This document discusses testing web apps with Remote IE and F12 Developer Tools. It provides an overview of using Remote IE to test websites on different versions of Internet Explorer. It demonstrates how to use the F12 Developer Tools to debug websites by setting breakpoints, inspecting elements, and profiling performance. The document notes that while tools between browsers share many similarities, they also have some unique capabilities. It concludes by encouraging providing feedback to Microsoft on their browser tools and promoting the Microsoft Virtual Academy for additional learning resources.
10. Browser Tools A lot in common
DOM Inspection
Style Tracing
Computed Properties
Layout View
Color Picker
Console API
CPU profiling
Style profiling
Network tracing
Heap snapshots
Snapshot diffing
Auto completion
Inspect element
Pretty printing
So, so many tools in the box
*Not to scale or remotely mathematically sound!
The 80%
11. Browser Tools A little unique
Statement level JS
Just my code
Find references
Set next statement
Track changes
TypeScript coloring
3D view
Web audio editor
Shader editor
Reflow event logging
Responsive design mode
Lots of extensions
Network throttling
Device emulation
Pseudo elements
Edit and continue
Paint correlation
CSS animation
Animation scrubbing
12. The Road Ahead
Tools for IE11 on Win10+ are
Full steam ahead for
Microsoft Edge
14. New async operation onreadystatechange
Global Code
New async operation addEventListner for DOMContentLoaded
Global Code
New async operation addEventListener for click
Global Code
Finally we break in the debugger
18. Your feedback is important!
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