This document discusses words used to indicate quantity in Finnish. It explains the differences between "a little" and "little", "a few" and "few", as well as "much" and "many" in positive and negative contexts. It provides examples of how these words are used in sentences. The document also notes alternative expressions that can be used instead of "much" and "many" in positive statements, such as "a lot of", "lots of", and "plenty of". It concludes with reminders about omitting "of" in certain phrases.
2. V辰h辰n yksik旦ss辰
I have a little time for my friends.
a little = v辰h辰n, jonkin verran
( some )
I have little time for my friends.
little = (vain) v辰h辰n, tuskin ollenkaan
negatiivinen merkitys, - hardly any, not
Little did he know about his friend.
I am a little tired. p辰辰sanana adjektiivi
3. V辰h辰n monikossa
I have a few friends.
a few = joitakin, muutamia
I have few friends.
few = v辰h辰n, aniharva, harvoja, tuskin
negatiivinen merkitys
hardly any, not many
4. Huom!
Only a little = vain v辰h辰n
Only a few = vain joitakin, muutamia
Quite a few = melko monet
Very little = hyvin v辰h辰n, ei artikkelia
Very few = hyvin harvat, ei artikkelia
5. Paljon yksik旦ss辰
I dont have that much money.
Is there too much noise here?
Ive eaten too much cake.
too, as, so, very + much
my旦s my旦nteisiss辰 lauseissa
Much can be done.
my旦nteisen lauseen subjektina
6. Paljon monikossa
How many times have I asked you to?
Many people dont like cleaning up.
I have so many things to do.
too, as, so, very + many
my旦s my旦nteisiss辰 lauseissa
7. Muita paljon sanoja
a lot of money
lots of
plenty of
a great deal of
a large /huge amount
korvaavat much
sanaa my旦nteisiss辰
a lot of friends
lots of
plenty of
a large number of
a good many
korvaavat many
sanaa my旦nteisiss辰
8. Muista!
I like him a lot / a great deal.
of pois, kun ilmaus on lauseen lopussa
A lot has happened since Friday.
of pois my旦s subjektista