship could accommodate over 2000
people yet it only carried lifeboats for about
half this number.
8. The ship was built by Irishman Lord Pirrie
and Joseph Bruce Ismay, the head of the
White Star Line.
Their aim was to build the biggest,
fastest, and most luxurious ship ever to
cross the Atlantic.
The large rooms were decorated with the
finest furniture and artwork.
The ship was under the charge of
Captain Smith, an experienced sailor,
who had been involved in other
9. Just 4 days into the trip, at 11.40pm, the
ship struck a massive iceberg at least 25
metres high. It ripped through 90 metres of
the hull.
Passengers thought the ship was unsinkable
and remained calm.
At 2.17am, the ship started to sink and panic
broke out. 1500 people were still on board.
Some were rescued by nearby ships. Only
757 passengers out of 2,207 survived. The
rest perished in the freezing water.
13. What do you know about the Have we answered these
Titanic? questions?
14. 1. Imagine you are onboard the Titanic as it is sinking.
Describe what you can see and hear.
People were running everywhere, crashing into me and each
other, whilst beneath my feet the ship groaned like some
primeval monster....
2. You have been placed into a life raft. Describe what you
can see and hear.
Ahead of me, the monstrous hull of the ship stood at a
horrifying angle out of the water. The world held its breath;
waiting for it to drop and end us all......
In your answers you should:
Write in the first person
Focus on creating relevant and interesting content that uses
15. All pupils MUST: (C)
Create writing that is relevant and quite interesting
Show some attempt to focus on detail
In addition, most pupils SHOULD: (B)
Create relevant writing that makes good sense and
keeps the reader interested
Show some well-organized detail within paragraphs
In addition, some pupils COULD: (A)
Create really well judged writing that is sustained
over the course of the work, firmly engaging the
readers interest.
Show quality detailed content within paragraphs