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Fashion 10000
An Enriched Dataset of
Fashion and Clothing
Presentation: Michael Riegler, Klagenfurt University & TU Delft
Babak Loni, TU Delft
Lei Yen Cheung, TU Delft
Alessandro Bozzon, TU Delft
Luke Gottlieb, ICSI
Martha Larson, TU Delft
Table of Content
? Introduction
? Dataset Collection
? Dataset Annotation
C Statistics
? Applications of Dataset
? Conclusion
The Dataset
? Social Images
? At least 10000 fashion-
related images
? Social metadata
? Creative Common images
? Annotated with different
The Collection
470 Fashion
- Query only CC
attribution images
- Query should also
appear in tags
- Top relevant images
32K Images
262 Categories
Flickr Fashion
+ MTurk Annotations
+ Metadata
? Collected in xml and csv format
C Title, description, owner, Tags, Location,
? Additional metadata: Info, Geos, Context,
Tags, Notes, Favorites, Urls, Comments
General Statistics
Pairs fashion item, photo 32,398
Number of distinct fashion categories 262
Max/avg/min nr of photos per fashion item 200/ 122.95 / 10
Number of photos with geo annotations 7,933
Total number of comments 58,578
Max/avg/min nr of comments per photo 575 / 7.35/ 1
Total number of tags, photo pairs 460,907
Total number of distinct tags 56,275
Max/avg/min nr of tags per photo 136/ 15.15/ 1
Total number of notes, photo pairs 5,892
Max/avg/min nr of notes per photo 195/ 5.31/ 1
Total number of favorites 37,131
Max/avg/min nr of favorites per photo 20/ 3.61/ 1
Total number of contexts 110,505
Max/avg/min nr of contexts per photo 206/ 3.93/ 1
General Statistics
Pairs fashion item, photo 32,398
Number of distinct fashion categories 262
Max/avg/min nr of photos per fashion item 200/ 122.95 / 10
Number of photos with geo annotations 7,933
Total number of comments 58,578
Max/avg/min nr of comments per photo 575 / 7.35/ 1
Total number of tags, photo pairs 460,907
Total number of distinct tags 56,275
Max/avg/min nr of tags per photo 136/ 15.15/ 1
Total number of notes, photo pairs 5,892
Max/avg/min nr of notes per photo 195/ 5.31/ 1
Total number of favorites 37,131
Max/avg/min nr of favorites per photo 20/ 3.61/ 1
Total number of contexts 110,505
Max/avg/min nr of contexts per photo 206/ 3.93/ 1
General Statistics
Pairs fashion item, photo 32,398
Number of distinct fashion categories 262
Max/avg/min nr of photos per fashion item 200/ 122.95 / 10
Number of photos with geo annotations 7,933
Total number of comments 58,578
Max/avg/min nr of comments per photo 575 / 7.35/ 1
Total number of tags, photo pairs 460,907
Total number of distinct tags 56,275
Max/avg/min nr of tags per photo 136/ 15.15/ 1
Total number of notes, photo pairs 5,892
Max/avg/min nr of notes per photo 195/ 5.31/ 1
Total number of favorites 37,131
Max/avg/min nr of favorites per photo 20/ 3.61/ 1
Total number of contexts 110,505
Max/avg/min nr of contexts per photo 206/ 3.93/ 1
General Statistics
Pairs fashion item, photo 32,398
Number of distinct fashion categories 262
Max/avg/min nr of photos per fashion item 200/ 122.95 / 10
Number of photos with geo annotations7,933
Total number of comments 58,578
Max/avg/min nr of comments per photo 575 / 7.35/ 1
Total number of tags, photo pairs 460,907
Total number of distinct tags 56,275
Max/avg/min nr of tags per photo 136/ 15.15/ 1
Total number of notes, photo pairs 5,892
Max/avg/min nr of notes per photo 195/ 5.31/ 1
Total number of favorites 37,131
Max/avg/min nr of favorites per photo 20/ 3.61/ 1
Total number of contexts 110,505
Max/avg/min nr of contexts per photo 206/ 3.93/ 1
? Some images might
not be relevant to
fashion and clothing
? The ground truth
differentiates relevant
from non-relevant
? We used AMT to create ground
truth for the images
? The fashion category is described
with a definition from Wikipedia
? 6 questions to create 6 labels for
each of the images
? We also ask about familiarity of
workers with the fashion category
HIT Design
HIT Design
HIT Questions (Labels)
Question Possible values
Q1) Fashion / Clothing Related yes C no - notsure
Q2) Specialty clothing item (image
yes C no - notsure
Q3) Number of people nopeople C onepeople - manypeople
Q4) Professional model or not? yes C no C notapp (not applicable)
Q5) Person wearing fashion? yes C no C noperson C notapp (not
Q6) Formal / Informal formalmen - formalwomen -
informalmen informalwomen C other
(cross-dressing or multiple persons) C
notapp (not applicatble)
Annotation Statistics
Total number of assignments 24,457
% of rejected assignments 4 %
Total number of unique workers 1470
Avg. number of assignment by each worker 17
Avg. Completion time 127 sec
Avg. familiarity of workers with fashion items 5.8 (range 1-7)
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6
Kappa Value 0.66 0.65 0.85 0.51 0.38 0.48
Dataset Statistics
? Using the generated ground truth the
statistics about the images were calculated
Number of fashion related images 18,487
Number of images with many people 7,417
Number of images with one person 9,771
Number of images with no person 13,179
Number of images with intention of showing fashion 9,096
Number of professional fashion images 2,814
Applications of the
? Developing social media content analysis
C Game with a purpose (domino game)
? Basis for the brave new task in MediaEval
multimedia benchmarking initiative
? Use case for the proof of intentional framing
? Fashion dataset
? Six different labels
? AMT generated ground
? Can be used in various
research areas
? Evaluated in the MediaEval
Michael Riegler
Thank you!

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Fashion 10000: An Enriched Dataset of Fashion and Clothing

  • 1. Fashion 10000 An Enriched Dataset of Fashion and Clothing Presentation: Michael Riegler, Klagenfurt University & TU Delft Babak Loni, TU Delft Lei Yen Cheung, TU Delft Alessandro Bozzon, TU Delft Luke Gottlieb, ICSI Martha Larson, TU Delft
  • 2. Table of Content ? Introduction ? Dataset Collection ? Dataset Annotation C Statistics ? Applications of Dataset ? Conclusion
  • 3. The Dataset ? Social Images ? At least 10000 fashion- related images ? Social metadata ? Creative Common images ? Annotated with different labels
  • 4. The Collection Wikipedia 470 Fashion Categories Flickr - Query only CC attribution images - Query should also appear in tags - Top relevant images 32K Images 262 Categories Flickr Fashion 10000 + MTurk Annotations + Metadata
  • 5. Metadata ? Collected in xml and csv format C Title, description, owner, Tags, Location, geo-parameters ? Additional metadata: Info, Geos, Context, Tags, Notes, Favorites, Urls, Comments
  • 6. General Statistics Pairs fashion item, photo 32,398 Number of distinct fashion categories 262 Max/avg/min nr of photos per fashion item 200/ 122.95 / 10 Number of photos with geo annotations 7,933 Total number of comments 58,578 Max/avg/min nr of comments per photo 575 / 7.35/ 1 Total number of tags, photo pairs 460,907 Total number of distinct tags 56,275 Max/avg/min nr of tags per photo 136/ 15.15/ 1 Total number of notes, photo pairs 5,892 Max/avg/min nr of notes per photo 195/ 5.31/ 1 Total number of favorites 37,131 Max/avg/min nr of favorites per photo 20/ 3.61/ 1 Total number of contexts 110,505 Max/avg/min nr of contexts per photo 206/ 3.93/ 1
  • 7. General Statistics Pairs fashion item, photo 32,398 Number of distinct fashion categories 262 Max/avg/min nr of photos per fashion item 200/ 122.95 / 10 Number of photos with geo annotations 7,933 Total number of comments 58,578 Max/avg/min nr of comments per photo 575 / 7.35/ 1 Total number of tags, photo pairs 460,907 Total number of distinct tags 56,275 Max/avg/min nr of tags per photo 136/ 15.15/ 1 Total number of notes, photo pairs 5,892 Max/avg/min nr of notes per photo 195/ 5.31/ 1 Total number of favorites 37,131 Max/avg/min nr of favorites per photo 20/ 3.61/ 1 Total number of contexts 110,505 Max/avg/min nr of contexts per photo 206/ 3.93/ 1
  • 8. General Statistics Pairs fashion item, photo 32,398 Number of distinct fashion categories 262 Max/avg/min nr of photos per fashion item 200/ 122.95 / 10 Number of photos with geo annotations 7,933 Total number of comments 58,578 Max/avg/min nr of comments per photo 575 / 7.35/ 1 Total number of tags, photo pairs 460,907 Total number of distinct tags 56,275 Max/avg/min nr of tags per photo 136/ 15.15/ 1 Total number of notes, photo pairs 5,892 Max/avg/min nr of notes per photo 195/ 5.31/ 1 Total number of favorites 37,131 Max/avg/min nr of favorites per photo 20/ 3.61/ 1 Total number of contexts 110,505 Max/avg/min nr of contexts per photo 206/ 3.93/ 1
  • 9. General Statistics Pairs fashion item, photo 32,398 Number of distinct fashion categories 262 Max/avg/min nr of photos per fashion item 200/ 122.95 / 10 Number of photos with geo annotations7,933 Total number of comments 58,578 Max/avg/min nr of comments per photo 575 / 7.35/ 1 Total number of tags, photo pairs 460,907 Total number of distinct tags 56,275 Max/avg/min nr of tags per photo 136/ 15.15/ 1 Total number of notes, photo pairs 5,892 Max/avg/min nr of notes per photo 195/ 5.31/ 1 Total number of favorites 37,131 Max/avg/min nr of favorites per photo 20/ 3.61/ 1 Total number of contexts 110,505 Max/avg/min nr of contexts per photo 206/ 3.93/ 1
  • 10. Dataset Annotation ? Some images might not be relevant to fashion and clothing ? The ground truth differentiates relevant from non-relevant
  • 11. Dataset Annotation ? We used AMT to create ground truth for the images ? The fashion category is described with a definition from Wikipedia ? 6 questions to create 6 labels for each of the images ? We also ask about familiarity of workers with the fashion category
  • 14. HIT Questions (Labels) Question Possible values Q1) Fashion / Clothing Related yes C no - notsure Q2) Specialty clothing item (image Category) yes C no - notsure Q3) Number of people nopeople C onepeople - manypeople Q4) Professional model or not? yes C no C notapp (not applicable) Q5) Person wearing fashion? yes C no C noperson C notapp (not applicable) Q6) Formal / Informal formalmen - formalwomen - informalmen informalwomen C other (cross-dressing or multiple persons) C notapp (not applicatble)
  • 15. Annotation Statistics Total number of assignments 24,457 % of rejected assignments 4 % Total number of unique workers 1470 Avg. number of assignment by each worker 17 Avg. Completion time 127 sec Avg. familiarity of workers with fashion items 5.8 (range 1-7) Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 Kappa Value 0.66 0.65 0.85 0.51 0.38 0.48
  • 16. Dataset Statistics ? Using the generated ground truth the statistics about the images were calculated Number of fashion related images 18,487 Number of images with many people 7,417 Number of images with one person 9,771 Number of images with no person 13,179 Number of images with intention of showing fashion 9,096 Number of professional fashion images 2,814
  • 17. Applications of the Dataset ? Developing social media content analysis C Game with a purpose (domino game) ? Basis for the brave new task in MediaEval multimedia benchmarking initiative ? Use case for the proof of intentional framing
  • 18. Conclusion ? Fashion dataset ? Six different labels ? AMT generated ground truth ? Can be used in various research areas ? Evaluated in the MediaEval Benchmark

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Social Images: From user-generated fashion categories to user-generated images Should include at least 10000 fashion-related images Should include social metadata Only Creative Common Attribution images Images should be annotated with different labels
  • #6: Collected in xml and csv format General information about images are available in xml format Title, description, owner,.. Tags Location, geo-parameters Additional metadata were collected using different Flickr APIs and converted to csv format Info, Geos, Comments, Context, Tags, Notes, Favorites, Urls
  • #11: Some images might not be relevant to fashion and clothing The ground truth for the images differentiates relevant from non-relevant images Depending on the usage of dataset different type of annotations might be necessary
  • #12: We used AMT to create ground truth for the images In each HIT we ask workers to annotate 4 images from one category The fashion category is described to workers with a definition from Wikipedia In total we ask 6 questions to create 6 labels for each of the images We also ask about familiarity of workers with the Fashion Category The range of value can be from 1 (unfamiliar) to 7 (familiar) Different options are explained with visual popups In addition to the csv file generated by AMT, we created another csv to represent ground truth Each of the images are annotated by 3 workers The ground truth are generated by majority voting
  • #16: Kappa statistics have been used to calculate the agreement among annotators For each of the six questions in the HIT, the agreement among three workers was calculated separately General statistics about the workers and the hit