1. Various random number facts are presented including that one loth has one poop per week on average, zero species of bats are blind, and five babies are born every second.
2. Specific numbers are highlighted including that three people have visited the bottom of the ocean, seven teaspoons of botulinum toxin could kill everyone on the planet, and one million years ago the first human-type creatures arrived in the UK.
3. Unusual facts about numbers like languages are mentioned such as 557 people speaking Cornish in England and Wales being more than the 100 speakers of Manx but less than the 1,700 speakers of Jerriais.
3. Do you know how many babiesare born every
second, the number of teaspoons ofbotulinumyou
would need to killevery personon the planet or how
many TVs MichelLotito atein his lifetime? Adam
Frost, data nerd and the author ofThe Awesome
Book on Awesomeness, revealsawesome number
facts to wow your friends with
6. Itdoesntget betterthanNumberOne. Itsthe average
number ofpoos asloth hasin a week. Itsthe numberof
websites there were in 1991(todaythere areabout850
million). Its thenumber ofpeoplewholive in the townof
Monowi,Nebraska.Itsthenumber of secondsit takes
theMIT MediaLabcameratotake1 trillionpictures(it can
photographthespeed of light).
8. Apparentlythe Greeks and theRomansnever usedzero. Howisthis
possible?Inventedby theancientBabylonians, itis withoutquestion
thegreatestnumberin theworld.Itsthe number ofspecies of bats
whoare actuallyblind(out of1200 species).Itwas Henry VIsage
when hebecameKingofEngland(he was nine monthsold).Also
when hebecameKingofFrance (he waselevenmonthsold).Its the
totalnumber of snakesin Ireland (exceptpets).Itsthe average
numberoftimespersecond thatan albatrossflapsits wings(itcan
spendup tosix days just glidingon aircurrents).
10. Three is seen as a creepy numberin some cultures. In Vietnam,
its apparently bad luck to have three people in a photo as the
one in themiddle mightdie. Oh well I like it. Its thenumber
of people who have been to the very bottom of theocean (the
Mariana Trench). Compare thatto the 534 people who have
been in space. Its (on average) the number of days you can
survive without water, thenumber of weeks you can survive
withouteating and the numberof minutesyou can survive
withouttaking a breath.
12. Four percentofpeoplein theworld haveouttiebelly buttons.And
doyou know how oldDorothy Straightwas whenshe published her
firstbook(How theWorldBegan)? Thatsright, four.Itsthenumber
ofpeoplewholive ineach square kilometrein Canada(in the UKits
265people,in Hong Kongits7,000).Itsthenumberofmilesper
second-PER SECOND! -thatspacejunk goes as itwhizzes around
Earth (thatswhy a tinyspeckofitcandestroya space ship).
14. Fiveis great. Its the numberof babies born every second. Here
come anotherfive. And another.Its thelengthinmetres of a
Great WhiteShark. Its also theaverage number of people who
die from shark attacksevery year (compared to the 100 million
sharks a year killed by humans).Its thenumber of mass
extinctionsthatthe Earth has experienced (number five killed
off thedinosaurs). The worlds largest hulahoop was five
metres wide (Ashrita Furmanmanagedto spin it 3他times).
18. Humanchildren need around 10 hours of sleep a night(youd
need two hours if you were a giraffe and twenty-twohours if
you were a koala). 10 per cent of the world is left-handed.The
worlds largestomelettewas 10 metreswide. 10 per centof
people in theworld live on islands. The fleasthatlived on
dinosaurs were 10 timesbigger thanthefleas you get today
(not you personally- at least I hope not).
20. These days, whenwehave trillions,quadrillionsand septillions,a
goodold-fashionedmillioncan seema bit puny. Butitsstilla bigdeal
if you likeweirdfacts.Forexample,a bloodhounds senseofsmellis
saidtobeonemilliontimesstrongerthan ours (andgiven thatwe can
detectonetrilliondifferentsmells,thatsnot tobesniffedat).One
millionyears ago,thefirst human-typecreature (or hominid)arrived
inthe UK according tothesefootprintsona Norfolkbeach.Itsthe
numberofqueen antsthatwerefound in thelargestever antsnest
(thesupercolony also had306millionworker ants andwas thesize
22. In theUK,a billionusedtobea millionmillion(1,000,000,000,000).
But theUS decideda billionshould bea thousandmillion
(1,000,000,000).And theyre biggerthan us, sothey won.So a billion.
Itsthenumber of peopletherewere in thewholeworld inthe year
1800 (there areseven billionnow). Itsthe number ofbacteria cells
youd findin a singleteaspoonofsoil(mostofthemare harmless
though).Andis$1billion alotofmoney?Notifyoure criminal Pablo
Escobar. Ratsate$1billionofhis moneyevery year andhe didnteven
24. 557peoplein EnglandandWales speakCornishasa first
language.This is more thanthe 100competentspeakers
of Manx (spoken on theIsle of Man)butfewer thanthe
1,700speakers of Jerriais(spoken in Jersey). Duw genes!
(ThatsBye for nowin Cornish).