Presto is an interactive SQL query engine for big data that was originally developed at Facebook in 2012 and open sourced in 2013. It is 10x faster than Hive for interactive queries on large datasets. Presto is highly extensible, supports pluggable backends, ANSI SQL, and complex queries. It uses an in-memory parallel processing architecture with pipelined task execution, data locality, caching, JIT compilation, and SQL optimizations to achieve high performance on large datasets.
2. Presto’s Brief History
• 2012 fall started at Facebook (6 developers)
✦ Designed for interactive SQL query on PB data
✦ Hive is for reliable and large scale batch processing
• 2013 spring rolled out to entire company
• 2013 Nov. open sourced ( )
• 2014 Nov., 88 releases, 41 contributors, 3943commits
• current version 0.85 ( )
• java, fast development , java ecosystem, easy integration
3. Advantages
• High Performance: 10x faster than Hive
✦ 2013 Nov. Facebook 1000 nodes, 1000 employees run 30,000 queries on 1PB per day
• Extensibility
✦ Pluggable backends: Cassandra, Hive, JMX, Kafka, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL,
SystemSchema, TPCH
✦ JDBC, ODBC(in future) for commercial BI tools or Dashboards, like data visualization
✦ Client Protocol: HTTP+JSON, support various languages(Python, Ruby, PHP, Node.js
• complex queries, joins, aggregations, various functions(Window
8. Why Presto Fast?
1. In memory parallel computing
2. Pipeline task execution
3. Data local computation with multi-threads
4. Cache hot queries and data
5. JIT compile operator to byte code
6. SQL optimization
7. Other optimization
9. 1. In memory parallel computing
• Custom query engine, not MapReduce
15. • Operator Pipeline
• Page: smallest data processing unit(like
• max page size 1MB, max rows:
Exchange Operator:
each client for each
16. 3. Data local computation with
• NodeSelector select available nodes(10 nodes
• Nodes has the same address
• If not enough, add nodes in the same rack
• If not enough, randomly select nodes in other racks
• Select the node with the smallest number of
assignments (pending tasks)
17. • 4. Cache hot queries and data
✦ Google Guava loading cache byte code
✦ Cache Objects: Hive database/table/partition, JIT byte code
class, functions
• 5. JIT compile operator to byte code
✦ Compile ScanFilterAndProjectOperator ,
19. 7. Other Optimization
• BlinkDB liked approximate queries
• JVM GC Control
✦ JDK1.7
✦ forcing the code cache evictor make room before the cache fills up
• Careful use mem data structure
✦ Airlift slice for efficient heap and off-heap memory( )
✦ Java future async callback
21. Presto’s Limitations
• No fault tolerance, Unstable
• Memory Limitations for aggregations, huge joins
• SQL features like:
• only CTAS
• no support UDF
22. Presto’s Future
Presto, Past, Present, and Future by Dain Sundstrom at Facebook, 2014.May
• Basic Task Recovery
• Huge joins and Group by
• Spill to Disk(Implemented), Insert
• Create View(Implemented), not compatible with hive
• Native Store, Cache Hot data(Implemented)
• Security : Authentication, Authorization, Permissions
• ODBC Driver
• Improve DDL DML