ToRoulette is a Facebook application that connects users through webcam chats and photo sharing with random Facebook users in a secure way. It allows customization with branding and limits connections. The application can connect directly with fans, promote events, enhance brand presence on walls and photos, create free videos, and generate buzz through viral reach and backlinking.
3. is a unique Facebook Application that connects people to share their Webcam, Chat & exchange photos with random Facebook users
4. Viral: Users can take photos and publish them on their Facebook wall and in their photo albums.Secure: Bad behavior and unwanted connections can be blocked. You can also choose to limit your random connections to other Facebook fans on shared fan pages.Brandable: Customize your design with a logo & special background. Brand your app with your own advertising and personalized messages.
5. If you have Facebook Fan pages, groups, applications … ToRoulette Application can: